Exam 2 Flashcards
Naturalistic observation
aka field work or field observation
-researcher makes observations of individuals in their natural environments
Participant observation
allows researcher to observe the setting from the inside, researcher may be able to experience events in the same way as natural participants
-in naturalistic observation, when researcher assumes an active, insider role rather than observing from the outside
Systematic observation
careful observation of one or more specific behaviors in a particular setting
Coding system
used to measure behaviors
the possibility that the presence of the observer will affect people’s behavior
Case study
observational method providing detailed description of an individual
-individual is usually a person but can also be a setting such as a business, school or neighborhood
type of case study
-researcher applies psychological theory to explain the life of an individual, usually an important historical figure
Archival research
using previously compiled information to answer research questions
-researcher does not actually collect the original data, only analyzes existing data
Content analysis
- systematic analysis of existing documents
- researchers come up with coding systems that raters can use to quantify info in the documents
Response set
a tendency to respond to all questions from a particular perspective rather than provide answers directly related to the question
-ex: answering yes to all questions
Social desirability
- most common response set
- “faking good”
- individual answers in the most socially acceptable way (way that would reflect most favorably on that person or way that the person perceives most people to respond)
Double-barreled questions
ask two things at once
Loaded question
written to lead people to respond one way
“Yay-saying and nay-saying”
-when you ask several questions about the same topic, respondent may employ response set to agree or disagree with all questions
Closed-ended questions
limited number of response alternatives are given
Open-ended questions
respondents are free to answer in any way they like
Graphic rating scale
requires a mark along a 100mm continuous line that is anchored with descriptions at each end
-ruler is used to measure score on a range from 0-100
Semantic differential scale
measure of the meaning of concepts
-respondents are asked to rate any concept on a series of bipolar adjectives using 7 point scales