Exam #2 Flashcards
- Lausanne - what was the main goal and what year? Who were the primary leaders?
Year: 1974 Main Goal: world evangelism Primary Leaders: Billy Graham, John Stott, Jack Dain, Leighton Ford
Edinburgh – what year? Main focus? Percentage of attendees were from?
Year: 1910 Main Focus: 1) Transport of the gospel to the whole non christian world
2) The church in the mission field 3) The place of education in the national christian life 4) Message of christian mission in relation to non christian faiths 5) Preparation of missionaries 6) The home base of missions 7) Missions and movement 8) The promotion of christian unity. Percentage of Attendees: 80% were from Britain and North America.
Vatican II – main decision and major ecumenical outcome concerning Catholic and non-Catholic churches.
Update the Catholic church, speak directly to spiritual needs, desire for church to make a difference, Pope John XXIII (23rd), Reconcile with non Catholic church, Empower the catholic laity (congregation), Mass was now in common language of the people, Basic right of regions, Salvation is by grace, to to receive grace by good works.
What event marked the end of Christendom according to Noll?
The French Revolution of 1789
What was the origin and significance of this quote: “The source of all sovereignty is located in essence in the nation; no body, no individual can exercise authority which does not emanate from it expressly.”
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Every Citizen.
Founding document, The start of democracy in France and basic human rights for common man.
Arnold Toynbee’s quote entails naming “evil religion” as…?
Nationalism, ideology, the state, and class warfare
How did Newton’s work plant a seed towards the fall of Christendom?
Demonstrated the explanations for the natural order which could be derived entirely with or without reference to God or the Church’s doctrine.
Define Christendom according to Noll.
“that lengthy period of European history when the interests of church and society were thought to be the same and where it was almost universally assumed that Christian spiritual realities were more fundamental than realities of the temporal world” (pp. 246)
Identify Vatican I and Pope Pius IX’s contribution concerning papal power.
Conformed the catholic church as the most conservative institution. He was a supporter of the Catholic church and help proser it when Christendom had fallen.
Adolf Von Harnack’s summary of the gospel message - 3 phrases.
Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of Man and the Infinite value of the human soul
Jonathan Wesley was born, began his preaching ministry and died, when?
Born in 1703, preaching begin in 1739 and died 1791.
What are Wesley’s main innovative contributions to the evangelical movement?
Salvation as experiential knowledge
Salvation through Christ alone.
The founder of the pietism is known as _________ and his main 6 proposals for reform were:___________.
Philipp Jakob Spener; *use more of the Bible
- renewal of the priesthood of all believers
- Christian life is more than knowledge and must be lived and practiced
- Christians should restraints in disagreements
- Training for leaders in piety, devotion, academic studies
- Ministers should preach messages that are relevant to their audiences.
George Whitefield originally went to America to do what? This original intent was taken from and modeled after the ministry of which leader?
director of orphanage
modeled after: Francke
Jonathan Wesley met a group of pietistic believers called the _______on his journey back to England, and they were led by whom __ ? His name reminds me of Harry Potter.
Moravian; Nicholas Von Zinzerdorf.
What did the Pietists and Evangelicals hold in common? (5 main ideas)
- They were all protestants in regard to scripture.
- True faith required personal experience with God.
- They maintained a negative bias towards inherited institutions.
- Principle of Flexibility in regards to political, social, econ, and intellectual life.
- Lastly, they practiced personal discipline in terms of personal holiness and social service
Ignatius of Loyola and the Order that he established in what year?
1540- the Society of Jesus or the Jesuit Order
What were the names of the new orders mentioned in class and why were they important? What contribution did they signify?
New monasteries or Movements of Monks committed to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
- Theatines- personal piety and church reform; one would later become pope and strengthen church
- Capuchins - Spring from observant Franciscans; ideals of poverty and service
- Discalced Carmelites- no shoes; life of prayer and contemplation/ St. Teresa of Avila was the Leader
- Recollects, Franciscan - St. John of the Cross; prayer and mystical spirituality
What major reforms/ changes took place as a result of the Council of Trent?
- Bishops were to provide spiritual leadership and training seminaries
- Reaffirmed indulgences but not excess
- Reaffirmed veneration of saints
- New devotional material, catechism, orders of worship
- Use of Bible for church leadership ONLY
- Missionary mandate
- Silent on Church/State relationship