Exam 2 Flashcards
Concepts from the European police methods ( Co….,Sh…..,Com…L..,En…..B….)
County, Sheriff, Common law, English Bobby
What was the daytime system watch and ward
(ward) watch is night ward is day
What are the roots of American policing (E)
european police methods
What is the oldest form of law enforcement dating back to angle saxons
Under whose rule did the spanish military police in texas
stephen F Austin
What did texas achieve in 1836
independence from mexico
What did Stephen f austin create
Texas Rangers
What is the oldest form of local policing in texas
city marshall
What part of the country did the watch and ward system start (N)
Northeastern boston
What year did tcole first begin cert
Texas became free and independent republic after which battle ?
battle of sanjacinto
T or False most police officers functions do not involve crime ?
Who credited the metropolitan act of 1829
sir robert peel
A British statesman that created the 9 principles of policing
sir robert peel
What did August Vollmer do ?
established proffesional policing in the police force
What was the national commission on law observance and enforcement of 1931 known as ?
wicker comission
What is reactive police work ( P… R… T. C…. )
police responding to calls
How many pronciples of community oriented policing are there ?
T or F community policing the same as police-community relations
What is a peace officers primary responsibility
unphold the law and preserve the peace
What is listed in the BPOC as being part of the TEXAS department of health and human services (C)
CPS, elderly protection, emergency financial assistance
What didthe president commission of law enforcement think that law enforcement should have?
College Degree
What statutory authority is the the commisision able to establish rules that law enforcment agaencies and officer must follow
Occupational Code
Whose responsibilty is it that ensures complience with TCOLE rules
What are chatacterstics of a paramilitary organizations?
Authorization, Chain of command, law and, and Theory X
Basic concepts of quality customer service is to place the citizen and his needs before the personal desires of the officer or the agency in general
Was the job of the Texas Rangers to protect settlers from Indian raids
From the 1950s to 1970s were evaluations used as a tool for success
What era saw an improvment in technology, mobile devices and weapons ( 19.. - …… )
What is listed in the BPOC as subculture social problems ( Sr…Co………Cy…..and Dirty…)
stress, commitment to community becomes 2nd, cynicism & alienation, dirty harry problems
What is cynicism (A Ne……, A……., T…..,Li..A..P…..)
A negative attitude towards life and people
Did community and problem oriented policing develop in the 1980s
Who do police officers work for (T.. C……./P…..T…S….)
the community / people they serve
How many employees does an agency need to employ to require each officer to qualify with a firearms annually.
Constables and deputy constables must attend legistaltive mandated courses each 24 months and include how much civil process
20 hrs civil process
What is the youngest any person can be to become a police officer
How many hours of continuing education hours must be completed every 24 months training cycle?
40 hours
True or False an officer with a basic certification or less is required to retake at least 20 hours of training every 48 months regarding cit, civil rights, cultural diversity, and racial sensitivity
TCOLE occupations code 218.3 requires each peace officer to attend 40 hours of continuing educatoin every how many months
24 months
TCOLE occupations code 217.1 how old do you have to be to become a peace officer
21 years
TCOLE Occupations code 217.21 requires the minimum of how many rounds of handgun ammunition for annual qualification?
TCOLE Occupations code 217.21 requires the minimum of how many rounds of shotgun ammunition for annual qualification?
In the era of 1900-1940, what began to distance police from citizens?
patrol car
From 1950-1970s the patrol system became what?
What controlled police during the era 1950-1970?
Police radio
Traditional police style is what? (R…….)
Proactive and coactive are key components of what police style?
Community policing
What is the police officers duty even to the point of placing their lives at risk?
Protect and serve
Where did the earliest form of professionalism come from?
Profession definition (Occ…..One P…….T.B.S…..I.)
occupation one professes to be skilled in (divinity, law, medicine, and military)
Professional definition ( Lear…Sk…Or Prof…..)
Engages in a learned skill or profession
What are the characteristics of professionalism? (Ser…..Nee..Of Cli….)
Services others assess the needs of clients
Ethics definition (Mor..Prin…..)
Moral principles that govern a person behavior
Should police be ideal in their behavior?
Courage definition (.Fa..Da….)
State of mind that enables one to face danger
Examples of moral courage (R…….G…….,R…….T.P……..I.C…….) ( Doing the right thing )
Refusing gratitudes, refusing to participate in cover-ups
which federal agencies investigate civil rights violations?
Federal criminal law relating to officer behavior (U..2..)
USC 241
Attitude definition ( M…… P……..)
Mental position based on a persons knowledge, feelings, and experiences about someone or something that infuses them to act a certain way
Race definition (Gro…Of Peo…Wit.Com…Ph….Chara…….)
Group of people with common and physical characteristics
Ethnicity refers to what? (Shar..Cul…An.Back……)
Shared culture and backgrounds
Prejudice definition ( J…..O.O…..F…..B…….)
Judgment or opinion formed beforehand
Discrimination definition ( T.A…O.B….O.P…….)
To act of bias or prejudice
What are societal strains?(F…O.In…….)
Fear or insecurities lead to justification to discrimination
Scapegoat definition
Someone that blames other for everything that goes wrong
Discrimination definition (B….O.P…….)
to act of bias of prejudice
What are the feelings of prejudiced people? (Fear,Sup…..,Str…A…Dif…..)
fear, superiority, strange and different
Ethnocentrism defenition (R…….O….C…..A.Cente.O.T..U…….)
Act of regarding ones culture as center of the universe
What are forms and targets of prejudice ? ( Ra..,Et..,Ge….Re…..An.Wei….)
Race, ethic, gender, religion and weight
The role of peace officers includes enforcing the law in what type of manner ? (P……….M…..)
Professional manner
The peace officer has an especially sensitive position regarding impartial enforcment for what reasons
Officer often work alone and have to make decisions
What are the positive consequences of sensitivity? (Res…Fo…Th..C……)
Respect from the community and fellows, professionals, support democratic principles and self respect
Cross cultral communications definition. (How P…..O.D……Cul….Com……)
Study focuses on how people of different cultures communicate
What is a magistrate and examples ? (Any Type Of Ju.. sup… co… ap….. and crim…. app……)
Any type of judge supreme court appeals court and criminal appeals
What is a peace officer and exaples ? ( To Rese….Th..Pea…Wit…Ther…J…….,)
To reserve the peace within there jursiction, he shall use ever force necessary
Duties and powers of a peace officer , what are those duties and powers ? (Pr….An.Sup…Cri…,E…..L……P……)
Prevent and supress crime, exicute lawful process
how many days for an excution of search warrent ?
3 Days
what is the written statement by a grand jury charging someone with a crime
seizure of contraband seizure of property subject to sensitive may be made without a warrant under the circumstances
Owner knowingly consents, the property is subject to prior judgment, lawful arrest
County court jurusticcion
A/B misdemeanors and appeals for lower court (Over all misdemeanors ) ( Greater then $500 ) also county does civil and criminal
Municipal court jurisdiction ( Cl.. . Miss) ( City and M…… Ord……. )
Class C misdemeanors and city and municipal ordinances ( class C is 500 or below )
Duties of peace officers as related to family violence (Prot…Vict…,Giv.P…….Ord…,Mov.Th..T.Sa..Loc……)
Protect victims , give protection orders , move them to a safe location
Standby Assistance what are the liabilities ( No.Civi..Lia…Fo..Item..O.Peso…Prop…)
The officer has no criminal or civil liability. Also stand by assistance is an officer being there after family violence standing by the victim
when may a police officer arrest a person without a waarant for an offense committed in his view ?
a felony committed or breach of peace
what can a magistrate verbally order a peace officer to make an arrest for ? (A F…..C……..O.B…..O.P….)
A felony committed or breach of peace
A peace officer who is investigating a family violence incident is required to do what ? (W……R…..W…N…D…N….O.S……L….A..V…..I……)
written report with name, date, names of suspects, location, any visible injuries
What does a peace officer need to do ( Duty of peace officer as to threats ) (P……A..T…O.I…..)
Prevent any type of injury
An arrest warrant extends to every part of the state except one signed by who? ( M…. O. C… O. T… )
Mayor of city or town
May an officer from another state pursue and arrest a person in this state ?
what can a peace officer do with a person arrested for pi
Take to jail or release to an adult who will be responsible for them
Incase of an arrest when may an officer force entry into a residence ? ( C…..OF O….O.E…..C………..)
Consent of owner or exigent circumstances
May a municipal peace officer bail in a misdemeanor case
is an officer immeditley required to show a search warrant to a suspect
No False
Can a search warrant be issued on probable cause and what can a search warrant be issued for ? (Y../E……… & D..)
Yes/ Electronics and DNA
can a search warrant and an arrest warrant be issued in the same order