EXAM 2 (7-12) Flashcards
the planned elimination of jobs in a company
Job specialization
a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process
Matrix departmentalization
a hybrid organizational structure in which two or more forms of departmentalization, most often product and functional, are used together
unity of command
a management principle that workers should report to just one boss
a regional trade agreement among Australia, Canada, Chile, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, the United States, and all the members of ASEAN except Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar
line function
an activity that contributes directly to creating or selling the company’s products
the right to give commands, take action, and make decisions to achieve organizational objectives
Purchasing power
the relative cost of a standard set of goods and services in different countries
Functional departmentalization
organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business functions or areas of expertise (p. 206)
phased retirement
employees transition to retirement by working reduced hours over a period of time before completely retiring
Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)
a compensation system that awards employees shares of company stock in addition to their regular compensation
Interpersonal skills
skills, such as listening, communicating, questioning, and providing feedback, that enable people to have effective working relationships with others
interorganizational process
a collection of activities that take place among companies to transform inputs into outputs that customers value
360-degree feedback
a performance appraisal process in which feedback is obtained from the boss, subordinates, peers and coworkers, and the employees themselves
subdividing work and workers into separate organizational units responsible for completing particular tasks
World Trade Organization (WTO)
the successor to GATT; the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations; its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible
reciprocal interdependence
work completed by different jobs or groups working together in a back-and-forth manner
the amount of information the job provides to workers about their work performance
a direct tax on imported goods
Task identity
the degree to which a job, from beginning to end, requires the completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work
Job enrichment
increasing the number of tasks in a particular job and giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions about their work
Team level
the average level of ability, experience, personality, or any other factor on a team
Self-designing teams
a team that has the characteristics of self-managing teams but also controls team design, work tasks, and team membership
voluntary export restraints
voluntarily imposed limits on the number or volume of products exported to a particular country
the third stage of team development, in which team members begin to settle into their roles, group cohesion grows, and positive team norms develop
National culture
the set of shared values and beliefs that affects the perceptions, decisions, and behavior of the people from a particular country
global new ventures
new companies that are founded with an active global strategy and have sales, employees, and financing in different countries
a selection tool in which company representatives ask job applicants job-related questions to determine whether they are qualified for the job
the degree to which a person believes that people should be self-sufficient and that loyalty to one’s self is more important than loyalty to team or company
glass ceiling
the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations
Job specifications
a written summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform a particular job
Early retirement incentive programs (ERIPs)
programs that offer financial benefits to employees to encourage them to retire early
Age discrimination
treating people differently (for example, in hiring and firing, promotion, and compensation decisions) because of their age
an agreement in which a domestic company, the licensor, receives royalty payments for allowing another company, the licensee, to produce the licensor’s product, sell its service, or use its brand name in a specified foreign market
getting the people affected by change to believe that change is needed
Change forces
forces that produce differences in the form, quality, or condition of an organization over time
a reversal of the norming stage, in which team performance begins to decline as the size, scope, goal, or members of the team change
traditional work groups
a group composed of two or more people who work together to achieve a shared goal
job characteristics model (JCM)
an approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and lead to positive work outcomes
local adaptation
modifying rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures to adapt to differences in foreign customers, governments, and regulatory agencies
the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain in it
Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (TFTA)
a regional trade agreement among twenty-seven African countries
Needs assessment
the process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees
supporting and reinforcing new changes so that they stick
Nontariff barriers
barriers nontax methods of increasing the cost or reducing the volume of imported goods
Disparate treatment
intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs
Emotional stability
the degree to which someone is not angry, depressed, anxious, emotional, insecure, and excitable
a government’s use of trade barriers to shield domestic companies and their workers from foreign competition
solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes
feelings of intrinsic motivation in which workers perceive their work to have impact and meaning and perceive themselves to be competent and capable of self-determination
employment references
sources such as previous employers or coworkers who can provide job-related information about job candidates
task interdependence
the extent to which collective action is required to complete an entire piece of work
a regional trade agreement among Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
a reversal of the storming phase, in which the team’s comfort level decreases, team cohesion weakens, and angry emotions and conflict may flare
staff authority
the right to advise, but not command, others who are not subordinates in the chain of command
developing the skills, experience, and knowledge employees need to perform their jobs or improve their performance
design competition
competition between old and new technologies to establish a new technological standard or dominant design
a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization’s employees and customers
Diversity audits
formal assessments that measure employee and management attitudes, investigate the extent to which people are advantaged or disadvantaged with respect to hiring and promotions, and review companies’ diversity-related policies and procedures
Organizational development
a philosophy and collection of planned change interventions designed to improve an organization’s long-term health and performance
the degree to which someone is active, assertive, gregarious, sociable, talkative, and energized by others
Disability discrimination
treating people differently because of their disabilities
organic organizations
an organization characterized by broadly defined jobs and responsibilities; loosely defined, frequently changing roles; and decentralized authority and horizontal communication based on task knowledge
Deep-level diversity
differences such as personality and attitudes that are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors and are learned only through extended interaction with others
Organizational plurality
a work environment where (1) all members are empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves, and (2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group
chain of command
the vertical line of authority that clarifies who reports to whom throughout the organization
human resource information system (HRIS)
a computerized system for gathering, analyzing, storing, and disseminating information related to the HRM process
personality test
an assessment that measures the extent to which an applicant possesses different kinds of job-related personality dimensions
Quid pro quo sexual harassment
a form of sexual harassment in which employment outcomes, such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one’s job, depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment
government loans, grants, and tax deferments given to domestic companies to protect them from foreign competition
Subjective performance measures cs
measures of job performance that require someone to judge or assess a worker’s performance
the degree to which someone is organized, hardworking, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement oriented
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
a proposed regional trade agreement among Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam
training team members to do all or most of the jobs performed by the other team members
Specific ability tests
tests that measure the extent to which an applicant possesses the particular kind of ability needed to do a job well
Performance appraisal
the process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs
the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance; the better or more accurate the prediction of future job performance, the more valid a test is said to be
dominant design cs
a new technological design or process that becomes the accepted market standard
behavior observation scale (BOS) cs
rating scales that indicate the frequency with which workers perform specific behaviors that are representative of the job dimensions critical to successful job performance
job description
a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job
Job analysis cs
a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job
a reversal of the forming stage, in which team members position themselves to control pieces of the team, avoid each other, and isolate themselves from team leaders
Self-managing teams
a team that manages and controls all of the major tasks of producing a product or service
Global business
the buying and selling of goods and services by people from different countries
Employee turnover
loss of employees who voluntarily choose to leave the company
Adverse impact
unintentional discrimination that occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others
Customer departmentalization
organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular kinds of customers
selling domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries