exam 2 Flashcards
Essential Vitamins
Produce deficiency symptoms wen missing from the diet
fat-soluble vitamins
water-soluble vitamins
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C Vitamin B Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Thiamin Niacin Floate Riboflavin, Biotin Pantothenic acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Water-soluble vitamins PT2
- Stored in small amounts
- less toxic
- High dose is excreted via urine
- take less time for a deficiency to develop due to limited stores
Fat-Soluble pt2
- Must be absorbed with fat
- stored in large amounts
- deficiency takes a long time
- the high toxicity of vitamin D and A/ over-use of fat-soluble vitamins
Required to produce new cells ex= Red blood cells Pregnancy -fetal development Neural tube development 1st week of pregnancy
Folate deficiency
Anemia (Megaloblastic) (low red blood cells)- large, immature red blood cells
Neural tube defects-a defect formation of the neural tube(spinal cord and brain) during early fetal devlopment
Neural tube defects
Neural tube develops in the 1st month of gestation
defects occur when a spinal column or skull don’t form properly
Spina Bifida
Failure of the neural tube to close
spinal cord bulges through the back
results in paralysis
Sources of folate
-Enriched pasta,cereal,rice,beans
-Drak leafy green veggies
-orange juice
all women that become pregnant should have folate
Vitamin D Functions
- Prohormone- works like a hormone, sends signals to organs
- helps in absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the gut -kidney, and bones
- tells kidneys not to get rid of too much calcium
Sources of Vitamin D
-Milk, margarine, eggs, fish
Sunlight, cholesterol under the skin converts into vitamin D
Vitamin D -Sunshine Vitamin
Derived from cholesterol
synthesized from sun exposure
sunscreen spf>8 decreases synthesis by 95%
expose hands, face,arms2-3 times a week for 5-10 mins each time ( more for darker skin)
insufficient sun exposure makes this a vitamin that must be gotten through the diet
activated by enzymes in the liver and kidneys
Toxicity Warning for Vitamin D
Vitamins D can be toxic especially in infancy and childhood
the upper level is 50 ug/day
this results in
over- absorption of calcium (hypercalcemia) increase calcium excretion
calcium deposits in organs and blood vessls
Vitamin D Deficiency
Rickets in kids-Bowed leg /bones cant support the weight of the body
Osteomalacia for adults with soft bones
Groups at risk for Vitamin D Deficiency
Elderly ill, Homebound
those with limited sun exposure, poor intake of vitamin D goods
Vitamin A functions
Leading cause of blindness Bone formation Eye health Vision in dim light promotes immune function- plays a role in the production of white blood cells all cells need vitamin A
An active form of vitamin A
found in animal products
Carotenoids ( converted into vitamin A)
Found in plant products
the body returns beta-carotene into vitamin A
Sources of Vitamin A
Liver, butter, milk.cheese,eggs,fortifed cerlas
Veffies(beta cartone =carrots, squash
Vitamin A deficiency
Impression-night blindness
Xerophthalmia-leading cause of blindness in 3rd world countries due to lack of beta-carotene
golden rice-genetically modified rice that is rich in beta-carotene
Vitamin A toxicity
Pregnancy-cause malformation in the fetus
Even acne drugs- contain vitamin A could be toxic to the fetus.
-Chemical substances found in plants that affect our health in a positive way.
Non-esstenail or classifed as a nutrient
obtained via diet
Phytochemical functions
-Provide color, flavor and odor to foods
found in plants ( fruits and veggies)
over 4000 different phytochemicals known
Phytochemicals and Disease
Phytochemicals disease prevention
-Some cat like hormones some have antioxidant properties Block enzymes that promote cancer some help lower cholesterol levels we don't fully understand how they function or how much is needed
Types of phytochemicals
Carotenoids- Act as antioxidants, thought to reduce cardiovascular disease and cancer
found in dark leafy veggies deep oranges and red veggies and fruits
type of carotenoids are Lycopene and Limonene
Tomatoesd.tomato sauce, canned tomatoes
they protect against cancer of the GIT
Citrus fruits
lower risk of cancer
Acts as antioxidants
found in grapes juice, black tea, many herbs and spices, cholate and soy products
may increase HDL
Relaxation of smooth muscles-decrease blood pressure
Types of Phytochemicals PHYTOSTEROLS
Phytosterols =Acts like a hormone Estrogen
thought to reduce many cancers and osteoporosis
found in soy products and legumes
(Type of Phytosterols) Genistein
gENISTEIN (SOYBEANS)- Inhibits breast, prostate, colon and ovarian cancers
- May reduce risk of osteoporosis
Organosulfur CompoundS
- May protect against cancer
- May benefit blood pressure
- Found in chives, onions, garlic and leeks
Types of Organosulfur Compounds
Cruciferous vegetables
- Broccoli, cabbage
- Sulfur containing
- Protects against cancer
- Garlic, onions, scallions
- Prevents cancer
- Lowers cholesterol production
Other Phytochemicals
Chocolate (especially dark):
- Increases HDL cholesterol
Capsaicin (hot peppers, black pepper):
- Decrease blood clots and risk of heart disease
Ways to Increase Phytochemical Intake
- Fresh is best (except canned tomatoes, which can also be a good source)
- Leave skin on when possible
- Steam, broil, stir fry when cooking
- Avoid boiling
- Eat a variety of foods (especially brightly colored foods)
- Strive for 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
- Use herbs and spices in cooking
Phytochemical Supplements
No RDA’s set
- Still, a lot we don’t know about it
- Toxicity unknown
- Many phytochemicals act together
- Can alter body functions (can have a negative effect in high doses; some studies have shown increased cancer risk with genistein supplements)
- Safest source of phytochemicals is in food
Functional Foods
Foods that provide an additional physiological or psychological benefit beyond that of meeting basic nutritional needs
Functional Foods - Physiological
Benecol (plant stanol ester):
- Lowers cholesterol
Calcium fortified orange juice:
- May help prevent osteoporosis
Tea with echinacea:
- May help fight off a cold
Functional Foods - Psychological
Benecol-plant stanol ester=lowers cholserol
Calisum fortifed OJ-may help prevent osteoprosis
Tea with Echinacea-may help fight off a cold
St. John’s Wort (herb)soup =Decrese depression
Functional Foods - Benefits
Individuals with milk allergy:
- Calcium fortified orange juice
- May help lower cholesterol without medication
Bacteria/Lactobacillus added in yogurt
Benfits =decrse dieherria ,constipation
Fuctioal food concerns
Getting too much of one nutrient
too much of one herb
st johns wort/birth control
can be toxic