Exam 2 Flashcards
Article 1, section 9
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury…
Article 1, section 8
Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes…raise and support armies (no longer than 2 years)…provide and maintain a navy.
Speaker of the House
John Boehner
House Minority Leader
Nancy “The Evil Witch” Pelosi
House Minority Whip
Steny Hoyer
House Majority Leader
Eric Cantor
House Majority Whip
Kevin McCarthy
Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid
Senate Majority Whip
Richard Durbin
Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell
Senate Minority Whip
John Cornyn
House and Senate Budget Committee produce:
Concurrent Budget Resolution
HASC and SASC produce:
National Defense Authorization Act
House and Senate Appropriations Committees produce:
Defense Appropriations Act
Senate Budget Committee
Murray and Sessions
House Budget Committee
Van Hollen and Ryan
Lowey and Rogers
House Defense Appropriations SC
Viscloski and Young
Mikulski and Cochran
Senate Defense Appropriations SC
Cochran and Durbin
Levin and Inhofe
Smith and McKeon
Conference Committees
appointed to reconcile differences b/w House and Senate versions of companion legislation
4 steps of public budgeting
- executive preparation
- Legislative Consideration
- Executive Execution
- Audit and Evaluation