Exam 2 Flashcards
Attribution Theory
Humans tend to explain outcomes through situational attributions when they occur to ourselves or people we like.
Crisis conditions
- critical outcomes
- time is constrained
- limited information processing
Public opinion
- The attitude that people have regarding their states foreign policy.
- May be divided or bay be at consensus
- for public to be considered a source of foreign policy three conditions must be satisfied:
1. The public must have knowledge of foreign policy
2. public opinion must be stable enough for leaders to judge what the people want.
3. The public views must be taken into account by policy maker.
Attentive Public
- The people who attend to and are knowledgable
- No more than 10-15% of the population
- Generally, in times of peace interest declines
democratic governance
-Recognition of rights of minority peoples to have some degree of autonomy within states
-Protected rights (ex. cultural expression without fear of political repression)
-Obligations (ex. no to impose cultural standards or political agenda on others.)
“Regime of managed ethnic heterogeneity”
power-sharing government that could help with managing ethnic conflict
Government’s use of media
- governments efforts to control the message using the media
- framing gov. policy “oversell”
- propaganda
- spin control (what do people view the power and actions)
CNN Effect
- power from news to give the people
- influence peoples mind
Smaller states join the bigger and stronger actors
- number of independent power centers in the international system
1. multipolar
2. bipolar (USSR and US)
3. unipolar (hegemonic)
Counter balancing
balancing against the strangest actor
Hegemonic Stability Theory
- They can play the role of an overarching authority
- reduce anarchy
- deterring aggression
- promote certain norms (free trade)
- provide currency used as a world standard
Modernization Theory
-The idea that economic modernization assimilates people
-Identity to the country (citizenship) replaces ethnic and religious attachments
Religion would be replaced with secularism
Ancient Hatred Explanation
- Long history of conflict
- Periods of relative peace indicate the strength of central authority
- Ireali-Palestainain conflict (Karen conflict in Burma)
“Anarchy” Explinations
- In situations of anarchy, groups face a security dilemma and must protect themselves
- Failed states that lack sovereign governments
- but, ethic conflicts are not isolated to failed states