Exam 2 Flashcards
The incident of the Denver mint flawed coin is an example of:
Feedback Control
How is planning linked to the control process?
Planning provides the goals and standards.
Controlling is the process of _______, _______ and ________ work performance.
Monitoring, comparing and correcting
Why are most managers reluctant to empower their employees?
They are anxious that they will be responsible for poor performance.
The third step in the control process is to take managerial action to:
Correct deviation or revise the standard
(True or False) Immediate corrective action involves not just correcting deviation but also examining the cause of deviation.
The control process assumes that:
the organization has goals and standards for performance
Chris Tanner is sales manager for Eastern States, a distributor of imported beers in several states in the US. East coast. When a particular brand exceeds its sales goal significantly for the month of July, what should his response be?
Revise the standard and order new stock to keep up with the demand
What are the measures of organizational performance?
Organizational productivity, Industry rankings and organizational effectiveness.
Which is the most desirable type of control?
Feed-forward control
According to the ________ theories of leadership, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are examples of individuals having characteristics that differentiate leaders from non-leaders. These characteristics were: self-awareness, clarity of speech, keen intellect and an ability to relate to people.
The most effective behavioral dimension in the University of Iowa studies was:
In the University of Michigan studies, _________ leaders were associated with high group productivity and higher job performance.
(True or False) Leaders performed best with a (9,9) style in the managerial grid.
(True or False) In the University of Michigan studies, employee oriented leaders were associated with high subordinate performance.
(True or False) In the University of Michigan studies, being considerate of followers’ ideas and
feelings was associated with high subordinate performance.
(True or False) Fiedler proposed that there were three styles of leadership.
(True or False) Fiedler proposed that leadership styles were fixed.
(True or False) Fiedler used the LPC questionnaire to assess individuals’ leadership styles.
(True or False) Fiedler proposed that eight situational factors influenced leaders’ effectiveness.
In the managerial grid, the position 9, 1 represents?
Task Management
Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.
Task Management (9,1)
Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationship leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo.
Country Club Management (1,9)
Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership.
Impoverished Management (1,1)
Work accomplished is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect.
Team Management (9,9)
According to Fiedler’s model, the least preferred coworker questionnaire measures the:
Leaders’ Style
According to Fiedler, a relationship-oriented leader was most effective in:
A moderatley favorable situation
According to Fiedler, a task-oriented leader was most effective in:
Both highly favorable and highly unfavorable situations
During the _____ stage of group development, there is conflict over who will control the group.
During the ______ stage of group development, the group becomes cohesive and there is a strong sense of group identity and camaraderie.
When group tasks are more simple and independent the effect of dysfunctional conflict on group performance is:
(True or False) Conformity is a positive force in group dynamics.
The relationship between cohesiveness and productivity are influenced by whether there is an alignment of group and organizational goals. What happens when there is high cohesiveness and low alignment?
A decrease in productivity
If cohesiveness is low but alignment is high, what happens?
Moderate increase in productivity
(True or False) “All teams are groups but all groups are not teams”
What does a team have which a group does not have?
The quality control team in the Kraft Foods plant in Suttontown, Australia is subject to the external conditions imposed on it. Which among the factors below is not an “external condition”?
- Organizational Strategy
- Organizational Rules and Regulations
- Company policies
- Group member resources
- Selection criteria of the organization
Group member resources
When an individual resolves conflict by placing another’s’ needs and concerns above his
own, the technique is called:
Idea that individuals are susceptible to pressures that influence an individual’s judgments and attitudes.
The degree to which group members are attracted to one another and share a group’s goals.
Group Cohesiveness
What is the order of needs in the Maslow’s hierarchy (from the most basic need)?
Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs
According to Herzberg’s theory, ‘achievement’, ‘recognition’, ‘advancement’ and ‘growth’ are called:
The assumption that “employees are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility and can exercise self-direction”
Theory Y
The assumption that employees dislike work, are lazy, avoid responsibility, and must be coerced to perform.
Theory X
(True or False) Herzberg proposed that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.
(True or False) Herzberg proposed that extrinsic factors are related to job dissatisfaction.
(True or False) Herzberg proposed that extrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.
Extrinsic factors are related to job dissatisfaction.
(True or False) Herzberg proposed that intrinsic factors are related to job dissatisfaction.
Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.
(True or False) Herzberg believed that the factors that led to job satisfaction were the same factors that led to job dissatisfaction.
The three needs in McClelland’s motivation theory are:
achievement, affiliation, and power
According to goal setting theory, higher performance occurs when individuals have goals that are _____ and _____.
Specific and challenging
The vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating responsibilities is called:
Job enrichment
Reinforcement theory states that behavior is a function of:
its consequences
In the job characteristics model, the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives and work of other people is called:
task significance
Employee productivity is a performance measure of employees that measures:
efficiency and effectiveness
Term defining employees that fail to show at work.
An employee attitude that we are interested in studying is:
job satisfaction
Which is a better indicator of turnover?
- Job Involvement
- Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment
The relationship between job satisfaction and OCB is modest. The moderator that defines this relationship is:
Perceptions of fairness of the organization
Which behavior is a more global response to the organization?
- Job Involvement
- Job Satisfaction
- Absenteeism
- Employee Personality
- Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment
According to the MBTI, which kind of people dislikes new problems unless there are standard ways to solve them?
How would you define “a responsible, dependable, persistent and achievement-oriented” person?
Which among the factors mentioned below is not a dimension of Emotional Intelligence?
- Self-esteem
- Self-awareness
- Self-management
- Self-motivation
- Empathy
According to attribution theory, when a person displays different behaviors in different situations, the attribution for the behavior is:
High external and Low internal
The theory to redesign a task to increase its motivational potential.
Job design theory
The degree to which a job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out.
The probability perceived by an individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain amount of performance.
Expectancy or effort-performance linkage
The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level in attaining a desired outcome.
Instrumentality or performance-reward linkage
The importance that the individual places on the outcome that can be achieved on the job.
Valence or attractiveness of the reward
Research focused on isolating leader attributes and characteristics that would differentiate leaders from non-leaders.
Trait Theories
The power a leader has as a result of his or her position in the organization.
Legitimate Power
The power a leader has because of his or her ability to punish or control.
Coercive Power
The power a leader has because of his or her ability to give positive benefits.
Reward Power
The power that a leader has based on expertise, special skills, or knowledge.
Expert Power
The power that a leader has because of a person’s desirable resources or personal traits.
Referent Power
The five stages of group development are:
forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning
A team from the same department or functional area thats involved in efforts to improve work activities or solve specific problems.
Problem-solving team
A type of work team that operates without a manager and is responsible for a complete work process or segment.
Self-managed work-team
A team composed of individuals from various specialties.
Cross-functional team
A team that uses technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal
Virtual team
(True or False) A manager can only do nothing if a deviation is insignificant.
Control that takes place before a work activity is done.
Feed forward control
Control that takes place while a work activity is in progress.
Concurrent control
(True or False) Management by walking around is a type of feedback control.
Management by walking around is a concurrent control.
Control that takes place after a work activity is done.
Feedback control
The system used to govern a corporation so that the interests of corporate owners are protected.
Corporate governance
When an individual is sociable, talkative and assertive they hold the trait of:
When an individual is good-natured, cooperative and trusting they are:
An individual that is calm, enthusiastic and secure has a high level of:
emotional stability
An individual that is tense, nervous, depressed and insecure has a low level of:
emotional stability
An individual that is imaginative, artistically sensitive and intellectual is:
Open to experience
The ability to notice and manage emotional cues and information
Emotional Intelligence
A process by which we give meaning to our environment by organizing and interpreting sensory impressions.
According to attribution theory, when a person faces the same situations and responds the same way, the attribution for the behavior is:
High External and Low Internal
According to attribution theory, when a person engages in behaviors regularly and consistently, the attribution for the behavior is:
Low External and High Internal