Exam 1 Flashcards
Only 22% of the population in the US speaks a language other than English. This could lead to future problems. Monolingualism is one sign that a nation suffers from:
Managers with a polycentric attitude:
Other cultures are extremely difficult to understand.
In China, people are frugal, save their money for their future and for the future of their children; they do not spend a lot of money on the ‘here and now’ issues. What kind of culture is this?
Long-term orientation
The type of approach successful managers will need in today’s global environment is a
________ approach.
Global trade today is shaped by two forces: Regional trading alliances and the ________.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
A _______________ is any type of international company that maintains operations in multiple countries.
Multi-national corporation
Frito-Lay a division of PepsiCo markets a Doritos chips in the British market that differs in taste and texture from the US and Canadian versions. This indicates that PepsiCo is a ___________ kind of company. When consumer product companies adapt their products to meet the needs of the local market, they reflect a _________ approach.
Multi-domestic, polycentric
The process of purchasing materials or labor from around the world based on lowest cost is called_____________
Global sourcing
Sony is a __________ company that has centralized its decisions to the home country. When a company centralizes its management and decisions to the home country, it reflects a ___________ attitude.
Global, ethnocentric
IBM has dropped its organizational structure based on geographic locations and reorganized into industry groups. This type of organization is called _____________ .
Transnational/Borderless organization
In stable and simple environments, there is more __________. On the other hand, when
environments are uncertain and complex, the organization shows more _________.
Centralization, Decentralization
When Ben & Jerry’s faced the risk of company failure, there was more ________________.
An organization that has the characteristics of low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority and little formalization, is a _____________ organization.
The Neenan Company is a construction company. What is the typical structure that you might expect it to have?
Project structure
Merrill Lynch is one of the world’s largest financial institutions, with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk-management products and services. It is organized around three departments: Wealthy individuals, Institutional investors and Small corporations. This kind of departmentalization would be ___________.
Customer departmentalization
Jack Welch was Chairman and CEO electric. He envisioned an organization that was fluid and flexible. What was the essential characteristic of the design he imagined and strived to create in GE?
Cutting down walls and boundaries
Mattel Toys produces large batches of its Thomas train models in its Chinese manufacturing units and ships them for sale to the United States. This type of manufacturing technology is called ________________. This technology is associated with a/an __________ organizational design
Mass production, Mechanistic.
Name the type of organization that has eliminated work specialization, departmentalization, chains of command, authoritarian hierarchies, and demarcations between the organization and external suppliers and customers.
Boundaryless structure
Which structure has the combined benefits of efficiency and innovation?
Matrix structure
What kind of organizational structure does Google have?
Team Structure
Nick Stump is a marketing manager working for a cosmetic company. The company boasts to have developed a quick cure for baldness but recent laboratory tests did not reveal convincing results. Nick is in charge of the advertising campaign and his supervisor asks him to create an advertising campaign that is clearly misleading and untrue. Nick agrees to do this since he is fearful of being fired by his boss and wants to keep his job. What stage of moral development is Nick Stump at __________?
Pre-conventional level
The official website of Greenwood Coffee suggests that it is a ‘green coffee company devoted
to protecting the environment’. Greenwood coffee has two coffee K-cups, one of them is a green version for its consumers that care about the environment and another one is a non-green version for consumers that do not care about the environment. What approach is Greenwood Coffee following?
Market Approach
What is the relationship between social performance and economic performance?
Increases in social performance are associated with increases in economic performance
Which example below is a typical example of social responsiveness?
[A] A company that focuses on maximizing profits.
[B] A company that stays out of legal trouble.
[C] A company that helps the victims of an earthquake.
[D] A company that does everything right and nothing wrong.
A company that helps the victims of an earthquake.
What kinds of structures lead to unethical behavior?
Organizational structures that have performance appraisal systems that emphasize the ends over the means.
A brother and a sister getting married to each other seems morally incorrect. What dimension of issue intensity is this concerned with _______?
Social consensus
What kinds of individuals are most ethical?
Individuals with high ego strength and internal locus of control.
What view of management suggests that the only responsibility for management is to maximize profits and stay out of legal trouble?
Classical view of management
“If my colleague jumps off the cliff, I will do so too…” What level of moral development
does this quote reflect?
Conventional Level
A parochialistic belief that people from other countries do not have the needed skills, expertise, knowledge or experience to make the best decisions.
The belief that managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business
Belief using the best approaches and people from around the globe.
Multinational Corporation that decentralizes management and other decisions to the local country reflecting a polycentric attitude.
Multi-Domestic Corporation
Multinational Corporation that centralizes its management & decisions to the home country reflecting an ethnocentric attitude
Global Company
Multinational Corporation that eliminates artificial geographic barriers and reflects a world-oriented view reflecting a geocentric attitude.
Transnational/Borderless organization
Purchasing materials or labor from around the world based on lowest cost.
Global Sourcing
A partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner (s) in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building production facilities
Strategic Alliance
When a culture accepts wide differences in power there is:
High power distance
When a culture plays down inequalities there is:
Low power distance
A culture where people look after their own and family interests is known to have:
A culture where people expect a group to look after and protect them is known to be:
A culture valuing assertiveness, acquiring money, goods and competition is a culture based on:
Culture where people feel threatened by ambiguity and experience high levels of anxiety.
High uncertainty avoidance
Culture where people are comfortable with risks and tolerate different behavior and opinions.
Low uncertainty avoidance
Orientation that values thrift persistence and tradition.
Long-term orientation
Orientation that values the here and now, change is accepted more readily.
Short-term orientation
Grouping jobs by the functions. Example: Marketing, Finance, Research and Development, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Purchasing.
Functional departmentalization
Grouping jobs by product line.
Product departmentalization
Grouping jobs on the basis of their geographic regions.
Geographic departmentalization
Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow.
Process departmentalization
Grouping jobs on the basis of specific and unique customers who have common needs.
Customer departmentalization
The degree to which decision-making is concentrated at the upper levels of the organization.
The degree to which lower-level employees provide input or actually make decisions.
An organizational structure in which the entire organization is made up of work groups or teams.
Team structure
An organizational structure that assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or more projects.
Matrix structure
An organizational structure in which employees continuously work on projects
Project structure
An organization whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical and external boundaries imposed by a pre-defined structure.
Boundaryless organization
An organization that consists of a small core of full-time employees and that hires outside specialists temporarily as needed to work on projects.
Virtual Organization
An organization that uses its own employees to do some work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes.
Network Organization
Moral development level where a person’s choice between right and wrong is based on personal consequences from external or outside sources such as punishments, rewards or exchange of favors
Pre-conventional level
Moral development level when ethical decisions are based on maintaining the expected standards or living up to the expectations of others
Conventional level
Moral development level when individuals define their own moral standards (apart from society) and when these standards are usually above the normative expectations of society in general
Principled level
Represent one’s basic convictions about what is right and wrong. Our values develop from a very young age based on the actions of parents, teachers, friends, relatives, and others
Personal values
Refers to the strength of a person’s convictions. People with high ego strength are likely to resist impulses to act unethically and instead follow their convictions
Ego strength
The degree to which people believe they control their own fate. People with an internal locus of control believe they control their own destinies
Locus of control
Five dimensions of trust are:
Integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness
_____ tend to adopt a more participative or democratic style and are more likely to encourage participation, share power and information, and attempt to enhance followers’ self-worth.
_____ are more likely to use directive, command and control styles. They also use more transactional styles of leadership.
The power a leader has as a result of his or her position in the
Legitimate power
The power a leader has because of his or her ability to punish or control.
Coercive power
The power a leader has because of his or her ability to give positive benefits or rewards.
Reward power
Influence that’s based on expertise, special skills, or knowledge.
Expert power
Power that arises because of a person’s desirable resources or personal traits.
Referent power
Study with behavioral dimensions of democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire styles
University of Iowa Study
Study with behavioral dimensions of consideration and an initiating structure
Ohio State Study
Study with behavioral dimensions that are employee-oriented and emphasize production needs
University of Michigan Study