EXAM 2 Flashcards
a person’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.
Structure of Personality
- a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy
- strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive desires (impulses)
- operates on the “pleasure principle”
- seeks immediate gratification
represents internalized ideas, provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations
*the inhibitor
“moral compass”
the largely conscious “executive part of personality that mediates among the demands of the id, superego and reality.
Operates on “Reality principle” tries to relieve id’s wants in a realistic way
Freud’s 5 Stages of Personality Development
Oral (0-18 months)
Pleasure centers on the mouth - sucking biting, chewing
Anal (18-36 months)
Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control
Phallic (3-6 years)
Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
Latency(6 to puberty)
A phase of dormant sexual feelings
Genital (puberty on)
Maturation of sexual interests
How does the Oedipus Complex fit into the 5 psychosexual stages?
Freud believed that during the phallic stage, for example, boys seek genital stimulation, and they develop both unconscious sexual desires for their mother and jealousy and hatred for their father whom they consider a rival. Freud called this collection of feelings the Oedipus complex after the greek legend of Oedipus, who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother.
Defense Mechanisms
Repression (inhibition)
- keeping unacceptable thoughts from reaching consciousness
- Master defense mechanism: we all use it
-refusal to accept the true source of anxiety
-attributing your own unacceptable feelings to another person
-redirecting emotional feelings to another target
-redirecting emotional feelings to a socially acceptable goal
Reaction formation
-do exact opposite of what you want to do
-creating excuses to justify inappropriate behavior
-acting in ways characteristic of an earlier stage of development
Karen Horney (post Freud)
Our primary drive is not just for sex or aggression, but for security
Alfred Adler
Our main drive is to fulfill, achieve our goals and purposes. Our ultimate goal is mastering our environment.
Carl Jung
-collective unconscious
>vast sea surrounding those individual icebergs. We share so much deep within us.
>characters who pop up again and again in our stories, movies, books, fairytales
what is the role of the myth according to Carl Jung?
basically said that we encode things the way we do because of myths we carry inside us.
Encoding depends on schemas and scripts we carry within us.
we see the world through our myths.
Humanistic Theories
focused on the ways “healthy” people strive for self-determination, and self-realization.
view personality with a focus on the potential for healthy personal growth.
When people are genuine, they are open with their own feelings, drop their facades, and are transparent and self-disclosing
When people are accepting, they offer unconditional positive regard, an attitude of grace that values us even knowing our failings. It is a profound relief to drop our pretenses, confess our worst feelings, and discover that we are still accepted.
When people are empathetic, they share and mirror other’s feelings and reflect their meanings.
MMPI- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests. Originally developed to identify emotional disorders (still considered its most appropriate use) this test is now used for many other screening purposes.
The Big Five Personality Factors (CANOE) (OCEAN)
- Conscientiousness-if you think something should be done you’ll do it (responsibility)
- Agreeableness (compliance)
- Neuroticism-emotional stability versus instability
- Openness - openness to experience on a continuum
- Extraversion (assertiveness)
Why do psychologists say that The Big Five are valid while the Briggs test is not
Myers Briggs is not backed up by any research, yet it is one of the most commonly used methods of trait determination. BIG FIVE is backed up by research
The Big Five Personality Factors:
Heredity is about 50% for each trait
Disorganized Organized
Careless ←Conscientiousness→ Careful
Impulsive Disciplined
Ruthless Softhearted
Suspicious ←Agreeableness→ Trusting
Uncooperative Helpful
Calm Anxious
Secure ←Ne (emotional stability vs. instability) →Insecure
Self-satisfied Self-pitying
Practical Imaginative
Prefers routine ←Openness→ Prefers variety
Conforming Independent
Retiring Sociable
Sober ←Extraversion→ Fun loving
Reserved Affectionate
Person-Situation Controversy
controversy concerning whether the person or the situation is more influential in determining a person’s behavior. Personality trait psychologists believe that people have consistent personalities that guide their behaviors across situations.
Learned Helplessness
the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events.
Self- serving bias
a readiness to perceive oneself favorably.
(taking credit for success and less for failure) and self-esteem feed overconfidence, but most people are not confident
psychological disorder
patterns of thoughts, feelings, or actions that are deviant, distressful and dysfunctional.
What it means to be abnormal:
Statistically deviant
Maladaptive behavior
Violation of social norms
Personal distress