Exam 2 Flashcards
What did the morris bus study show?
that conductors (who had high physical activity) had lower rates of coronary heart disease VS. the drivers (who had low physical activity)
What did the san francisco long shoreman study show?
the men who conducted strenuous work experienced fewer coronary events than the men who conducted moderate work
What did both morris bus and long shoreman study examine?
occupational physical activity in relation to coronary events
What did the kings county case study show?
that the intensity of the PA didn’t matter, PA in general still lead to a 64% reduced cardiac arrest
What did the harvard alumni study show?
it compared current physical activity VS. physical activity when in college, current physical activity offered the most protection against cardiovascular issues
What did the nurses health study show?
The original focus of the study was on contraceptive methods, smoking, cancer, and heart disease, but has expanded over time to include research on many other lifestyle factors, behaviors, personal characteristics, and more than 30 diseases
What did the kings county, harvard alumni, and nurses health study examine?
leisure physical activity
What was the aerobics center longitudinal study? (ACLS)
studied 25,000 males 7080 women on a treadmill test and had an 8 year follow up
what did the ACLS study show?
the relative risk for CVD is 1.7 in the lowest fitness group compared to higher fitness groups
Why is it better to study fitness vs. physical activity? (3 reasons)
it is more prescise
less risk of misclassification
will not miss a true relationship
What is the critical fitness level in men and women?
depends on the age. women 44-48. men 52-56
What levels are there marked increase risk for CHD?
men 8-9METs (28-32). female 6-7 METs (21-25)
What are healthy factors?
diet, exercise, smoking/not smoking, alcohol consumption etc.
What is PVD?
obstruction of blood flow in arteries, most commonly of ankle to racial blood pressure
What did the meta-analysis of PVD study?
increasing walking distance by 50-200%, the more you walk the more you had pain-free walking
What is the most effective dose of exercise for PVD?
30 to 45 minutes of treadmill walking at least 3x a week
Why is cardiac rehab more beneficial than surgery?
less risky, do not need time to heal. helps educate about heart disease, encourages healthy eating, improves psychological well-being, its cheaper and reduces cost of re-hospitalization and repeat surgery
How does PA physiologically reduce risk of PVD?
regular exercise stimulates EPC generation (endothelial progenitor cells)
What are EPC cells?
they are produced in bone marrow and they help grow/repair endothelium
What are short term benefits of PA physiologically?
increases endothelial function, increases glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, increases hemostasis and decreases blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol
What are long-term structural changes to the cardiovascular system with PA?
strengthens heart walls, larger and more elastic arteries –> reduces blood pressure (helps increase cardiac output and deliver oxygen to the body/brain more effectively)
Whats a limitation to calculating BMI?
2 individuals could have the same BMI but have two different types of body fat– visceral vs. subcutaneous
What is a healthy weight BMI?
What is an overweight BMI?
What is an obese BMI?
30 or higher
What are risks of obesity?
type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high BP, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, breathing problems, reproductive problems, psychological and social problems
What type of trends are happening with obesity?
they are increasing every year, they are prominent in the south eastern parts of the U.S. (fried /southern food)
What are the two types of fat?
white fat (energy storage) and brown fat (metabolically active fat)
What are 3 locations of fat?
subcutaneous, visceral, and abdominal
What is subcutaneous fat?
fat directly under the skin
What is visceral fat?
“deep fat” that surrounds organs
What is abdominal fat?
“belly fat” that is visceral and subcutaneous
What is a more healthy body type? apple or pear?
pear– less fat on the belly area which means less fat on the vital organs
What is the Pima indian study?
showed the increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus when they transitioned from their diet (beans, fish, plants) to settlers diet (white flour, sugar, lard, canned goods)
What were the two types of indians compared in the pima indian study?
Mexican (diet not changed by settlers) and arizona (diet changed by settlers)
How did the BMI’s of the two types of indians compare?
drastically. Mexico (25.1) arizona (35.5) in women
What does the pima indian study show about rather genes or environment contribute to obesity?
it shows that environment drastically contributes (what youre eating and if you are exercising) because the BMI of the arizona indians were far greater than the mexican indians although they were from the same tribe
What did we learn about lying, sitting, and standing/ambulating in regards to obesity?
lean/obese people often lie the same amount; however, obese people sit far more frequently and lean people stand and ambulated far more frequently
What does reverse casualty mean in regards to obesity?
you cannot determine if decreased physical activity leads to obesity or if obesity leads to reduction in physical activity
What affect did active transportation have on obesity rates?
the less active transportation the higher the obesity rate and vice versa
What affect did walkability have on obesity rates?
high walkability rates enabled people to have higher total physical activity, which helped reduce BMI
What affect did occupational physical activity have on obesity rates?
if you sit for more than 7.5 hours a day youre 1.6 more times likely to be obese than those who sat for less than 5 hours a day
How is diet and exercise related to weight loss? (dengel et al study)
that there was an overall more decrease in body weight, lean mass, and fat mass in the group that only changed their diet vs. the group that dieted and exercised
What did the madden et al. study design show?
those who just dieted weighed the less, however those who did diet and aerobic and strength training lost the most fat
The loss of what two tissues associated with diet/exercise intervention?
subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue
Does long term physical activity help maintain weight?
What is compensation with exercise?
how we make up for the weight we lose. changes energy metabolism and makes energy expenditure more difficult
What are the 7 predictors of weight maintenance?
high levels of physical activity low calorie and low fat diet eating breakfast consistent eating pattern self-monitoring weight regularly catching weight gain TV viewing < 10 hrs/week
What is diabetes?
a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia (high glucose concentration in blood)
What are complications from diabetes?
heart disease and stroke, hypertension, blindness, kidney disease, nervous system disease, amputations
What are the different types of diabetes?
type 1, idiopathic diabetes (type 1B), type 2, and gestational
What are the tests for diabetes?
casual blood glucose, fasting plasma glucose, and 2 hour plasma glucose
How is obesity related to diabetes?
people with obesity have added pressure on their body’s ability to use insulin to properly control blood sugar levels, and are therefore more likely to develop diabetes
Are there special precautions for exercising with diabetes?
just need to keep track of blood glucose.. exercise can help control blood glucose easier
What is idiopathic diabetes?
genetic predisposition, triggered by environment
What is type II diabetes?
90-95% of cases, disease progresses over time, 80% is preventable
What is gestational diabetes?
the most common complication of pregnancy
What is gestational diabetes?
the most common complication of pregnancy
What kind of physical activity was associated with the Helmrich study?
leisure-time physical activity for preventing T2DM
In the helmrich study, what population had the most protective effect?
highest risk- high BMI, hypertension
In the nurses health study, which is more important for diabetes risk? PA or BMI?
What did the health et al study do?
take individuals and make them inactive
What did the rodgers et al study do?
take inactive individuals and made them active
What did the sutmok et al study do?
tested to see if strength training helped lower insulin and glucose levels
What was the result of the health et al study?
insulin levels were much higher after 10 days of no exercise, 1 day of exercise returned levels
What was the result of the rodgers et al study?
1 day of exercise didn’t improve the sedentary men, but there was improvement after 7 days of exercise
What was the result of the stump et al study?
strength training lowered glucose and insulin levels. results were similar with aerobic training
What was the hypothesis of the Finnish diabetes prevention study?
lifestyle changes will prevent the development of T2DM in subjects with impaired glucose intolerance
What was the result of the Finnish diabetes prevention study?
incidence of T2DM was half with the intervention group compared to the control group. those who exercised had 80% lower incidence of T2DM
What did the diabetes prevention program question?
are lifestyle changes better for preventing diabetes then medication?
How was the diabetes prevention program conducted?
3200 participants w/ glucose intolerance. had 3 groups:
control group: placebo group
Medication group: metformin and recommendations
lifestyle modification group: diet and physical activity
What were the specifics of the lifestyle modification group in the diabetes prevention program?
7% weight loss, low calorie and low fat diet, 150 minute of moderate activity a week. 4 year follow up
What were the results of the diabetes prevention program?
both lifestyle and meds reduce the incidence but lifestyle had the greater beneficial effect
What is osteoporosis?
thinning of the bones with reduction of bone mass
What is osteoporosis called the silent thief?
it sneaks up on you, you don’t know when youre developing it
What sex and race does osteoporosis effect the most?
caucasian women (lols we’re screwed)
At what age do we reach our peak mineral bone density?
What are the risk factors of osteoporosis?
stress fractures, falls, compression of spine
What are problems associated with osteoporosis?
increased mortality in the elderly, loss of mobility, death, fractures
Are high impact activities good for BMD?
yes, studies show that running was more beneficial than just cycling
What is functional health?
capacity to preform a task, activity, or behavior independently