Exam 2 Flashcards
Encourage promotion and movement of Afro descendent people
Unity vital to progress
Anti imperialist, anti capitalist
Convention people’s party
Socialist political party formed on ideas of Nkrumah by Nkrumah , campaign for independence of Gold Coast
First political party in Ghana after independence (Nkrumah as prez)
Nkrumah’s declaration
- Right of colonial people to control their destiny
- Freedom from imperialist control
- Right to elect their own government “see ye first”
- Call to workers and farmers (not just elites)– organize trade unions and freedom to strike
- Intellectuals: awaken to their responsibilities
- Freedom of assembly/demonstration (UGCC)- as well as freedom of the press/to read it
France told African colonies that they’d put them to a referendum
- no assistance, transition of any kind, all ties with France would be broken immediately if they vote for independence
- almost all colonies voted to stay with France
Julius Nyerere
“Mwalimu”- teacher in Swahili
Teacher, political philosopher and leader
Established TANU - countrywide political party modeled on Nkrumah ‘s CPP
Founded Ujamaa (African socialism)
Believed best way to develop was through agricultural development, no foreign loans or large projects
TANU- tanganyika African national union
Formed by Julius Nyerere
Countrywide political party of tanganikan nationalists
Large sense of rural dissatisfaction with heavy handed government attempts to change/improve agricultural practices of peasant farmers
Able to spread quickly through use of Swahili (created sense of national unity)
Socialism and self reliance policy
Outlines commitment to socialism, emphasizing human rights, freedom of religion, movement and expression, Economic and social equality
Focus on agricultural development
Under nyreres Arusha Declaration
Milton Obote
Ugandan political leader, led to independence
Formed the Uganda People’s Congress
Using the UPC and Bugandas Royalist Party, he helps the country gain independence, wanted to dispense Bugandan alliance
Involved in gold smuggling plot and lost his prime minister position
Creates a new constitution declaring himself executive president and violently ends bugandas special status
Idi Amin
Led military attack against the Bugandan kingdom
Ousted Obote in a military coup
KANU Party- Kenyan African national union
Kenya became independent with Kenyatta as the leader representing his party (KANU)
Nelson Mandela
University trained lawyer, from wealthy family in eastern cape
Initial involvement in politics was when he started his own law firm
Emerged from the ANC youth league
Lead umkhonto we sizwe (MK), became classified as terrorist after armed resistance in Johannesburg
Arrested , 27 years in prison, 18 of them in Robben Island
Elected in the first free elections
Oliver Tambo
Met Mandela at university where they both attended
High school math and science teacher
Helped formed ANC
Defiance Campaign 1952
ANCs largest action of this era, plan for masses in urban areas to break the laws the ANC regarded as unjust –pass laws, group areas act, suppression of communism act
10,000 protests 8,500 arrested on petty charges
Results in government enacting new laws, declared martial law and inflict corporal punishment on anyone who engaged in similar activities in the future
Congress Alliance
ANC- nonviolent tactics, tried to build alliances, formed Congress Alliance
South Africa Indian congress, Coloured Peolples congress, and communist party
Promoted Freedom Charter- vision for South African future based on non-racial
144 people arrested In response, all accused found not guilty
Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC)
Founded by Robert Sobukwe, who disagreed with ANC policy of cooperating with white organizations, believing they were too passive
Established goal of achieving liberation by 1963
Led Sharpville Massacre, wanted a national uprising but that didn’t happen
Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK)
Forced NAC and PAC underground, both orgs began an armed struggle
Means “ spear of the nation”
Nelson Mandela was chosen to lead
Initiated armed resistance, detonation of homemade bombs at electric power stations and government offices in Johannesburg
Steve Biko
Xhosa man who grew up in eastern cape
Went to black university to be Doctor, got involved with NUSAs -multiracial student organization opposed to apartheid
Formed South African students organization (SASO)
Banned by South African government-wasn’t allowed to leave home, speak in public, or have his works published
Systematically beaten and tortured , transferred to hospital where he died, no one was charged for his death
Black Consciousness Movement
Evolved from SASO
Challenged apartheid and system that supported it-that taught blacks they were inferior
Effort to confront psychological toll of apartheid
Soweto Uprising
One of largest townships inSouth Africa
Students organized against Afrikaans in schools
Students went on strike
Hector Pieterson was shot-photo of brother carrying him dead
Frontline states
Zimbabwe, Angola. Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia
Permitted MK fighters to use territory as training grounds
Determined to end white minority rule in Namibia and South Africa
Organized economic boycott of South Africa
Total National Strategy
Total militarization of South African society, ordered by prime minister PW Botha
Angola and Mozambique were main targets
So frontline states can’t use Economic sanctions with South Africa
Tactic used by people in township with purpose to make black townships ungovernable through waves of protests and uprisings
Alexandra township: youths took control of township and established citizens tribunals that fought to root out black people who worked with the apartheid state-resulted in lynching of thousands, demonstrated that apartheid regime lacked legitimacy and power to rule
Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
South Africa tried to repress movements for independence in Angola by sending troops
After this battle, South Africa withdrew from Angola, this instability forced them to give up control of Namibia
Inkatha Freedom Party
Zulu nationalist organization led by Buthelezi
Hostel War
After constitution of South Africa
Begins when Zulu workers living in hostels attacked ANC supporters
Divide and conquer technique , attempted to prove blacks can’t rule alone
The Boipatong Massacre
In Transvaal 1992
Heavily armed group of Zulu warriors attacked ANC supporters , killing 46, white government instigated it
Caused ANC to break off negotiations
Led to first free elections where Mandela was elected
Patrice Lumumba
Born to farmers, worked in Kinshasa as postal clerks and traveling beer salesman
Got involved in politics in 1955
Founded MNC
Put under house arrest and killed by firing squad
Joesph Mobutu
Head of army in Congo
Most likely acted on behalf of US and Belgians when he placed Lumumba under house arrest
Seized control of government and then the Congo (US support)
Brutal dictatorship, supported by US for his opposition to communism
Peasants require to move from ancestors lands to government organized village cooperatives in Tanzania
Kenneth Kaunda
Moved to nationalize industry by buying 51% stake in international copper mining companies
Raised tariffs on imports
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
Global final is, institutions largely controlled by worlds largest economies
Decision making body : G-8 (group of 8), US Canada, Great Britain, France Italy
Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)
To qualify for a loan, to get favorable interest rate or payment schedule-IMF and World Bank place certain conditions on loans, including: privatization of major industries, encouraging foreign investment, devaluation of currency, balancing budgets that require governments to cut expenditures on programs like health care and education, refocus economic output on export markets and natural resources, remover price controls and state subsidies
Hutu and Tutsi
Referred to class, not tribal or ethnic group
Hutu: mainly peasants and farmers
Tutsi: mainly cattle herders
Tutsi tended to be dominant political group even though they were the minority
In pre colonial times, the categories were fluid (if you lost or gained cattle)
Hamitic Hypothesis
Various writers classified Hamitic race as subgroup of Caucasiall race–curse of ham: used to justify racism
Hutus considered descendent of Ham
Tutsi considered descents of Christians from Ethiopia
Determined by skin color, “noble” features, etc,
Belgians believed they could tell Hutu and Tutsi apart by looking
Every Rwandan citizen classified
Kwame Nkrumah
Former school teacher, educated in US, elite
Strong pan-African beliefs (figurehead for it)
Formed the convention people’s party
Focused efforts on ambitious large scale projects, built dam to provide electricity, hoped for an industrial revolution, interest in growing aluminum industry
Borrowed loans from foreign governments and taxes on cocoa farmers
Never started industrial revolution, saddled the country and left with enormous debt
Guinea (west Africa independence)
Voted for immediate independence
French withdrew immediately all personnel, destroyed all files and records, ripped out phone lines, all French ties immediately broken
Guinea survives thanks to aid from Ghana and Soviet Union
1958 French referendum
France tells its African colonies that they would put matter of independence to referendum
The catch: if countries voted for independence, there would be no transistor, no assistance- all ties would be broken,
Almost all colonies chose to stay with France
1960: the year of Africa
Almost all of France’s former colonies became independent at once
Nigeria and Somalia also gain ped independence from Britain and the Congo from Belgium, 17 countries became independent
Djibouti stays with France until 1977, Algeria war continues for 2 more years
Organization for African unity
Nkrumah instrumental in creating organization for African unity (OAU)’ eventually almost all African countries join
Intent of providing Africa with unified voice on global stage, defends sovereignty and independence of states, eradication of all forms of colonialism and white minority rule, ensure African human rights and raise living standards, settle arguments through peaceful diplomatic negotiations
Disbanded in 2002 by last chairperson, South African Prez thabo mbeki
Replaced with African Union
Jomo Kenyatta
Leader of independent Kenya, represented the Kenyan African national (KANU) party
ANC youth league
Emerged from leaders like Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter sisulu
Nonviolent tactics, tried to build alliances and eventually for,Ed the congress alliance
Sharpville massacre
Robert sobukwe planned a national uprising but it didn’t happen, this was a major uprising- thousands surrounded a police station
Gunfire began and 69 were shot, most shot in the back as they were running
Nature of this influence world opinion- made apartheid a global issue
South Africa call UN and other countries to institute reforms
Instead, apartheid government doubled their policies, outlawed the ANC And PAC , jailed thousands
Mouvement National Congolais (MNC)
Led by Patrice Lumumba
This group won the election for independence of the Congo
Copper- primary export, monoculture economy 90-95% of their exports
High demand in global market, high export rates, fueled idea of industrial revolution in Africa
Copper exports were stagnated after oil embargo against US and Europe
Price of copper collapsed when Zambia ran out
Kenneth Kaunda
Moved to nationals Zambia by buying 51% stake in international copper mining companies, raised tariff on imports
Turned to international monetary organizations for loans, got loans from IMF and World Bank
Gregoire Kayibanda
Hutu intellectual, helped write document called Hutu manifesto, calling an end to Tutsi dominance
Party of the Hutu emancipation movement
1959: wind of destruction
Hutu politician attacked leading to death of 20,000 Tutsi, many fled to Uganda
Rwandan patriotic front
Led by PAUL KAGAME: ruling political party in Rwanda
Rwanda become independent in 1962 as one- party state with Hutus in control
Kept many colonial system aspects, bought into ha attic myth
Sporadic outbreaks of violence against Tutsis until 1990’s
Situation worsened when group of Tutsi refugees invaded northern Rwanda sparking civil war
Civilian militia/ interahamwe
Indoctrinated with Hutu propaganda, anti Tutsi prop.
1990: response to civil war- create newspaper “kangura”
Published Hutu Ten Commandments - every Hutu must know all Tutsi women is working for Tutsi clause, Tutsis are dishonest in business, they only goal is ethnic superiority, etc.
Arusha accords
Set of five accords (protocols) signed in Tanzania by Rwanda government and the Rwandan patriotic front to end a three year Rwandan war
Juvenal habyarimana agreed to sign, many believed he was betraying Hutu cause and his plane was shot down over Kigali
Theoneste Bagosora
Responsible for organizing civilian militias who carried out most killings
Clinton and Mogadishu
Black Hawk Down
Battle of Mogadishu, American involvement in Somalia
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
Established in Arusha, to prosecute those responsible for most grave crimes during genocide
Indicted 95 people, 4 people remain at large as fugitives, convicted 61, acquitted 14
Transferred 10 cases to national jurisdiction
Stole much of the congos wealth, money went to him, not the people
Decline in copper eroded his ability to retain control over the country
Served as primary ally for US in Africa during Cold War, against communism, US dropped support later (human right violations, misallocation of funds, etc.)
Had to show signs of returning to democratic rule to regain support and loans, ended ban on one party rule and printed money(hyperinflation)
Laurent Kabila
Ally of Patrice Lumumba, formed success isn’t state under rule of self and his party, the PRP (People’s Revolutionary Party)
Marxist state, aid from China, amassed fortune controlling mineral resources
Tutsis who emigrated to eastern Congo, Hutu militants attacked them and killed thousands
First Congolese War
Hutu massacre of banyamulenge Sparks it, Mobutu (Hutu government ally) ordered Tutsis to leave the country
Banyamulenge rise in revolt, led by Kabila (who is Luba, not Tutsi)
Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi support Kabila, they march toward Kinshasa and massacre Hutu refugees
Mobutu flees the country and Kabila took the capital and changed name back to DRC
Second Congolese War
Kabila distanced self from Rwanda, orders Rwandan military out
Banyamulenge rebel, in an attempt to destroy rebellion, Kabila arms Hutu militias in eastern Congo, encourage to slaughter Tutsis
Rwanda invades east Congo joined by Uganda and Burundi- diamond, copper, coltan mines fall into Rwandan hands
Congolese rise against Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi invaders followed by support from Chad, Libya, Sudan, and western owned mining companies (economic interest in mines)
25 other militias took part, 6 mill deaths, UN sends 5000 peacekeepers , Kabila assassinated
War ends when transitional government comes to lower
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR)
Hutu group led by participants of Rwandan genocide
Continues use of eastern Congo as base to raid Rwanda
Rwanda uses instability to arm rebel militias and attack FDLR
Conflict minerals
North Kivu- main area of conflict today
Rich in minerals, mostly coltan
Many banyamulenge live here, Hutu militias conduct raids of region
Uganda Homosexuality Bill
Against aggravated homosexuality (actually commit) and offense of homosexuality (allies, knowing, supporting, caring for AIDS/HIV)
Excluded homosexuals from HIV/AIDS service, list of homosexual individuals published in newspaper
Illegal to organize around LGBT community- to support
Minister David Bahati
Proposed Uganda anti homosexuality bill with intentions to broaden criminalization of same sex relations
Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act
Initially proposed 2006, approved 2013initially proposed by Justice Minister Bayo Ojo**
Secular criminal laws-max punishment is 14 years imprisonment
Gay association of South Africa
Gay rights organization, for equal rights
ANC dismantles apartheid and then prohibits discrimination based on orientation
Employment equity act
Passed by parliament in South Africa
Protects South African laborers from discrimination
Civil union act
South Africa
May choose whether union with person is registered as a union or a marriage
Seeking to turn Somalis into fundamentalist Islamic states
Conservative, literal interpretation of Islamic law
Us designated at foreign terrorist organization, size unclear, has links to other orgs like al Qaeda
Ahmed Abdi leader until death, predecessor was al-ittilhad al-islami (AIAI)
“The youth”, emerge and ally with Islamic courts union and gain control of Mogadishu
Economic powerhouse- extortion, illegal taxation
Generational rift btw old and new members-old: establish new political front, young: impose fundamental Islamic rule
Al-ittihad al-Islami (AIAI)
Predecessor of al-shabaab
Worked to create Islamist emirate in Somalia, believed to be partially funded by Osama bin laden
Boko haram
Followers of Mohammed Yusuf
“Western educationist forbidden”, confrontation with task force created by Nigerian military called Operation Flush II
Went underground, returned with series of attacks creating environment of violence in north central Nigeria
Umbrella like structure- hard to identify members
Targeted students, killed dozens of boys and kidnapped girls
Raided chibok and kidnapped 276 schoolgirls
Mohammed Yusuf
Followed by members of Boko haram
Strict fundamentalist of Quran , believed creation of Nigeria by British colonialists imposed a western non-Islamic way of life
Operation Flush II results in his arrest and death
Truth and Reconciliation commission
Court-like restorative justice body in South Africa
Witnesses: identified as victims of human rights violations, were invited to give statements about experiences
Perpetrators could also give testimony and request amnesty
Seen as crucial component to transition to free democracy-emphasis on reconciliation, success contest able
Business men who are skilled at getting government contracts
President Jacob Zuma
President of South Africa, elected 2009 & 2014
Terms characterized by corruption and other controversy, dodged two impeachment votes
March 2015: student led protest movement to remove statue and university of Cape Town that commemorated Cecil Rhodes
April 2915: UCT council voted to remove statue
Some of first protests against black South African government under new era of government
Raised questions that led to wider movement to decolonize education across South Africa (#FeesMustFall)
Marikana massacre
Miners protest work but sitting out on unterritorized land, negotiations tried but then police were brought in with weapons and military trucks, shot fire, killed some miners
Issues in South Africa become about CLASS instead of race
Unrest from campaign for removal of Rhodes statue led to development of wider movement to decolonize education across Africa
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