Exam 2 Flashcards
50% Glycerin
Hyperosmotic (Oral)
Rapid reduction of elevated IOP in an emergency such as in acute angle closure
CI sulfa allergies
Caution in DM
Anesthetic: ester-linked
MABA – If someone is allergic to proparacaine, give Benoxinate or Tetracaine instead
Cycloplegic (1% used most often)
Anterior uveitis, posterior synechiae, cycloplegic refraction for suspected accommodative esotropia, occlusion therapy for amblyopia, pupillary dilation, myopia control
20 drops of 1% solution can be FATAL to a child. Use judiciously in Down’s Syndrome Pts
Hyperosmotic (IV)
Safe for diabetics
Rapid reduction of elevated IOP in an emergency such as in acute angle closure
CI sulfa allergies
Vital dye
Highlights intracellular spaces between cells
Minimal uptake into healthy cells
Better for viewing cornea
Anesthetic: ester-linked
Available only as Fluress
Hyperosmotic (IV)
Rapid reduction of elevated IOP in an emergency such as in acute angle closure
CI sulfa allergies
Anesthetic: ester-linked
Blink Tears
Artificial tears
Mild Dry Eye
Mainly for aqueous deficient or nonspecific dryness
Sodium Chloride
Hyperosmotic (Topical OTC)
Treats corneal edema
Rose Bengal
Vital dye
Stains dead/devitalized cells AND normal cells
Better for viewing conjunctiva
Severe anterior uveitis, treatment of posterior synechiae, cycloplegia, pupillary dilation, substitution for atropine sensitive pts
Anesthetic + Mydriatic: indirect acting adrenergic (ester-linked)
Results in mydriasis and vasoconstriction
Blocks Na channels as well as neuronal uptake of NE
Dx of Horner’s (affected eye will not dilate!)
Avoid in pts with systemic HTN
Refresh Optive
Artificial tears
Mild Dry Eye
Mainly for aqueous deficient or nonspecific dryness
Anesthetic (injectable or topical): Amide-linked
Indicated for ocular surface anesthesia during ophthalmic procedures
Systane Ultra
Artificial tears
Mild Dry Eye
Mainly for aqueous deficient or nonspecific dryness
Lissamine Green
Vital dye
Stains dead or devitalized cells only (NOT healthy cells, unlike Rose Bengal)
Better for viewing conjunctiva
Anesthetic (patch): amide-linked
Apply to intact skin for pain of post-herpetic neuralgia
Cycloplegic Anterior Uveitis (5%), pupillary dilation
EMLA Cream
Anesthetic: amide-linked
Cream used for post-herpetic neuralgia or pre-op for removing benign skin lesions
Lidocaine Hydrochloride
Anesthetic: amide-linked
Tissue infiltration: benign lid excision, chalazion excision, treatment of trichiasis w/ argon laser photocoagulation Facial nerve block Retrobulbar nerve block
Mild anterior uveitis, drug of choice for cycloplegic refraction
More CNS effects than Atropine
Used in conjunction with anesthetics
Prolongs drug duration by causing vasoconstriction, which decreases systemic absorption and bleeding
Drug of choice for pupillary dilation
Tea Tree Oil
Lid hygiene
Used for Demodex
Refresh PM Ointment
Artificial tears (ointment) Apply before bed; can blur vision
OcuSOFT, Systane Lid Wipes, Blink Lid-Clean
Lid hygiene
Used for treatment of dry eye
Blink contacts
Artificial tears–good for CL wearers
Systane Night Time
Artificial tears (ointment) Apply before bed; can blur vision
Refresh Contacts
Artificial tears–good for CL wearers
Treats Fuch’s corneal dystrophy, Recurrent Corneal Erosions (RCE), Epithelial Basement Membrane Dystrophy (EBMD) – pulls water out of the cornea and moves cells closer together
Treatment of POAG, Pigmentary dispersion glaucoma, Acute angle closure glaucoma
Diagnose Aides Tonic Pupil: the sphincter with be hypersensitive and will constrict when 0.125% is administered
Refresh Redness Relief (Phenylephrine 0.12%)
Anti-Allergy: Decongestant
Agonize adrenergic receptors present in conjunctival blood vessels resulting in constriction
Relief of red eye redness – provide only palliative relief
Best used in pts with inflammatory dry eye syndrome
Pilopine HS gel
Treatment of POAG, Pigmentary dispersion glaucoma, Acute angle closure glaucoma
Diagnose Aides Tonic Pupil: the sphincter with be hypersensitive and will constrict when 0.125% is administered