Exam 2 Flashcards
Modern firearms ammunition includes both center fire and rime fire cartridges.
Rifle and shotgun actions serve to:
all of the above
The number of lead balls of bore diameter making 1 pound is called shotgun
Ammunition components can be analyzed for:
firing pin marks, breech face marks
Hunting rifle caliber reflects the approximate basal diameter of the projectile.
Which of the following is NOT a bird feather component:
Coracoid (bone)
Modern birds have light, delicate bones laced with air cavities, a feature important in forensic identification. These are termed osseous bones.
false: cancelloos/spongy.
Birds have complex feather systems. Bird feathers include which of the following types:
contour, filoplume, aftershaft (all of the above).
Feathers preceded flight, and most likely arose for display purposes. Historically, this property resulted in mass harvesting of birds by humans.
Secondary feathers produce lift.
Birds have many unique anatomic characteristics. Unlike mammals, a large portion of the air inspired by birds bypasses the lungs and flows directly into a system of:
air sacs
Contour feathers tend to lie on top of each other like the shingles on a roof.
Lift for flight is primarily produced by negative airstream pressure flowing beneath the lower convex surface of a bird’s wing.
30% of all airstrikes involve
Forensic analyses have revealed high levels of ____ in blood samples obtained from CA Condors.