Exam 2 Flashcards
Who wrote Acts?
How do we know?
What do we know about the author of Acts?
Luke is the author of this book.
We know this Luke writes several sections of Acts in the first person. Luke writes Acts as a sequel to Luke’s gospel.
Luke is a:
Missonary companion or Paul
Good writer and historian
When was Acts most likely written?
What evidence do we have for that approximate date?
This book was most likely written in the early 60s AD.
Acts ends with Paul preaching “unhindered” in Rome; not persecuted
Nero’s terrible persecution began in 64 A.D.
Therefore, Luke ends Acts before 64 A.D.
The events in the book cover about three decades, from the 30’s to the 60’s A.D.
What are the three major sections of Acts?
What verse in Acts serves as an outline for the book?
What structural markers indicate the divisions in the book?
Three major sections:
- The church begins in Jerusalem.
- The church expands through Judea and Samaria.
- The church expands through the world.
Acts 1:8
Structural markers:
Seven summary statements through the book end each section of the book
What is the purpose of Acts?
How does God’s sovereignty play a role in the purpose of the book?
The purpose of this book is the beginning and expansion of the church from Jerusalem to Rome.
Luke shows that God id sovereignly causing the spread of the church. Even though the persection sets in, nothing can stop it.
What two important sub-purposes for Acts did the professor identify?
- The author seeks to prove Paul’s validity as an apostle.
- The author also wishes to demonstrate that Christianity is NOT a political threat to Rome.
What is the Greek term for “church,” and what does it mean literally?
Gathering or assembly; Theologically it depicts the group that is now Christians, trusting in Jesus for eternal life.
Those who are called out (called out from general population).
What are the two senses in which the church is described in the NT: universal and local?
the one group of all Christians for all time.
the thousands of groups of Christians meeting regularly in their home areas.
How is Acts 1 related to Luke 24?
Acts 1/Luke 24
When starting Acts, Luke overlaps Acts 1 with Luke 24, with Jesus’ final words before His ascension.
Luke says that IF the Jews reject Christ, the Gentiles will BE ABLE to receive salvation. Acts shows that the Jews DID reject Christ and therefore the Gentiles DID receive salvation. Simply, Luke says it could happen, Acts shows that it did happen.
What are the apostles expecting in Acts 1, when they ask Jesus if he will now restore the Kingdom to Israel?
How does Jesus respond?
ThinkJesus will now establish David’s throne over Israel and rule.
Jesus’ Response:
No, the kingdom will spread to the world through your work.
How does Luke describe the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-4?
What are three reults of the baptism of the Spirit in Acts 2?
When the Spirit comes, Luke describes a sound like a violent wind, tongues of fire on each one, and they were all filled with the Spirit, speaking in toungues/languages as the Spirit gave them the ability.
- The multitude from different ethnic groups all hear the might acts of God in their own languages.
- Peter proclaims the gospel message boldly, indication that this event is part of the “last days” of Joel.
- The crowd is convicted, and 3000 believe in Christ.
What are the ways Luke describes the church’s life at the close of Acts 2?
The church is devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the Lord’s Table, and to prayer. They are united in joy, encouraged through many miracles, and many come to Christ each day.
How do Pentecostal/Charismatic/Vineyard/Father’s Blessing traditions understand the baptisim of the Spirit applying today? (Group A)
What is the opposing view of the Spirit’s baptism for today? (Group B)
Group A
Yes, the baptism of the Spirit is still happening today from these people’s viewpoints. It is empowering Christians for living, witness, and for exercising their spiritual gifts. Many dramatic manifestations may come with this: -tongues -miracles -being slain in the spirit
Group B
No, the baptism of the Spirit in Acts is unique to start the church. The spirit’s power is now available all the time; there’s no need to wait for it or seek it. Any claimed manifestations must be evaluated carefully.
Describe the three stages of the church’s early life and the inital resistance that it faced, recorded in Acts 3:1 to 6:7.
- Peter preaches and performs signs.
- Jewish leaders threaten the apostles.
- The church is strengthened.
Why is the second major section of Acts (6:8 to 9:31) a “transitional” section?
After recording the beginning of the chruch in Jerusalem, the spread of the gospel to Jews is slowing, while the gospel now expands rapidly among Samaritans and Gentiles.
Which three people stand out in the second major section of Acts? How does the story of each develop the transition of the section?
1. Stephen: The gospel starts to slow to the Jews (they killed him). Jews are becoming more resistant to the gospel.
2. Philip: The gospel reaches the hated Samaritans (Acts 8). The gospel used the be exclusively Jewish, but now it is for multiple ethnicities. This is revolutionary.
3. Saul: The gospel messenger to the Gentiles is prepared (Acts 9:10-16). Saul has been saved and prepared by God to go to the Gentiles.
Why is Saul converted, according to God’s words to Ananias in Acts 9?
Saul was saved so that he could be prepared to bring God’s word to the Gentiles.
What are the four subsections to the third major section of Acts (9:32-28:31)?
Be able to think your way through a map showing the spread of the gospel from Israel to Rome in these four stages.
- Antioch, Syria (Acts 9:32-12:24) (North)
- Asia Minor (Acts 12:25-16:5) (West)
- Europe (Acts 16:6-19:20) (Further west - Macedonia and Greece today)
- Rome (Acts 19:21-28:31) (All the way west and south - the center of the world)
In the third major section of Acts, how does the focus of Acts shift from the previous two sections (two ways)?
- Gospel’s growth from Jews to Gentiles; Recipients of gospel shift from the Jews to the Gentiles, with the Jews becomg increasingly antagonistic to the gospel.
- Central character of Acts shifts from Peter to Paul
When Peter speaks to Cornelius and the Gentiles in Acts 10, what is the result? What change in the makeup of the church does it bring?
He leads the Gentile seeker Cornelius and his household to faith in Christ. The Gentiles now receive the Holy Spirit without becoming Jews. (This is another revolution.)
How does Luke describe the growth of the church at Antioch, Syria, in Acts 11? What does Barnabus do at Antioch that changes the growth of the church in Acts?
The result is that in the next days of ministry at Antioch, both Jews and Gentiles come to faith in great numbers, Barnabus retrieves Saul from Tarsus for the ministry at Antioch.
When Paul and Barnabus go on their missions trip in Acts 13-14, what s the pattern of events in most owns that they visit?
- Paul preaches to the Jews and performs signs
- The Gentiles believe in Jesus in great numbers
- The Jews persecute Paul, driving him out of town
How do some Jewish believers in Acts 15:1, 5 respond to the Gentiles’ faith in Christ?
The ask whether or not the Gentiles must first become Jews to be saved.
Why is the Jerusalem Council called in Acts 15? What date was it called? What is the result? What two decisive events at the Council lead to those results? How do the Gentile believers at Antioch respond to the Council’s results?
The council is called to debate whether or not Gentiles must first become Jews in order to be saved and whether or not they are required to follow the law.
It is held in 49AD.
Result: The Jerusalem Council decides to encourage the Gentiles. They do not require the Gentiles to keep the Law (Acts 15:20). The Gentiles receive the message with joy (Acts 15:30)
Two Decisive Events:
- Peter declares salvation by grace, not the law (Acts 15:7-11)
- Paul And Barnabus testify to the Gentiles’ faith (Acts 15:12)
When does the debate about whether Gentiles must become Jews or not in order to be saved? Where/when was it debated?
This debate peaks in (Acts 15:1,5). It was debated at the first church council in 49 A.D.