Exam 2 Flashcards
What is an arthroponoses?
disease humans get from other humans
Is envenomation by an animal considered a zoonosis?
What is the most commonly reported zoonosis in the US?
How does small animal ownership affect zoonoses in the US?
more people owning pets, treating them like family; human-animal bond; more people owning exotic pets
What are some global trends that make us more susceptible to zoonoses?
travel, exotic animal trade
What 3 roles do vets play in preventing zoonotic disease?
surveillance, prevention, control
How is toxoplasma gondii transmitted?
oocytes in cat feces
How can humans get T gondii?
- oocysts in litter box, sandbox
- bradyzoites in undercooked meat (pork, lamb)
What is larval migrans?
Disease caused by migrating larvae in paratenic hosts
How are children exposed to Toxocara canis?
sandbox with feces, yard with feces and then putting hands in mouth
Why do we need to warn clients about Toxocara canis?
It can cause ocular larval migrans (also visceral, neuro)
How do we prevent transmission of Toxocara?
reduce reservoir by deworming puppies and kittens
Why should humans be concerned about Baylisascaris?
larval migrans
How do humans come in contact with Baylisascaris?
feces of raccoons
Two breeds of dogs particularly susceptible to Babesiosis?
greyhounds and pit bulls
How is tularemia transmitted?
ticks and flies
3 diseases Ixodes spp transmit
Borrelia, anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia microti
Which tick transmits RMSF?
Which tick transmits Ehrlichia?
Amblyomma americanum
What is the most common flea found on dogs and cats?
Ctenocephalides felis
Which flea is the plague vector?
Xenopsylla cheopis
What are the 3 types of plague?
bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic
What is a jigger flea?
smallest flea, found in West Indies and burrows into skin; Tunga penetrans
How do dogs get diplyidium caninum?
How do humans get diplydium?
ingest infected flea -> rare
Reservoir for EEEV and WEEV?
Reservoir for VEEV?
rodents enzootic and horses epizootic
T/F horses and humans with VEEV can infect mosquitos
Which is the most virulent EEV?
T/F VEEV is reportable
T: foreign to US
T/F after infection with WNV you have lifelong immunity
T/F humans can get WNV from handling ill/dead birds
F: no evidence of this
What were the findings of the CDC/AVMA survey?
vet concerned with zoonotic dz but not taking proper precautions
T/F prairie dogs and raccoons caused a monkeypox outbreak in vets
Compendium objectives
- raise awareness of zoonotic risk
- science based guidance
- model infection control plan
- focus on prevention of zoonotic transmission from animals to personnel
What is the single most important measure to reduce risk of disease transmission?
hand hygiene
What is the most common needle stick injury?
inadvertent injection of a vaccine