Exam 2 Flashcards
Why did the US initially remain neutral in WWI?
Equal Trade
Sides of WWI
Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Astro-Hungary)
Triple Entente (G. Britain, France and Russia)
What brought US into WWI
USW unrestrained submarine warfare
British passenger ship torpedoed through USW by Germany because it was believed to be carrying weapons (it was)
Sussex Pledge
Germany pledged to stop using USW in 1916 because US involvement would tilt the war
What officially brought the US into WWI?
Zimmerman note- 1917 telegram from Germany to Mexico urging Mexico to join the Triple Alliance in return for help to reclaim lands lost through the Mexican-American War
Wilson’s idea of a post WWI world
14 Points- increased international government and coperation
Treaty of Versailles
Ended WWI though it was never ratified by US (League of Nations never created)
Solemn Referendum
Election between Wilson and Harding- Harding elected showing that the US public wanted nothing to do with Wilson’s ideas but instead wanted Harding’s “Return to Normalcy”
Wilson’s reelection campaign format
- US should be a global leader
- World should be made safe for democracy
- Establishment of League of Nations
Proof of Interwar Isolationism
- Rejection of the Versailles Treaty
- Solemn Referendum (election of Harding)
- International Court of Justice
- Immigration
- Barriers to trade
Interwar Immigration reforms
Immigration Act (1924) and Emergency Quota Act (1921): sharpest restrictions country has ever seen
Interwar barriers to trade
Fordney- McCumber Tariff (1922): establishes 38% tax on goods entering US
How did interwar isolation end?
Pearl Harbor
Timeline of events that led to WWII
1931: Japan invades Manchuria
1933: Hitler elected Chancellor (re-militarization)
1935: Italy invades Ethiopia
1936: Hitler invades Rhineland
1939: Fascists win Spanish Civil War