Exam 2 Flashcards
Physical Limitations to Life
Temperature (Heat, Cold) Water Gas exchange Light Body size Metabolism (Energy acquisition, Energy use) Nutrient acquisition Waste elimination
Physical Ecology of the Organism
The physical environment can affect abundance and distribution of species
Organisms adapt to their environment
Enzymes work best in a narrow temperature range
Freezing destroys cells
Heating de-natures proteins
Temperature affects water balance
Water balance affects temperature
Light levels affect temperature
Temperature affects metabolism
Organisms regulate their body temperatures
Several different strategies are used (slides 10-17, 20-21 lec 9)
- animals are cool/warm to the touch
- body temperature varies
slide 24 lec 9
- body temperature stays constant
- generate heat internally via metabolism
- require an external heat source
Organisms gain and lose heat many ways
(Slide 28 lec 9)
- Two objects in direct contact
E.g. a lizard basking on a hot rock
- Energy gained as light —> heat
- Energy lost as heat
- Heat transfer between 2 bodies through a liquid or gas layer
- Water requires much energy to become gas
- Water can remove excess heat from the body
- But water loss can lead to dehydration —> over-heating
Counter-Current Heat Exchange: Staying Warm
Animals in cold climates could radiate significant heat through limbs (a)
Run warm arterial blood next to colder venous blood to warm it up (b)
(Slide 29 lec 9)
Counter-Current Heat Exchange: Staying Cool
Evaporation through nose/mouth rete cools venous blood before it returns to heart
Run warm arterial blood past cooled venous blood
Rete cools blood before it reaches the rest of the body
(Slide 30 lec 9)
There is a relationship between metabolic rate and rate of acceleration of chemical reactions
This is the temperature coefficient, a.k.a. Q10
The Q10 shows…
The Q10 shows the effect of temperature on the organism’s function
For ectotherms, metabolism (O2 use) increases with temperature
As the organism warms up, it becomes more active (uses more oxygen)
Q10 =
= the rate of biological processes generally increases 2-4 times per each 10°C increase (in normal physiological range)
Organisms have the ability to acclimate to new environmental conditions
Acclimation takes time; sudden change can lead to death
Acclimation can allow the organism to tolerate higher/lower temperatures than it normally would
Organisms can adapt to cold
Fish have developed antifreeze proteins
Plants have multiple adaptations including antifreeze proteins, supercooling, ice crystal nucleating agents OUTSIDE of cells.
Reptiles and invertebrates can supercool (no ice crystals form) due to glycoproteins
Size and Shape of Organisms
Size of organisms affects aspect of their lives
Larger animals have relatively less surface area (to volume) than smaller animals
The smaller “organism” has relatively more surface area
The larger “organism” has relatively less surface area
(Slide 38-42)
Surface area is important for:
Gas exchange
Heat absorption
Heat loss
Water loss
Surface Area
Leaf size and shape affect:
Heat exchange
6 CO2 + 12 H20 –> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O
2-part process:
Light reaction: sun needed directly to produce ATP and NADPH
Dark reaction: CO2 made into simple sugars (G3P, glucose, starch); can occur without sunlight
Stomata let CO2 in
Can close to minimize water loss
Photosynthesis in C3 plants
Rubisco enzyme catalyzes reaction to form 3-PGA
Rubisco enzyme can cause O2 and RuBP to react, producing CO2
A competing reaction; reduces plant efficiency
(Slide 49 lec 9)
Photosynthesis in C4 plants
2-step process involving different leaf anatomy:
- PEP converts CO2 to malate, aspartate, in mesophyll cells
- Compounds converted to CO2 in bundle sheath cells, then normal C3 process
- PEP does not interact with O2 as RuBP does in C3 plants
(Slide 50 lec 9)
Photosynthesis in C4 plants
Pro vs Con
Higher rate of photosynthesis in C4 plants (than in C3 plants)
More carbon fixed per unit of “open stomata time” than in C3 plants
Greater water efficiency in arid environments
But C4 plants use more energy than C3 plants (due to production costs of making PEP)
Photosynthesis in CAM Plants
Similar to C4 plants, but carbon fixation and Calvin cycle occur in the same cells
Timing of reactions is different: stomata open at night (CO2 in, stored), close during day. CO2 is converted to sugars during the day.
Cacti and succulents
(Slide 52 lec 9)
Photosynthesis in CAM Plants
Pro vs Con
CAM pathway for CO2 fixation is less efficient, slower than C3 or C4
CAM conserves water by only opening stomata (water loss) at night
Body Size Affects Organismal Structure and Function
Larger organisms need stronger support structures to support their weight
Larger animals need thicker bones
Larger trees need thicker trunks
Size may be limited by factors other than bone strength
Heat is harder to remove in larger (volume) organisms
Size may be limited by factors other than bone strength
(Slide 56,57 lec 9)
Birds Have Very Efficient Lungs
First inhalation: Air enters mesobronchus
Enters caudal air sacs
First exhalation: Air is exhaled from air sacs through parabronchi
Second inhalation: pulls air through cranial air sacs
Second exhalation forces air from body
Water Transport in Plants
~95% of water loss in plants occurs through leaves
But large surface area is desirable to capture light
Leaves may have coatings to minimize water loss
But how to let CO2 in for photosynthesis?
- Special openings = stomata
- Allow CO2 in, water vapor out
Water Transport in Plants
Plants need ways to carry water from roots to leaves I:
Roots collect ions
Concentration gradient draws water into cells
Creates positive pressure in xylem tissue
Water Transport in Plants
Plants need ways to carry water from roots to leaves II:
Water is lost through leaf stomata via transpiration
Creates vacuum in xylem tissue
Pulls water up
Terrestrial Life Needs to Control Water Loss
Gas exchange requires contact between air and moist membranes
Potential water loss
How to keep from drying out?
How to Control Water Loss
- Reduce rate of water loss
- or- - Maintain more water in body
- or- - Tolerate water loss from body
How to Control Water Loss
1. Reduce rate of water loss
Evolve a better skin
Evolve adaptive behavior
- Become inactive during hot, dry periods
- Be active at night
- Seek moist conditions
- Hang out in burrows
How to Control Water Loss
2. Maintain more water in body
Excrete highly concentrated urine (lose less H2O)
Produce dry feces
Use metabolism to produce water from food
Drink lots and store it
Condense breath to maintain moisture
How to Control Water Loss
3. Tolerate water loss from body
Evolve dehydration tolerance
Get big: warm up more slowly; radiate heat at night
Water Balance in Fishes Saltwater fishes (hypoosmotic):
- High salt concentration in surrounding water
- Tendency toward dehydration (water lost via osmosis)
- Actively drink saltwater to re-hydrate; tendency to gain salt
- Concentrated urine expels salt, retains water
- Active removal of salt through gills (uses energy)
(Slide 70, 73 lec 9)
Water Balance in Fishes Freshwater fishes (hyperosmotic):
- Low salt concentration in surrounding water
- Water enters fish via osmosis
- Salt is lost by diffusion across gills
- Water removal: large amounts of dilute urine
- Active uptake of salts through gills (requires energy)
(Slide 71,72 lec 9)
Eliminating Wastes
Proteins and amino acids are digested and break down into nitrogen-containing molecules:
- Ammonia
- Urea (urine)
- Uric acid (highly concentrated nitrogen waste)
These compounds can build up and become toxic
Organism needs to remove them
(Slide 4 lec 11)
Organisms may evolve tolerances to high levels of nitrogen compounds
May occur by converting NH3 to less harmful substance
Eliminating Wastes
- Ammonia is the form usually used in fish, aquatic invertebrates
- Ammonia dissolves quickly in water
- Released through gills
- Ammonia can be detected by other organisms
- Sharks maintain high levels of urea in their blood
- Prevents water loss (to surrounding saltwater)
- Prevents need to drink (salt) water to maintain water balance
- Prevents need to use energy to remove salt from the body
Energy: Food Storage
Fat is good
More fat = better chance of surviving hard times
Organisms exposed to regular starvation events evolve the ability to survive starvation better
(Slide 12, 13 lec 11)
Energy: Metabolism
There are several pathways to break down glucose
Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle
All organisms lose energy:
- Heat
- Excreted waste products
Organisms need a certain baseline amount of energy just to live They need additional (net) energy to: -Grow -Reproduce -Support additional activity
Energy: Metabolism
Organisms need energy to:
= is anaerobic, not very efficient
1 molecule of glucose produces 2 molecules of ATP
Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle
= is aerobic, oxygen is necessary for process to occur
1 molecule of glucose produces 36 molecules of ATP
18 times more energy!
Energy: Metabolism
Metabolic rate
= total amount of energy used in a given time
Often measured by O2 used or CO2 produced in a given time
Metabolic rate increases with activity
Energy: Metabolism Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
Carbohydrate and lipid breakdown produces a fixed amount of energy per liter of O2 used
Respiratory Quotient (RQ) measures energy produced by carbohydrates and lipids
Energy: Metabolism
Basal/Standard metabolic rate =
The amount of energy an organism uses when at rest and not stressed
Energy is the Basis for Evolutionary Tradeoffs
Energy intake is limited
Adaptations that require energy will have to get it from the organism’s energy budget
Energy use in one area may preclude it in another
(Slide 24 lec 11)
Energy is the Basis for Evolutionary Tradeoffs
Why do northern birds lay more eggs than tropical birds?
Food is more abundant in north
More biodiversity in tropics = more competition in the tropics
More energy needed to compete, find food, avoid predators
Less energy available to produce eggs
(Slide 27 lec 11)
Animals and their Resources
= organisms that make their own food
Plants (photosynthesis)
Animals and their Resources
= organisms that must consume other organisms for food
Heterotroph classifications
Predators (carnivores) Herbivores (grazers) Omnivores (a little of everything) Parasites Decomposers
- focus on one or very few food types
- eat a wide variety of food types
Life History
= the lifetime pattern of growth, development, and reproduction of an organism
Organisms don’t live in a world of unlimited resources; they have to make tradeoffs
Life History
Fitness = product of organism’s viability x fertility
Fitness = survival x reproduction over a long, complex life
Life History Tradeoffs
Modes of reproduction Age at reproduction Timing/frequency of reproduction Resources allocated to reproduction Number of eggs/offspring/seeds Size of eggs/offspring/seeds
Life History
Adaptations of an organism that affect life table values of:
age-specific survival
fecundity (reproductive rate, age at maturity, reproductive risk)
- (reproductive rate, age at maturity, reproductive risk)
- (number of offspring per reproductive episode)
Some Life History Traits
Maturity (age at first reproduction)
Survival to breeding age
Annual adult survival/mortality (average of population)
Clutch size
Clutches per year
Egg weight
Relative clutch mass (weight of all eggs)
Parity (number of reproductive episodes)
Fecundity (number of offspring per reproductive episode)
Mortality (end of life)
- (number of reproductive episodes)
- (aging; deterioration with age)
= gradual deterioration that comes with age
Life History
Many types:
Bacteria reproduce once (fission); no juveniles/adults
Some insects are univoltine: one reproductive event per year, then death
Life History: Semelparity
One reproductive event, then death
Lots of offspring/seeds all at once, then parent dies
A “boom or bust” strategy
Ex. Brown Antechinus, Chinook Salmon
Life History: Iteroparity
Multiple reproductive events
A few offspring each season
A “quality over quantity” strategy
Why do semelparous animals die after reproducing?
Reproduction is very stressful, leads to death
But there is a tradeoff: greater offspring output
Resources are limited
How does the body use them?
Balance between growth, survival, reproduction
(Slide 16, 18, 20-23, 26 lec 12)
Reproduction is Costly!
Increased reproduction –> decreased survival
Decreased reproduction –> increased survival
Fitness requires reproduction
Reproduction can be costly for the individual
Reproduction can shorten lifespan
Reproductive costs limit evolution
Lack’s Hypothesis
Selection will favor the clutch size that produces the most surviving offspring
The number of surviving offspring should be maximized at an intermediate clutch size
(Slide 27, 29-31, 33, 34 lec 12)
Problems with Lack’s Hypothesis # 1
- Lack’s hypothesis assumes no tradeoff between reproductive effort in one year vs. survival/reproduction in future years
- If reproduction is costly, reduce current investment and hold back some reserves for next time
Problems with Lack’s Hypothesis # 2
- Lack’s hypothesis assumes only the effect of clutch size in determining offspring survival
- But being from a large clutch may have delayed maternal effects into future generations
- Clutch size affects offspring survival and offspring reproduction
Problems with Lack’s Hypothesis # 3
- Discrepancy between Lack’s predictions and observations may be due to lack of adequate controls
- Clutch size is highly plastic, not strongly genetic
- Birds appear to optimize their own clutches by conditions in any given year
Optimization of the trade-off between growth and reproduction:
(Slide 38-42 lec 12)
Optimal Compromise Between Size vs. Number of Offspring
Assumption #1: tradeoff between size vs. number of offspring
Assumption 2: Above a minimum size, larger offspring will survive better than smaller ones
Parental fitness from a single clutch = (# offspring in clutch) x (probability that an individual offspring will survive)
(Slide 43-48 lec 12)
Alternative Life History Strategies
Different strategies depending on:
- How variable is the environment
- How long does the organism live
- How many times does the organism get to reproduce over the course of a lifetime
r-strategies vs. K-strategies
Alternative Life History Strategies
Short lives
Rapid development and reproduction early in life
Many offspring
Low survival of offspring (many born but most die)
Small body size
Minimal/no parental care
Live in unpredictable environments
Environmental resources usually not limiting (population is controlled by factors such as weather)
Alternative Life History Strategies
Long lives
Slow growth
Multiple opportunities to reproduce
Relatively fewer offspring per reproductive episode
Larger offspring
Better survival of offspring
Parental care typical (animals); large seed size (plants)
Mortality affected strongly by population density
Population regulated by resource limitation
If population is shielded from disease and predation, aging can occur
Senescence = gradual deterioration that comes with age
Mortality increases with age
Fecundity declines with age
Why do organisms age and die?
Aging/Senescence = late-life decline in individual fertility and chance of survival
(Slide 56 lec 12)