Exam 2 Flashcards
Most visual detail
At center of gaze, move eye around to get more information
4 themes of vision
1 eye is not a camera
2 sensory is localized
3 hierarchal computation
4 plasticity
Localization of function
Areas for face, landscapes, words ects.
Damaged to one specific area only effects that function
Develop with environment
Brain can repair self,
Ability diminishes with age
Ability scan become active at any point
Can still see some light , some stimulation for eyes
When removed can gain back vision.
See outline of color first before recognizing as distinct object
Bonet syndrome
Like watching film, no interactions, just watching.
Usually after stoke, loss of vision
Brain generating images, Not from eyes
Inability to recognize faces
Causes: stroke, tumor, infection,injury, Alzheimer’s, lessions
Western Theory of mind in relation to vision
Function of mind and brain linked
Collection of different functioning parts like organs
Capgrass syndrome
Recognize faces but no longer generate a sense of emotional familiarity
Think people are imposters
Think normal, can’t be convinced wrong
Fusiform face area
Activated when look at faces
If doesn’t not that doesn’t exist but that it is damaged
Recognition and familiarity
Recognition - knowledge
Familiarity - feeling
Can’t recognize places
Lost in space, don’t recognize where they are
Able to write but not read
Localization, two separate functions in separate areas of brain
Inability to recognize words
Area of brain specific to reading
Left optical lobe damage
Not connected to writing
Wallace problem
Writing and reading haven’t been a thing long enough for it to be contributed to natural selection
Wallace attributed to God
Wallace problem not a problem
Biological structures might fight uses different from what original,y eve loved to do
Originally general recognition?
No one is an outside observer of nature
Each of us is defined by our ecology
It is necessary, relative, historical, and empirical.
Optical illusions
Brain evolved in way that is useful to see, not just to see every detail
Approaches to robot vision
Based on human eye function ( moving around subtly to get more detail) or software approach, how to detect things human can like orientation
Eye is not camera
Captures light similarly to lens, but take incomplete information / image , emphasizes certain things and throws other parts away, different parts interpret particular parts of image to understand
Sensory is localized
Different functions like recognizing faces vs reading. If one part damaged doesn’t necessarily compromise rest of vision
Vision/ brain hierarchal
Start with basic info such as where edges are and move up to more and more complex recognizing
Visual computation
Brain is interpreting information that is useful to us. What we understand is not a precise replica of world.
It makes guesses to give information we need.