Exam 2 Flashcards
“Allostatic load” is a term that refers to:
The effects of the thyroxine axis can be observed in a few days.
A decrease in this hormone is thought to be related to symptoms of depression.
This level of the brain is called the seat of the emotions because it appears to be the first to register pain.
The limbic area
Addison’s disease is associated with the failure of this organ.
The substance serotonin is most closely associated with a good night’s sleep.
The release of cortisol is initiated from the ACTH axis.
Neuroplasticity refers to the body’s ability to create new nerve cells closest to the skin.
The thyroxine axis begins in this endocrine gland.
Based on brain imaging research in the last decade, which of the follow statements is not true?
Damage to brain cells from chronic stress is reversible.
The ACTH axis begins in which endocrine gland?
Anterior hypothalamus
This term explains the brain’s ability to create new cell tissue and repair itself well into adulthood.
“Chronic mental antsyness” is a term that refers to frustration from multitasking.
The vegetative level of the brain is thought to be the most primitive of the three levels.
The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the relaxation response.
The adrenal medulla:
releases epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Vasopressin is released from which gland?
The adrenal cortex:
Releases cortisol and aldosterone.
The stress response initially involves this system.
The limbic system
During the stress response, more epinephrine is released than norepinephrine from the neural endings.
Epinephrine is:
Released five times as often as norepinephrine.
Cortisol is one of several stress hormones responsible for increasing blood pressure.
This substance is released as an immediate response to stress.
The pituitary gland in the limbic system registers pain and pleasure.
This endocrine gland is called the master gland for its role in hormonal control.
As a result of the stress response, this neuroendocrine pathway is said to have the longest lasting effect.
Thyroxin axis
When released, this substance is instrumental in returning the body to homeostasis.
Which of the following is cortisol not responsible for?
The release of insulin
The adrenal gland rests on top of this organ.
The kidneys
During the stress response, which of the following does not directly affect an increase in blood
Hypnosis is said to have as great a cure rate for warts as medical treatments.
This chakra is associated with the prostate gland as a result of potential security issues.
Root Chakra
According to cell biologist Bruce Lipton, cells don’t have the ability to both grow and protect their own integrity at the same time.
For a drug to pass the placebo test and gain approval by the FDA, it must have a cure rate of above 20%.
The function of T-helpers (CD 4) is to increase the production of antibodies released by T-cells.
According to Borysenko’s stress and disease model, cancer is regarded as an:
Endogenous under-reaction
Studies show that a person diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) can have different diseases that come and go among his or her different personalities.
According to Borysenko’s stress and disease model, the common cold is regarded as an:
exogenous under-reaction
This illness is not considered a nervous system-related disorder.
Current estimates suggest that as much as 50% of all disease and illness is either precipitated or aggravated by perceived stress.
Although hundreds of neuropeptides have now been discovered, Candace Pert hypothesizes that perhaps only one neuropeptide molecule exists and changes its vibration as a result of an emotional processing.
According to cell biologist Bruce Lipton, an organ transplant patient is given this substance so his
or her body won’t reject the new organ.
T-cells get their name from the thyroid gland in which they are stored.
Chakras are meridian points in which acupuncture needles are used to unclog passages of energy or Chi.
According to Borysenko’s stress and disease model, the physiological process that causes common colds and allergies is the same.
The premise of Gerber’s stress and disease model is that consciousness is energy that surrounds and permeates the human body, and disruptions in the harmony of oscillations can cause illness to the physical body.
The common cold would fall under the category of endogenous under-reaction.
Migraine headaches are now correlated primarily to chronic anxiety.
Cell memory suggests that:
every cell in the body holds consciousness.
A chakra is:
An energy vortex to transduce energy in/through the human energy field.
This person is recognized for discovering the scientific link between emotions and neuropeptides.
Candace Pert
According to Borysenko’s stress and disease model, lupus is regarded as an:
Endogenous over-reaction.
This layer of the human energy field is most closely associated with the body’s blueprint of physical health and that found closest to the physical body.
The etheric
The “Ghost in the Machine,” a term often used with Descartes’ mind-body dualism, is really another name for:
Only _____% of lymphocytes are in circulation at any one time.
According to Candace Pert’s stress and disease model:
Emotions can either enhance or suppress the immune system through the synthesis and release of neuropeptides
throughout the body.
The “direct” link between stress and cancer is now thought to be:
The reduction of T-lymphocytes.
Research by Keicolt-Glaser reveals that stress affects all of the following except:
An increase in the entrainment response.
This layer of the human energy field is most closely associated with one’s expression and manifestation of human emotions.
The astral
The premise of Lipton’s stress and disease model (epigenetic theory) is:
The cell environment, including consciousness, controls DNA.
Bruce Lipton’s stress and disease model is considered to be the bridge between:
The Pert and Gerber model.
Which of the following does Pelletier specifically list as aspects not understood in the current stress and disease model?
Spontaneous remissions, hypnosis, and placebos
Specific to Candace Pert’s stress and disease model:
Neuropeptides are biochemical thoughts that make you feel good.
According to Borysenko’s stress and disease model, allergies are regarded as an:
Exogenous over-reaction.
According to Ken Pelletier, the promise for discovering the real stress and disease connection resides in which current area of research?
Complementary medicine
Entrainment is best described as:
Mutual phase locking of like vibrations between two objects.
This layer of the human energy field is most closely associated with the aspect of the soul and spirituality.
The causal
Based on her work involving neuropeptides, neurophysiologist Candace Pert suggests the following hypothesis:
Emotions can suppress or enhance the integrity of the immune system.
In terms of stress and disease, this chakra area is suggested to be related to self-esteem/self- worth issues.
Sacral chakra
This term is used to describe the first stage of coronary heart disease.
The Gerber model of stress and disease indicates that:
Human consciousness is comprised of layers of energy around the body and changes produced in the human energy field can result in disease. (A&B)
With regard to color therapy, blue is said to have this effect.
A calming response
Studies of light therapy have revealed the following results.
People denied full spectrum light are more prone to stress.
Types of images for mental imagery tend to fall in one of these three categories.
Tranquil scenes, behavioral changes, and body images
The primary difference between mental imagery and visualization is:
visualization requires outside assistance.
In the research conducted by Dr. Barrie Cassileth, it was found that:
Mental imagery showed no effect in women with breast cancer.
According to experts, this is perhaps the most crucial factor for the success of mental imagery regarding internal body images.
Using the majority of the body’s senses
According to Dr. Patricia Norris, this is the “Blueprint Aspect” of mental imagery.
A healing image that is seen through to completion