Exam 2 Flashcards
What is psuedohyponatermia & causes?
Serum level dec. but total body sodium normal
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperproteinemia
- Hyperlipidemia
S/S Hyponatremia
<113 - seizures & coma
High mortality w/ CNS findings
Dx hyponatermia
True hyponatremia - osmolality dec
Factitious hyponatremia - osmolality normal or inc.
Hypertonic hyponatermia
Osmotic pressure >295
MCC hyperglycemia
Each 100mg/dL inc. in glc dec. serum sodium by 1.7 due to water moving into ECF
Isotonic hyponatremia
Osmotic pressure 275-295
High proteins & lipids cause a lab to report a falsely lowered sodium than what the serum actually contains
Hypotonic hyponatremia
Osmotic pressure >275
Hypovolemic - loss of Na & water
Euvolemic - normal volume status
Hypervolemic - excess total body water
Causes of renal losses of sodium
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Urinary sodium >20
- Diuretics
- Renal tubular acidosis, chronic renal failure, nephritis
- Osmotic diuresis
- Addison’s
Causes of extrarenal losses of sodium
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Urinary sodium <20
- Vol replacement w/ hypotonic fluids
- GI loss (V/D, tube suction)
- 3rd space loss (burns, peritonitis, pancreatitis)
- Sweating (CF)
Euvolemic hyponatremia
Urinary sodium >20
- SIADH - tumors, CNS disease, pulm disease, meds, idiopathic
- Hypothyroid
- Pain, stress, psychosis - stimulates ADH
- Drugs - carbamazepine, phenothiazines, TCAs
- Water intoxication
- Glucocorticoid deficiency
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Volume overload
Urinary sodium >20 - renal failure
Urinary sodium <20 - CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
Tx hyponatremia
Hypervolemic or euvolemic hyponatremia - fluid restriction
SIADH - demeclocycline or furosemide
Hypovolemic hyponatremia - isotonic saline
What can happen if you correct hyponatremia too rapidly?
Central pontine myelinolysis brain injury
Acute Hyponatremia <120 w/ CNS Sx - how do you treat?
Give 3% hypertonic saline at 25-60 mL/hr
Do not raise Na >2mEq/L/hr
Stop when sodium reaches 120 or when Pt improves
Tx chronic hyponatremia
Correction of Na no more than 0.5 mEq/L/hr
When do you admit hyponatremia Pts?
- Na <125
- Require IV
- Significant comorbidities
Hypernatremia causes
Na >150
- Reduced water intake
- Inc. water loss - hypervent., DI, osmotic diuresis, thyrotoxicosis, severe burns
- Inc. sodium intake/renal salt retention - hypertonic saline ingestion, sodium bicarb, hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s
Sx hypernatremia
Usually at Na>158 - rate of change important
- Confusion, weakness, irritable, restless, tremulous, seizures, coma
- Hypocalcemia may be present causing CNS Sx
- Flat neck veins, orthostatic HOTN, tachycardia, poor skin turgor, dry mucous membranes
Tx hypernatremia
Severe dehydration - NS or LR
Then 0.45% saline
Sodium reduction should not exceed 15mEq/L/day
Reach normal serum sodium in 48-72hrs
You lose 1L of water, how much does your serum sodium increase?
What is the MC electrolyte abnormality?
Hypokalemia - <3.5
Causes of hypokalemia
- Extrarenal - inadequate intake, V/D, inc. insulin, alkalosis
- Renal - diuretics, aldosteronism, renal tubular acidosis
- Lithium, heavy exercise, heat stroke, fever
S/S hypokalemia
- Weakness, paresthesias, polyuria, orthostatic HOTN, areflexia, ileus, arrhythmias
- EKG - T wave flattening/inversion, U waves, ST depression, PVC’s, wide QRS, tachyarrhythmias
Want to get CK, Mg, UA, BMP
Tx hypokalemia
K>2.5 w/o EKG findings - oral replacement daily until normal
Hyperkalemia causes
K >5.5
- Factitious - release of intracellular K by hemolysis during phlebotomy
- Extrarenal causes - insulin deficiency, acidosis, hyperosmolality, beta-blockers, supplements, massive transfusion, crush injuries, burns, mesenteric or muscle infarction
- Renal causes - chronic renal insufficiency, acute renal failure, hypoaldosteronism, drugs (NSAIDs, ACEi, K-sparing diuretics)
S/S hyperkalemia
Weakness, paresthesias, confusion, paralysis, areflexia, V/D, ileus, arrhythmias (VF, heart block, asystole)
EKG changes
6.5-7.5 - Prolonged PR, tall peaked T waves, short QT
7.5-8 - Flattening of P wave, QRS widening
10-12 - QRS complex degradation into a sinusoidal pattern
Tx hyperkalemia
- Albuterol
- CaCl or gluconate
- Sodium bicarb
- Insulin & glc
- Furosemide
- Dialysis
- Kayexalate
Causes of hypocalcemia
Ionized Ca <8.5
- Shock, sepsis
- Renal failure
- Pancreatitis
- Hypomagnesemia, alkalosis, phosphate overload, dec. albumin
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Malabsorption
- Meds - phosphate lax, phenytoin, phenobarbital, theophylline, loop diuretics, glucocorticoids
- Parathyroidectomy
S/S hypocalcemia
- Circumoral & distal extremity paresthesis
- Irritability, weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps
- Seizures
- Hyperreflexia
- Carpopedal spasm, tetany, laryngospasm
- Trousseau’s sign
- Chvostek’s sign
- Prolonged QT
- Sinus bradycardia
- Heart block
Tx hypocalecemia
Asymptomatic - oral therapy
Tx hypomagnesemia
<1.3 or Sx - IV Cagluconate over 10 min then maintenance infusion
-careful w/ Digoxin
Hypercalcemia Causes
Total Ca > 10.5
Ionized Ca >2.7
- CA/hyperparathyroidism**
- Endocrine - hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, adrenal insufficiency
- Granulomatous disorders - sarcoid, TB, histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis
- Immobilization, Paget’s disease, dehydration, excess Ca ingestion, milk alkali syndrome
S/S hypercalcemia
- Weakness, depression, confusion, lethargy, personality changes, N/V, anorexia, constipation, HA, abd pain
- Dehydation, dec. motor strength
- Dec. mental status
- Ataxia, hyporeflexia
- Fx
- HTN, wt loss, renal insufficiency, cardiac arrest
- Short QT, widened T waves, bradyarrhythmias, BBB, AV blocks
Stones, bones, moans & groans
Tx hypercalcemia
Any Sx Pt or total Ca >14
- Vol replacement
- Furosemide
- Mithramycin
- Pamidronate
- Calcitonin
- Hydrocortisone
- Dialysis
Watch hypokalemia & hypomagnesemia
Causes of hypomagnesemia
- Alcoholism
- Malnutrition
- Cirrhosis
- Pancreatitis
- Excessive GI fluid losses (Diarrhea)
S/S hypomagnesemia
- Malaise
- Muscle weakness
- Anorexia, N/V
- Seizures
- Chvostek & Trousseau’s
- Tremors, twitching, clonus, dec. DTR, carpopedal spasm, tetany, delirium, dysarthria
- Tachyarrhythmias, Torsades, prolonged PR & QT
Tx hypomagnesemia
Mild - Mg(OH)2
Severe - neuro findings & arrythmias - MgSO4
Admit if <1 & Sx
Watch hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia
Hypermagnesemia Causes
> 2.5 - Rare - usually w/ renal failure/iatrogenic cause
- Rhabdo
- Tumor lysis
- Burns
- Trauma
- Hypothyroid
- Antacids
- Laxative abuse
9;. Eclampsia Tx
S/S hypermagnesemia
- N/V
- Lethargy, confusion
- Coma
- If >4 - Dec. DTR’s, muscle weakness, bulbar paralysis, resp. insufficiency
Tx hypermagnesemia
- Cagluconate/chloride
- Furosemide
- Dialysis
Watch hyperkalemia/hypercalcemia
Causes of resp. acidosis
- CNS lesions
- Sedative therapy & overdose
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Pleural disease
Causes of resp. alkalosis
- Anxiety - MCC
- Hypoxia
- Pulm. disorders
- Salicylate toxicity
- CNS disorders
- Pregnancy
- Early sepsis
At what pH is there dec. cardiac function?
> 7.73
Causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis
Alcohol Methanol Uremia DKA Paraldehyde Iron, Isoniazied Lactic acidosis Ethylene glycol Carbon monoxide Aspirin Toluene
What is the MCC of anion gap met. acidosis?
Lactic acidosis - due to dec. oxygen to tissues, sepsis, shock
Causes of nonanion gap metabolic acidosis
- Conditions that cause renal loss of bicarb - renal tubular acidosis, acetazolamide therapy
- Conditions that lead to GI loss of bicarb - diarrhea, pancreatic fistula, ureterosigmoidostomy
- HCl, ammonium chloride, oral CaCl2
S/S met. acidosis
pH s respiration - rapid regular deep resp. rate
Anion gap formula
Na - (HCO3 - Cl)
Normal is 10-12
> 12 - met. acidosis
S/S met. alkalosis
- Tetany
- Seizures
- Loss of Ca, K & Mg
MCC hypoglycemia?
Causes of hypoglycemia
- Inadequate food intake
- Insulin/meds
- Drug interaction
- Infection
- Renal/hepatic failure
- Stress
Tx hypoglycemia
- Glucose D50W
- Glucagon
- Octreotide - suppresses insulin secretion
If alcoholic - give thiamin to prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome
Tx hypoglycemia cause by sulfonylurea?
Causes of DKA
- Not taking insulin
- Infection
- Pregnancy
- Hyperthyroidism
- Substance abuse (Cocaine)
- Meds - steroids, thiazides, antipsychotics, sympathomimetics
- Heat-related illness
- GI hemorrhage
- MI
- PE
- Pancreatitis
- Major trauma/surgery
- N/V, abd pain
- Polyuria, polydipsia
- Kussmaul’s breathing
- Fruity breath
- Dehydration - HOTN, tachycardia, dry skin, dry mucous membranes
Labs DKA
- Glc >250
- Anion gap >10
- Bicarb <7.3
- Ketonemia
- NS
- Follow K+
- Insulin - 0.1/kg/hr
Causes of hyperosmolar hyperglycemia state
- Stressor - infection, CVA, GI bleed, MI, pancreatitis
- Meds - thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids, lithium, beta-blockers, Ca-channel blockers, phenytoin
1. Severe dehydration/excess glucose load - burns, heat stroke, dialysis, diet, hyperalimentation
- Glc >600
- Osmolality >315
- Bicarb >15
- pH >7. 3
- IVF - correct 1/2 w/in 1st 12h then rest over next 24h
- Once HOTN, tachycardia & urine output improve - switch to 0.45% NS
- Potassium
- Insulin
Who gets alcoholic ketoacidosis?
Alcoholics who abruptly stop drinking after a binge
or 1st time drinkers
S/S alcoholic ketoacidosis
Binge drinking then
- Abd pain - pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis
- N/V
- Alcohol withdrawal/DTs
- Dehydration - HOTN, tachycardia
- Kussmaul’s respiration
- +/- fever
- NL MS/coma
- Abd tenderness
- Heme + stool
- Hepatomegaly
Dx alcoholic ketoacidosis
- Low/NL/slightly inc. glc
- Wide anion gap met. acidosis
- +serum ketones
Tx alcoholic ketoacidosis
- Saline w/ glucose & thiamin
- Insulin if DM
- Consider Mg & multivitamin
- Bicarb if pH<7.1
Type D lactic acidosis
Shortened bowel sundrome caused by bacterial fermentation
Type A lactic acidosis
Caused by tissue hypoxia
Has a high mortality
Related to hemorrhagic, hypovolemic, cardiogenic & septic shock
Type B lactic acidosis
No tissue hypoxia - may be abrupt in onset or over a few hours
Seen w/ DM, liver disease, seizures, renal disease, genetic disorders of metabolism, drugs (ethanol, metformin, salicylate ingestion)
S/S lactic acidosis
Produces anion gap acidosis
Abrupt onset - ill Pt
- Hypoventilation or Kussmaul’s breathing
- Lethargy, coma
- Vomiting, abd pain
Tx lactic acidosis
- Ventilation & volume replacement
- Diuresis
- Bicarb if pH<7.2
Admit to ICU
Causes of thyroid storm
- Infection - MCC
- Trauma, surgery, hyperosmolar coma
- Withdrawal of thyroid med, iodine or contrast administration, thyroid gland palpation, ingestion of thyroid hormone, amiodarone, large doses of povidone-iodine w/ skin breakdown
- Parturition (childbirth), eclampsia
S/S thyroid storm
- Exopthalmos
- Widened pulse pressure
- +/- Palpable goiter
- Heat intolerance
- Fever
- Tachycardia out of proportion to fever
- Profuse sweating
- Dehydration
- Hair loss
- Inc. SBP
- Inc. pulse pressure
- Systolic flow murmur
- Sinus tachycardia
- AFib, CHF, pulm. edema
- Agitation, restlessness, psychosis, confusion, obtundation, coma, proximal muscle weakness, hyperreflexia
- Wt loss, N/V/D, anorexia, abd pain
Dx thyroid storm
- Inc. FT4
- Suppressed unmeasureable TSH
- Sinus tach/AFib
Tx thyroid storm
- IVF w/ dextrose
- Oxygen
- Acetaminophen
- Cooling blankets
- Cholestyramine
- Propylthiouracil/Methimazole
- Iodine, KI, NaI, Li
- Propranolol
- Hydrocortisone
Causes of myxedema coma
Infection, cold, trauma, MI, CHF, CVA, GI bleed, surgery, burns
Meds - beta-blockers, sedatives, narcotics, amiodarone
MC in winter months in old ladies
S/S myxedema coma
- Hypothermia
- Resp distress w/ hypoventilation, hypercapnia, hypoxia
- Cardiomegaly, vent arrhythmias, HOTN, bradycardia
- Seizures, ataxia, tremors, slow mentation, delusions, psychosis
- Megacolon, urinary retention, abd distention
Dx myxedema coma
- High TSH
- Low T4
- Dec. Na & Cl
- Hypoxia & hypercapnea
Tx myxedema coma
Tx before labs confirm
Thyroid replacement therapy
Supportive care
S/S adrenal crisis
- HOTN refractory to fluids & pressors
- Dehydation
- Weakness, lethargy
- Shock
- Delirium
- Abd pain w/ N/V
- +/- sepsis
Dx adrenal crisis
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypercalcemia
- Inc. BUN
- Mild met. acidosis
- Flattened T waves, Prolonged QT & PR, low voltage, ST depression, signs of hypo/hyperkalemia
Tx adrenal crisis
- Hydrocortisone
- Vasopressors
Cause of Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome
Alcoholic w/ poor nutrition from thiamin deficiency
PPTd by giving glucose to alcoholic w/ inadequate thiamin
S/S Wernicke-Korsakoff
- Opthalmoplegia
- Gait ataxia
- Hypothermia
- Coma
- Circulatory collapse
Dx Wernicke-Korsakoff
Usually made clinically
Tx immediately
Tx Wernicke-Korsakoffs
- Thiamin
2. Mg
What is Cullen’s sign & when is it seen?
Ecchymosis of umbilicus
From retroparitoneal hemorrhage from pancreatitis or trauma
What is Turner’s sign & when is it seen?
Flank ecchymosis
From retroperitoneal hemorrhage from pancreatitis or trauma
What is caput medusae & when is it seen?
Dilated veins around umbilicus
Seen in liver disease
Tympanic abdomen percussion means??
Dilated bowel loops
Pt comes in w/ CP, given NTG & gets better. What was wrong?
Could be cardiac or esophageal…needs more testing
Tx esophageal food bolus
- Carbonation - EZ gas
- IV glucagon - smooth muscle relaxer
- Acute endoscopy
MCC esophageal perforation?
What is Hamman crunch & when is it seen?
Heard on heart ascultation
Due to mediastinal emphysema
S/S esophageal perforation
- Pain acute, severe, diffuse, located in chest, neck, abd w/ radiation to back/shoulders
- Pain worse w/ swallowing
- Fever
- Abd rigidity
- Tachycardia, tachypnea
CXR - mediastinal air, SQ emphysema, wide mediastinum, effusion
Dx & Tx esophageal perforation
- Chest CT/endoscopy
- Shock resuscitation
- IV abx
- Surg. consult
S/S swallowed FB in kiddos
- Refusal to eat
- Inc. salivation
- Odynophagia
- Vomiting
- Choking
- Resp. Sx - stridor, cough, wheeze
- Neck or throat pain
Tx FB swallow
Distal to pylorus - d/c & wait to pass
Obstruction? Emergent ednoscopy
-button batters, perf, coin at cricopharyngeus muscle, >24h
Swallowed button battery…what do you do??
Can cause corrosion & perf…get Xray
If above pylorus - endoscopy
If passed - watch & f/u in 24h, repeat films in 48h
Tx body packers
Observe or whole bowel irrigation
Endoscopy contraindicated - can rupture!
PUD Dx & Tx
- CXR - free air in 75%
- +/- CT
- Labs - type & cross
- 2 large bore IVs
- O2
- NG tube
- Broad spectrum abx
- Surg. consult
MCC Upper GI bleed?
Causes of upper GI bleeds
- PUD - epigastric pain, melena/hematemesis, stool +
- Variceal bleeding - painless, massive hematemesis, signs of chronic liver disease
- Mallory-weiss tear - Hx of forceful vomiting
Tx upper GI bleed
- 2 large bore IVs
- Transfusion of PRBCs
- PUD? IV PPI/H2 blocker
- +/- vasopressin
- Mallory weiss tear? d/c after bleeding stops
Viral gastroenteritis
What is dysentery diarrhea?
Contains blood, mucus & pus
What is gastroenteritis?
Acute intestinal inflammation causing diarrhea w/ N/V
What should you suspect if you see systemic illness, fever & bloody stools?
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Campylobacter
- Toxin producing E. coli
What is a BRAT diet & who should use it?
Apple sauce
diarrhea Pts
When should you avoid antidiarrheals?
ex. Loperamide
Don’t use w/ toxigenic gastroenteritis
- Toxin producing E. coli
- Staph aureus
- Bacillus cereus
- C. diff
S/S diarrhea caused by abx or other meds
No cramps, fever or fecal leukocytes
Diarrhea goes away after meds stopped
MCC infectious diarrhea
Which abx is most often assoc. w/ C. diff?
also cephalosporings, PCN & fluoroquinolone
Dx & Tx C. diff
C. diff toxin in stool
Colonoscopy? Yellowish plaques in lumen
Mild - monitor
Moderate - Flagyl for 10-14 days
Severe - hospitalize, Vanco PO x 10days
What is tenesmus?
Feeling like you have to poop but your bowels are empty
Dx & Tx Crohn’s & ulcerative colitis
- Restore fluids & electrolytes
- NG suction for obstruction, ileus, toxic megacolon
- Narcotics
- Abx
Causes of toxic megacolon
- Antidiarrheals
- Hypokalemia
- Narcotics
- Cathartics
- Pregnancy
- Enemas
- Recent colonoscopy
Ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s at inc. risk
MCC small bowel obstruction??
Adhesions from abdominal surgery
2nd MCC? Incarceration of groin hernia
MCC large bowel obstruction?
2nd MCC? Diverticulitis
Dx bowel obstruction
Abd CT w/ contrast
Xray - air fluid levels
WBC >20k - gangrene, intra-abd abscess, peritonitis
WBC >40k - mesenteric vasc. occlusion
Inc. Hct, BUN & Cr - vol. depletion & dehydration
Inc. urine spef. gravity, ketonuria, elevated lactate & met. acidosis - severe disease
Tx bowel obstruction
- Surg. consult
- NG tube if severe distention & vomiting
Which types of bowel obstructions are surgical emergencies?
- Closed-loop obstruction
- Bowel necrosis
- Cecal volvulus
Tx adynamic ileus
2. Observation
What is pseudo-obstruction?
aka Ogilvie syndrome
Distention of colon but no obstruction
Xray - dilated bowel w/o air fluid levels
Risk factors - age, anticholinergics/TCAs, recent surg.
Avoid barium studies
Tx - colonoscopy or neostigmine infusion
Dx & Tx diverticulitis
Abd CT - inc. soft tissue density w/ pericolic fat, bowel wal lthickening
- Supportive - bowel rest & IVF
- Cipro & Flagyl
- Surgery if perforation, obstruction or abscess
S/S diverticulitis
- LLQ pain
- Fever
- N/V
- Anorexia
- Dysuria
Rome Criteria for Dx of constipation
2 or +
- Straining at defecation at least 25% of time
- Hard stools at least 25% of time
- Incomplete evacuation at least 25% of time
- <3 BM/wk
- Chronic constipation includes Sx for at least 12 wks in the past 12 mo
MCC acute hepatitis?
Acetaminophen overdose
Types of hepatorenal syndrome
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis leading to renal failure w/ hepatic failure
- More serious. Progressive oliguria & doubling serum Cr in 2wks
- Gradual impairment of renal function that may or may not advance
Stages of hepatic encephalopathy
Accumulation of nitrogenous waste products cuz liver sucks
- General apathy
- Lethargy, drowsiness, variable orientation, asterixis
- Stuper w/ hyperreflexia, extensor plantar reflexes
- Coma
Hallmarks of liver failure
Hepatic encephalopathy & coagulopathy
HOTN, hypoglycemia, adrenal insufficiency
Tx hepatic encephalopathy
Tx liver failure
- Intubation
- Blood products
- Vasopressors PRN
- Mannitol if cerebral edema
Alcoholic LFT
HELLP syndrome
Hemolysis - elevated LFT - low platelets
Occurs w/ preeclampsia-eclampsia in late 3rd trimester or postpartum period
Tx >34 - immediate delivery
Causes of pancreatitis
- Cholelithiasis
- Alcohol
Others - trauma, infection, meds, hyperparathyroidism, hyperlipidemia
S/S pancreatitis
- N/V
- Epigastric pain radiates to back may be relieved by leaning forward
- Epigastric tenderness
- Diminished bowel sounds
- Fever
- Jaundice
- Cullens/Turners sign if retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Dx pancreatitis
Use Ranson’s criteria >3
- Amylase
- Lipase**
- Xray - ‘cutoff’ sign
- US
- CT - best test, but not needed if no complications
Tx pancreatitis
- NG suction
- Antiemetics
- Foley cath to monitor fluids
- Analgesics
- +/- abx
Risk factors for gall stones
Forty Fat Female Fertile Flatulent Fair
S/S cholecystitis
- RUQ pain radiate to scapula
- Post-prandial pain after eating fatty foods
- Murphy’s sign
- +/- fever
- Jaundice
Dx & Tx cholecytitis
Labs elevated
- NG suction
- Bowel rest
- Surg. consult
What is Charcot’s triad & when is it seen?
- RUQ pain
- Fever
- Chills & jaundice
Seen w/ ascending cholangitis
Infection of biliary system from stone in bile duct
Tx - same as cholecystitis but add abx
What is Reynold’s pentad & when is it seen?
- RUQ pain
- Fever & chills
- Jaundice
Tx - same as cholecystits but add abx
MCC appendicitis?
S/S appendicitis
- Gen. umbilical pain then localized to RLQ
- Anorexia
- N/V
- McBurney’s point
- Involuntary guarding & rebound tenderness
- Rovsing’s sign
- Psoas sign
- Obturator sign
Dx & Tx appendicitis
All the dumb signs
CT w/ contrast
- Antiemetics + narcotics
- Abx
- Surgery
MC surgical emergency in pregnant ladies?
Causes of AMS & Coma
Alcohol Endocrine & Environmental Insulin & impaired glucose utilization*** Ox deprivation & opiate OD Uremia Trauma Infection Psychiatric causes & porphyria Space occupying lesions - inc. pressure on RAS
Causes of fixed dilated pupil
Temporal lobe herniation on same side or if alert - could be from drops or compression of CN III
Causes of miosis
COPS Clonidine Cholinergics Opiates Organophosphates Phenothiazines Pontine hemorrhage Sedative hypnotics Sleep
Causes of mydriasis
- Anticholinergics
2. Sympathomimetics
Causes of Cheyne-Stokes respirations
Crescendo-decrescendo pattern
- Bilat hemisphere dysfunction, intact brain stem
- Metabolic disorder
- Transtentorial herniation
Causes of apneustic breathing
Prolonged pause after inspiration
-pontine infarct
Causes of hyperventilation
- Met. acidosis
- Salicylate OD
- Hypoxia
- Hypercarbia
S/S toxic-metabolic coma
- Lack of focal exam findings
2. Pupillary response usually preserved
S/S supratentorial lesion coma
- Progressive hemiparesis
- Asymmetric strength & reflexes
Ex. Uncal herniation
Also see w/ inc. ICP - HTN & bradycardia = Cushing’s triad
S/S infratentorial lesions - posterior fossa coma
Cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction may cause coma
- Abnormal extensor posturing
- Loss of pupillary reflexes
- Loss of EOM
Ex. pontine hemorrhage - pinpoint pupils
S/S pseudocoma
Pupillary responses, EOM, muscle tone & reflexes normal
Dx & Tx coma
Hx - look for reversible causes
If on meds that can check levels - check it!
Tx - ABCs
MC location of SAH HA?
Jaw claudication w/ HA?
Temporal arteritis
Facial painw/ HA?
Vision change & eye pain w/ HA?
POUNDing approach to HA
Pulsatile Duration of 4-72h Unilat N/V Disabling intensity
if 4/5 - most likely migraine
HA w/ fever?
- Meningitis
- Sinusitis
Causes of HA w/ HIV?
- Toxoplasmosis
- CNS lymphoma
> 3days? Higher risk of AMS & new seizure
Thunderclap HA?
CT w/o contrast or CT angio
LP if no Dx
- Seizure
- Diplopia
- Other neuro signs
Exercise, intercourse or defecation sets it off
MCC ruptured aneurysm
- Control BP, pain & nausea
- Prevent vasospasm w/ Nimodipine
- Refer to surg.
Risk factors of subdural hematoma
Remote trauma w/ HA
- Anticoagulants
- Chronic alcohol abuse
- Old people
Get noncontrast CT
S/S Cerebral venous thrombosis
- HA
- Vomiting
- Seizures
Common w/ hypercoagulable state, OCs, postpartum/postop
Need magnetic resonance venogram
S/S & Tx temporal arteritis
- HA - severe & throbbing over frontotemporal area
- Jaw claudication
- Hx of polymyalgia rheumatica
- +/- loss of vision
- High ESR
Tx - prednisone
S/S & Tx pseudotumor cerebri
- Young Pt w/ chronic Has
- N/V
- Visual problems
- Papilledema
- Normal CT
- Elevated CSF pressure
Tx - Acetazolamide
S/S internal carotid dissection & Dx
- Unilat neck pain or HA usually by eye/frontal area
Dx - angiography
S/S & Dx vertebral artery dissection
Occipital or posterior neck pain
Dx - angiography
Tx migraine
- DHE - don’t use in pregnancy, uncontrolled HTN, CAD, causes N/V
- Triptans
- Metoclopramide, prochlorperazine - dystonic rxns
- Ketorolac
- Narcotics
- Dexamethasone
S/S & Tx tension HA
- Bilat, nonpulsating
- Not worsened by exertion
- No N/V
Severe HAs may cause N/V
Tx - NSAIDs/analgesics
S/S & Tx cluster HAs
- Rare, short lived, MC men >20
- Severe unilat orbital, supraorbital or temporal pain lasting 15-180mins
- Pacing & restless
- Conjunctival injection, lacrimation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, facial swelling, miosis, ptosis
- Oxygen
- Triptans
- Analgesics
Tx Trigeminal neuralgia
MC in women
MCC disability?
Types of ischemic stroke
- Thrombotic
- Embolic
- Hypoperfusion
Main areas affected by hypoperfusion ischemic stroke?
Watershed areas - periphery of major vessels
MCC intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke?
Chronic HTN
MC in Asians & Blacks
S/S middle cerebral artery stroke
MC type
- Contralat hemiparesis
- Facial plegia
- Sensory loss
- Homonymous hemianopsia & gaze preference toward side of infarct
- Face & upper extremities affected more than lower
S/S anterior cerebral artery stroke
- Contralat sensory & motor Sx in lower extremity, sparing hands & face
- +/- aphasia neglect
- +/- incontinence
S/S Posterior cerebral artery stroke
- Unilat HA
- Contralat homonymous hemianopsia
- Unilat cortical blindness
S/S Vertebrobasilar stroke
- Vertigo - w/ cerebellar or brainstem signs
- HA
- Nausea
- Visual disturbances
- Oculomotor palsies
- Ataxia
- Sensory disturbance
- Bilat limb weakness
S/S cerebellar stroke
- Vertigo
- Gait instability
- Ataxia
- Dysarthria
- N/V
- Cranial nerve abnormalities
S/S lacunar stroke
Assoc. w/ HTN
Involve basal ganglia, internal capsule, thalamus & brainstem
1. Pure motor deficit of face, arm & leg
2. May be subclinical
Better prognosis
Dx & Tx ischemic stroke
CT w/o contrast
May get other tests to see where emboli came from
- If no thrombolytics & has HTN - lower if >220/120
- If getting thrombolytics - lower to <185/110 w/ Labetalol, Nicardipine & Esmolol
- tPA w/in 3h of stroke
- Aspirin w/in 24-48h
- Aspirin +/- Clopidogrel
Dx & Tx cervical artery dissection
Tx - heparin then Coumadin
Causes of ataxia
1. Intoxication - ethanol, sedative hypnotics, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid
2. Hyponatremia
Nervous system
3. Cerebellum - hemorrhage, infarct
4. Cortex - tumor, hemorrhage, trauma, hydrocephalus
5. Subcortical - infarct, Parkinson’s
6. Spinal cord - cervical spondylosis
7. Peripheral nervous system - neuropathy
+ Rhomberg?
Sensory ataxia w/ problem in posterior column, vestibular dysfunction or peripheral neuropathy
Ataxia w/ - Rhomberg?
Motor ataxia w/ problem in cerebellum
S/S Sensory ataxia
Loss of proprioception
Abrupt mvmt of legs & slapping of feel w/ each step
Apraxic gait?
Lost ability to initiate walking
Seen w/ nondominant hemispheric lesions
Festinating gait?
Narrow based shuffling steps
Seen w/ Parkinson’s
What is vertigo?
Perception of mvmt when none exists
Causes of peripheral vertigo
- Vestibular neuritis
- Labyrinthitis
- Meniere’s disease
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Drug induced vertigo
Causes of central vertigo
- Acoustic schwannoma or meningioma
- Cerebellar pontine angle tumors
- Cerebellar infarct
- Cerebellar hemorrhage
- Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
MCC vertigo in old people?
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Do Dix-Hallpike Maneuver - Nystagmus toward affected ear for 10-40 secs
Tx vertigo
- Hydration
- Antihistamines
- Anticholinergics
- Antiemetics
- Benzos
- Reassurance
Refer to neuro!
Tx seizures in pregnant eclampsia Pt?
IV magnesium
Definitive Tx - delivery
Pregnant >20wks, HTN, edema & proteinuria
Tx peripheral neuropathies
S/S botulism
Sx w/in 48h of ingestion of tainted food/wound infections/IVDU
- N/V/D
- Abd cramps
- Descending symmetric paralysis - CN & bulbar muscles affected first
- Diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia
- Pupils dilated & nonreactive
S/S botulism in baby
- Constipation
- Poor feeding
- Lethargy
- Weak cry
- “Floppy infant”
Tx botulism
- Supportive
2. Botulinum antitoxin
Tick paralysis S/S & Tx
Sx 2-6 days after tick
Ataxia of LE then UE then resp. failure
Tx - remove tick
Giullan-barre syndrome
Peripheral nerve myelin sheath destruction
Subacute ascending symmetric weakness or paralysis & loss of DTRs, watch resp. function
Tx - IVIG & plasmapharesis
Skeletal muscle injury causing release of cell contents into plasma
Inc. PCK
Urine dipstick +blood - microscopic myoglobin
Tx - Tx cause
- Hydration
- Alkalinization of urine >6
Myasthenia crisis
Extreme weakness w/ resp. failure
May be triggered by infection, surgery or tapering meds
Give Neostigmine
Cholingergic crisis
Side effect of too much meds
Worsens w/ Edrophonium
May need intubation & mgmt of secretions & bronchospasm
Tx - Atropine
Causes of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Hyperthermia, rigidity, AMS, fever 1. Dopamine antagonists Prolixin, Haldol, Regla, Clozapine 2. W/D dopamine agonist L-dopa, Bromocriptine, Amantadine 3. Dopamine depletion Xenazine
Elevated CK, leukocytosis
- Cooling
- Fluids & alkaline diuresis to Tx rhabdo
- Dantrolene, Bromocriptine, Nondepolarizing NMB, Nipride
MCC rectal bleeding?
Tx hemorrhoids
- Manual reduction if nonthrombosed, sitz-baths
- Topical analgesics & steroids
- Bulk laxatives/stool softeners, high fiber diet, fluids
Thrombosed internal - surgery
Thrombosed external - cut it out
Location of anal fissures
Posterior or anterior midline
Any other area suggestive of Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, carcinoma, infection
Usually due to passage of large hard stool or frequent diarrhea, consider child abuse
S/S & Tx anorectal abscesses
- Constant throbbing pain, worse w/ BMs
- Purulent d/c
- Polymicrobial
- I&D
- +/- abx
Types of rectal prolapse & Tx
- Rectal mucosa only
- All layers
- Intussusception of upper rectum through the lower
- Reduce w/ analgesia & sedation
- Can’t do it? Surg.
MCC lower GI bleeds
- Diverticular disease
- Colitis
- Polyps
- CA
MCC intestinal ischemia?
Ischemic colitis
MC type of hernia?
Indirect inguinal hernia
Get US
S/S, Dx & Tx mesenteric ischemia
Acute onset of periumbilical pain out of proportion to physical findings
Dx - CT angio
Tx - IVF, surg consult
MCC blindness in kids?
Eye trauma
S/S, Dx & Tx blowout Fx
From blunt force trauma
- Diplopia
- Periorbital ecchymosis & edema
- Anesthesia of maxillary teeth & upper lip
- Step off deformity over infraorbital ridge
- Orbital crepitus
- Xray - teardrop sogm
Dx - CT
Tx - Surgery
Severe conjunctivitis in 12-24h?
- Lavage mucus
- Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin
Tarsal/bulbar conjunctival inclusion follicles?
Chlamydia conjuncitivits
- Tetracycline, doxy, erythromycin, azithrymycin
- +/- topical abx
Subconjunctival hemorrhages w/ itchy, tearing eyes?
Viral conjunctivitis
- Artificial tears
- Cool compresses
Herpes? Use acyclovir
Tx bacterial conjunctivitis
Broad spectrum abx
Sulfonamides, tetracycline, erythromycin
Tx allergic conjunctivitis
- Topical antihistamines
2. Short course of topical steroids
Dx & Tx corneal abrasion
- Fluorescein eye drops
- Slit lamp for intraocular FB
Tx 1. Cotton tip 2. 25 guage needle 3. Topical abx - Tobramycin, polymyxin-bacitracin ointment, erythromycin ointment Contacts? Need Cipro 4. NSAID Diclofenac or Mydriacyl 5. Anesthetic eye drop
S/S iritis
All normal eye complaints +
- Cells in flare in anterior chamber
- Ciliary flush
- Keratic precipitates
- Unilat/bilat
- Adhesions to the iris (posterior synchiae)
- Brow ache/HA
Tx iritis
- Cycloplegics - homoatropine or atropine drops
- Prednisilone acetate
- Refer to ophthamologist
Dx & Tx corneal ulcer
- Fluorescein eye drops
- Culture - bacterial & viral
If non infectious? Look at rheumatoid arthritis
Tx 1. Gentamicin or Cefazolin Contacts? Cipro 2. Cycloplegic eye drops 3. Refer
Corneal ulcer w/ contacts - what’s the bacteria?
Staph is also common
Causes of angle closure glaucoma
- Sulfa drugs
- OTC decongestants
- Motion sickness meds
- Adrenergic agents
- Antipsychs
- Antidepressants
- Anticholinergics
S/S Angle closure glaucoma
All other eye complaints:
- Halos around lights
- Pain ppt by dark conditions***
- Elevated IOP - maybe >60
- Steamy cornal edema**
- Mid dilated fixed pupil
- Shallow anterior chamber
Tx angle closure glaucoma
Reduce IOP & break angle closure
- Beta-adrenergic drops
- Topical steroid drops
- Alpha-adrenergic agonists
- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide
- Hyperosmotic agents if IOP very high
- Laser peripheral iridotomy to relieve pressure
Tx secondary angle closure glaucoma
From Topiramate/sulfa use
- D/c med
- Cycloplegia - atropine
- IV hyperosmotic agents
- IV steroids
- Refer
MC site of bleeding for hyphema?
Anterior aspect of the ciliary body
Dx & Tx hyphema
Hx of trauma
- Blood/clot in anterior chamber
- R/o ruptured globe
- Measure IOP
- Acetaminophen
- Bed rest/limited activity
- Elevate head
- Eye shield
- Atropine
- Refer
Dx & Tx orbital cellulitis
- Hx sinus infection/surgery/insect bid/stye chalazion/infection
- CT w/ contrast
- Nasal decongestants & vasoconstrictors to drain sinuses
- Augmentin/Ceftriaxone
- I&D of abscess
Immunosuppressed? Antifungal - Amphotericin-B
Dx & Tx preseptal cellulitis
- CT scan/MRI
- Antihistamines
- Cool compresses - insect bite
- Amoxicillin
What is normal eye pressure?
S/S retinal artery occlusion
- Painless, acute vision loss (over seconds)
- Cherry red fovea
- Causes irreversible cell injury in 100min
- HA, wt loss, jaw claudication, scalp tenderness, fever, proximal joint pain
- Hx Afib, endocarditis, coagulopathies, atherosclerotic disease
- Fell asleep on eye
Dx retinal artery occlusion
- Whitening of retina on posterior pole
- Cherry red spot macula
- Narrowed retinal arterioles
- Boxcarring/segmentation of blood columns in arterioles
- Find out where emboli came from
Tx retinal artery occlusion
- Ocular massage w/ firm pressure
- Anterior chamber paracentesis
- IOP reduction - Acetazolamide/topical beta-blockers
- Hypervent. to induce resp. acidosis & vasodilation
Must be done 90-120min after event
Cherry red macula?
Retinal artery occlusion
Tx chemical burns
- Topical anesthesia
- Irrigation - check pH
- Artificial tears
- Bandage contact lens
- Amniotic membrane transplant
- Topical steroids
- Abx eye drops
- IOP>30 needs Tx
- Cycloplegics for pain
What is keratitis?
Inflammation of the cornea
Infection/dry eyes/contacts/injury/Vit A deficiency
S/S & Tx herpes simplex keratitis
- Unlat
- Mild conjunctival injection
- Epithelial dendrites
- Stromal scarring & vascularization w/ advanced disease
Tx -
- Cycloplegic
- Trifluridine
- Acyclovir
S/S & Tx herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- Vesicular rash of CN 5
- Hutchinson’s sign - lesion on tip of nose
- Conjunctivitis
- Uveitis
- Glaucoma
- Scleritis
- Acyclovir
- Tears
S/S & Dx & Tx Fusarium fungal keratitis
- Conjunctival injection
- Epithelial defect
- Stromal infiltration
- Gray-white color & rough corneal surface
- Irregular feathery edge infiltrates
- White ring on cornea
May develop ulcer
Dx - corneal scrapings, gram & giemsa stain
- Natamycin or Amphotericin B
- Cycloplegics
S/S & Dx & Tx bacterial keratitis
- Conjunctival hyperemia
- Folds in Descemet’s membrane
- Upper eyelid edema
- Posterior synchiae
- Focal/diffuse corneal edema
- Mucopurulent exudate
Dx - corneal scraping on chocolate, blood & Sabouraud agar
Smears for gram, giemsa & AF stain
1. Tobramycin alternateing w/ Cefazolin
S/S & Dx & Tx Acanthameoba keratitis
- Conjunctival hyperemia
- Corneal ulcer
- Lid edema
- Corneal ring stromal infiltrate
- Inc. IOP
- Hypoyn
- Cataract
Dx - Corneal scraping on non-nutrient agar
Smears for gram, giemsa & calcofluor white stain (+cysts)
- Polyhexamethyl biguanide
- Propamidine isethionate
- Itraconazole
- D/c contacts
- Cycloplegics
S/S & Dx & Tx Keratitis sicca
- Hyperemia
- Mucus
- High tear lakes from reflex tearing
- Low tear lakes
- Epiphoria
Dx - measure tear breakup time
measure tear production - Schirmer tear test
- Artificial tears
- Lubricating ointment at bedtime
- Restasis
- Punctal plugs
S/S temporal arteritis
- +APD
- Visual field loss
- Pale swollen disc +/- flame hemorrhages
- Tender palpable temporal artery
- Central retinal artery occlusion
- Cranial nerve palsy
- Scalp necrosis
Dx & Tx temporal arteritis
Tx -
1. Prednisone
Which quadrant of the retina is the MC site of retinal detachment?
Superior temporal
IgE dependent
Anaphylactoid - does not require sensitizing exposure
Typical rxn & HOTN
- ABCs
- Epi
- Steroids IV, antihistamines, albuterol, glucagon
Tx urticaria
- Antihistamines (H1 +/- H2)
- +/- steroids
If severe - epi
Tx angioedema
- Stop ACEi
Not great but use:
Epi, antihistamines & steroids
Hereditary? C1 esterase inhibitor or FFP
What to give in anaphylaxis on beta-blockers?
May not respond to epi so give glucagon
S/S back pain due to cancer
Usually >50
Only 1/3 w/ known CA Hx
- Unremitting pain
- Night pain
- Wt loss
Straight leg raise
+ test = L4-L5 or L5-S1 herniated disc
Pain lifting other leg = herniated disc
Could also do by sitting knee extension
Dx w/ MRI
S/S cauda equina
- Pain
- Neuro deficits - urinary incontinence, perianal sensory loss
- Sciatica
- Urinary retention
- Weak/stiff lower extremities
- Paresthesias
- Abnl straight leg raise
Give Dexamethasone before MRI
S/S Vertebral osteomyelitis
Sx >3mo 1. Fever 2. TTP 3. Inc. ESR, NL WBC Xray NL until bone demineralizes Consult surg before abx
S/S discitis
- Constant back pain, awaken at night - not relieved by rest/meds
- +/- fever
- +/- neuro deficits
- ESR inc. +/- inc. WBC
S/S spinal epidural abscess
- Pain, fever, neuro deficits
- Localized pain then radicular then neuro deficits then paralysis
- Xrays NL
GET MRI - emergent Surg.
Sickle cell Pt w/ septic arthritis..what’s the bacteria & Tx?
Salmonella - vanco + cipro
Tx gonococcal septic arthritis
3rd gen cephalosporin
Tx if suspected before cultures come back
Tx nongonoccocal septic arthritis
Vanco + Ceftriaxone
Negative birefrigence crystals on joint aspiration?
uric acid - gout
Positive birefrigence crystals on joint aspiration?
calcium pyrophosphate - pseudogout
Tx gout & pseudogout
- Colchicien
- Prednisone if not working
Renal failure? narcotics
Lyme septic arthritis?
Larger joints more - may be migratory
Doxy, Pen G, amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone
MC locations of bursitis
Prepatellar or olecranon bursa
Tx dog/cat bite
Augmentin or moxiflocin
Flexor tenosynovitis
Kanavel 4 cardinal signs
- Percussion tenderness over flexor tendon sheath
- Uniform swelling
- Intense pain w/ passive extension
- Flexion posture
Surgical emergency - staph MC
Tx 1. Augmentin
2. Immobilize & elevate
Do you drain herpetic whitlows?
No mammary glands
Give acyclovir - immobilize & elevate
DeQuervian tenosynovitis
extensor pollicis brevis & abductor pollicis tendons
Immobilize, ROM exercises, NSAIDs
Tx ganglion cysts
- Fever
- HA
- Hematuria
- Diarrhea
- Arthralgias
- Rash - bullae on skin & mucus membranes, ulcers on cornea & stoma, vesicles that rupture
Tx the cause, +/- steroids
S/S & Tx Toxic epidermal necrolysis
1-2 wk prodome
- Fever
- Malaise
- Arthralgias
- Skin tenderness, tingling/burning
- Erythema intially on face & genitals becoming generalized & tender & confluent rapidly then bullae
- Nikolsky sign
- Hospitalize in ICU/burn unit
- ABCs
- Elecrolyte & fluid replacement
- Debridement & dressing
S/S Dx & Tx Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Common in kids <6
- Painful erythema & blistering of skin w/ fever
- NO mucus membrane involvement
- Nikolsky sign
Skin Bx, cultures on skin, throat & blood
Tx - IVF & abx
What is Ramsey Hunt syndrome?
Herpes Zoster of CN VII - vesicles in ear canal/pinna
Hearing loss, facial paralysis, loss of taste
Tx Rhus Dermatitis
Poison ivy, oak, sumac
- Antihistamines
- Oatmeal baths
- Topical steroids
- Prednisone
S/S & Tx meningococcemia
- Pharyngitis, meningitis, bacteremia
- HA, fever, AMS, N/V, myalgias, stiff neck
- Rash - petechiae, hemorrhagic vesicles
Pt in shock & can develop DIC
Tx - abx ASAP - Ceftriaxone
Pemphigus vulgaris & Tx
Old people - usually from steroids, infection, dehydration/thromboembolism
Vesicles or bullae that vary in size, blisters clear & tense then become flaccid & burst
+ Nikoslky
- Admit
- IVF & electrolytes
- Steroids
- Immunosuppressants - Azathioprine
- Plasmapheresis
TM rupture
Only give abx if contaminated
- Polymyxin B
- Ciprodex
- Floxin
Ludwig’s angina
Abscess of submaxillary, sulingual & submental spaces w/ tongue elevation, usually due to lower 2nd & 3rd molars
- Jaw swelling
- Stiff tongue
- Trismus
- Fever, chills
- Difficulty swallowing
Dx - CT
Tx - ABCs, IV abx (PCN + Flagyl), OR for drainage
Dry socket
2-3 days post extraction - Severe pain d/t clot displacement of dissolving
Local/topical anesthesia, irrigate, suction fluid, pack
Abx - dental referral
MCC death assoc. w/ ARF?
Sepsis & cardiopulm failure
Labs + Renal US
Avoid contrast dyes
Dx & Tx Priapism
Color doppler US
Aspiration of dark intracevernosal blood from copus
Tx - Terbutaline SQ in deltoid
Corporal aspiration followed by irrigation
MC opportunistic infection in AIDS?
Strep pneumoniae
Pt is on AZT, what should you suspect their CD4 count to be?
What is Brudzinski sign?
Hips & knees flex when you flex neck
Sign of meningitis
What is Kernig sign?
Hamstrings contract when knee extended w/ hip flexed
Sign of meningitis
MC bacterial cause of meningitis?
Strep pneumo
also N. meningitidis & Listeria
Tx - Ceftriaxone/Cefotaxime
Causes of encephalitis?
- Arbovirus
Ring of enhancement on CT?
Brain abscess
Dx rabies
Brain Bx
Tx - Rabies IVIG & vaccine