EXAM 2 Flashcards
- Immediate (Red): life threatening injuries requiring immediate interventions to survive
- Delayed (yellow): serious injuries that aren’t immediately life threatening and can wait for treatment
- Minimal (green): minor injuries, not urgent
- Expectant (black): injuries so severe, not expected to survive
Smallpox aka variola:
- Remember that it’s not the same as chicken pox
- Contact and airborne precautions
- Treatment: supportive care, vaccine within 4 days of exposure
- S/S/: high fever, fatigue, severe headache, chills, vomiting, delirium, rash/lesions (vesicles) on face and extremities
- Placing a patient in a safe room d/t violent behavior, danger to self or others, suicidal ideation, or escalation of a crisis situation
Risks associated with restraints:
Death from asphyxiation and pressure injuries
Guidelines for restraints:
- Explain the purpose
- Obtains a doctor’s order
- Prescription details -> reason, type, location, duration of restraint
- Neuro check every 2 hours
- Provide essential care and monitor vital signs
- Assess the need for continuation
- Document relevant data and interventions
- Easy knot, 2 fingers, tied to frame of bed NOT side rails.
Fire safety:
Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish - PASS
Pull the pin, Aim at the base of fire, Squeeze handle, Sweep side to side
Quality improvement:
A way to advance the practice of healthcare through the use of objective, measurable information. The JOINT COMMISSION provides accreditation and they require standard to show evidence of a QI to maintain accreditation status.
Continuous quality improvement process models:
- Plan Do Study Act method
- The lean approach
- 6 sigma
QI process model questions:
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- How will we know that a change is an improvement?
- What changes can we make that will result in improvement?
PDSA method:
- Plan: choose the problem, decide what data to collect, and who will collect it.
- Do: make the change or take action
- Study: review and analyze the data collected
- Act: decide the next steps to take and implement
The lean approach:
- Focused on efficacy and decreasing the amount of waste
- Identifies values as a necessary characteristic, so anything that doesn’t add value to the process is removed
- Eliminates repeated or unnecessary steps
6 sigma:
- A business problem solving model to reduce variations in practice and reduce errors
- Define, measure, analysis, improvement, control
How to know if QI efforts are working?
- Audits
- Quality indicators
1. Structure: focus on the setting and resources for care
2. Process: focus on how care is delivered
3. Outcome: focus on the results of care
Quality indicators:
- Structure indicators: reflect the setting in which care is provided r/t standard under review -> STAFFING
- Process indicators: reflect how care is provided and are establish by policies -> USE OF RESTRAINTS
- Benchmark: are goals that are set to determine at what level the outcome indicators should be met