Exam 2 Flashcards
Baroque Era
Grandure, opulance, over the top
ex: st Peter’s church in Vienna
Patrons(rich people who commissioned artists to create pieces.
counter reformation- catholic pushback against reformation
absolute monarchy Kind made giant palace from taxes, big palace =propaganda about his power
What was the purpose of music in the baroque era
through the use of dynamics, tempo, media, and texture
contrast created drama (loud-soft, fast-slow, vocal-instrumental, solo-ensemble)
The genre of opera
sung play
begins in Italy which was the artsy modern place in the baroque era
orchestra made of strings and harpsichord
instrumentation, orchestration, basso continuo,
Singing styles in operas:
- recitatives
- arias
specific instruments chosen for a piece of music
way a composer uses instruments in a piece of music
instruments of the baroque
string family:
-violin, viola, cello, bass (satb)
harmony instruments:
-lute-round guitar
- harpsichord/organ
Basso continuo
Baseline+harmony instrument used in every piece except solos
melody w/ accompaniment
Homophony is a musical texture where one main melody is supported by other parts that provide harmony. The other parts may play single notes or a more complex accompaniment. Homophony is characterized by:
Predominant melody: One part, usually the highest, tends to be the most prominent
Little rhythmic differentiation: There is little rhythmic differentiation between the parts
Chord structure: The melody is supported by a chord structure underneath
Same rhythm: The melody and harmony must use the same rhythm
division of musical time into regular recurring units
division of beat into regular recurring patterns (measures)
speed of the beat
song like
accompanied by orchestra
strong meter
soliloquy(an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers)
expresses feelings
speech like
not memorable
free rhythms
accompanied by basso continuo
dialogue/action that advances the story
major vs minor
every harmonic unit has a mode, the middle note of the unit determines the mode
Doctrine of Affections
Trying to convey an emotion as the goal of an opera
Dido and Aeneas
“queen and prince”
based off of Virgil’s Aeneid
1689 written in English
shipwreck, fall in love, have a family, he leaves to continue his journey, she gets sad and kills herself
1st perfromed for a girl’s school in Chelsea