Exam 2 Flashcards
What are the aspects of special revelation?
- God’s revealing of Himself in various specific ways to mankind
- General principle: God speaks
– sometimes personally
– sometimes in visions - Special revelation that God intends for His people is always through inspired writers
- What we have in scripture (even accounts of special revelation) are what He intended for us to have
What is a theophany?
A special appearance of God in time to humanity
- Carl Henry: theophany is a special mode of revelational miracle, a supernatural appearance in which God directly communicated His message
What does the incarnation as revelation mean?
- The greatest revelation of God to us comes in the incarnation of the eternal son (John 1:14-18)
- Revelation is Christocentric
What does the Bible say about itself?
- 2 Timothy 3: God breathed
- 2 Peter 1:3-4, 16-21: Sufficient & inspired & authoritative
What about circular reasoning?
- Circular reasoning in and of itself can be called a logical fallacy
- But one must determine if an argument is circular or not
- Virtuous circle: does the system hold together internally? If prove with empirical evidence, then those become the authority
What are the general aspects of inspiration?
- Theopneustos: “God-breathed” or “breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3)
- BB Warfield: by this passage Scriptures are a Divine Product, without an indication of how God has operated in producing them
What is the intuition theory of inspiration?
High degree of insight
(more based on natural rather than supernatural ability)
What is the illumination theory of inspiration?
The Holy Spirit illuminates the mind of the author
What is the dynamic theory of inspiration?
combination of divine and human elements without dual authorship, like a tradeoff. Some of human, some of God.
What is the dictation theory of inspiration?
God speaks, man writes (at times this is true, but not always)
What is the encounter theory (neo-orthodoxy) of inspiration?
The Bible is inspired as you interact with it, as you are inspired it is inspired.
What is the verbal-plenary theory of inspiration?
The text (verbal) is inspired (God-breathed) and it is inspired as the whole (plenary)
What is concursive inspiration?
“concursive” seems to be a better way of expressing the verbal-plenary view (2 Peter 1:20-21)
- Carson & Woodbridge: God in sovereignty superintended the freely composed human writings we call the Scriptures that they result was nothing less than God’s word and therefore entirely truthful
- Moo: The human author freely wrote what he wanted while the divine author at the same time superintended and guided that writing
- This is why we speak of dual authorship
What is the unity and diversity of the inspiration of Scripture?
- Though there are a variety of human authors because of God’s superintended work though those authors there is no sense in which the authors contradict one another
- Infact, we see the way in which the authors refer to other parts of Scripture (all see others authoritative)
What does inerrancy apply to and what are Ericksons thee types?
Applies to the original autographs
- Absolute inerrancy
- Full inerrancy
- Limited inerrancy
What is absolute inerrancy?
The Bible, which includes rather detailed treatment of matters both scientific an historical, is fully true (5,000 on the dot)
What is full inerrancy?
The Bible is completely true. While the Bible does not primarily aim to give scientific and historical data, such scientific and historical assertions as it does make are fully true (5,000ish)
What is limited inerrancy?
The Bible as inerrant and infallible but generally in its salvific doctrinal references
What is the Chicago statement on inerrancy?
Seeing decline mainline churches’ view infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture there were a group of pastors and scholars who got together and formed a committee on inerrancy
“is of infallible of divine authority in all matters upon which it touches”
What is sufficiency? What is the controversy?
- the nature of scripture as God’s breathed word to us concerning the provision of what we need for his glory and for our salvation, and life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3)
- Controversy is in the question: in what way is the Bible sufficient?
- Sola Scriptura, but not the only authority by which we understand who God is and all things in relation to him
What is the authority attribute of Scripture? (Latin words)
- Norma Normans
– Scripture is the rule that rules - Norma Normata
– Creeds and Confessions are a rule that is ruled - Sola Scriptura: three levels of tradition
What is the perspicuity attribute of Sripture?
Perspicuity means clarity
- not all parts are as clear as others
- Clearer parts interpret the less clear parts
What is canon/canonicity?
- How did we get the Bible we now have?
- Vanhoozer: not history alone, also need theology
- Kruger: three standards by which the canon is received
What is Kruger’s first standard?
The divine qualities of the canon
- beauty and excellency of scripture
- efficacy and power of scripture
- unity and harmony of scripture
*Doctrinal unity
*Redemptive-historical unity
What is Kruger’s second standard?
The apostolic Origins of the Canon
- They are not regarded as Canon because the church receives them; the church received them because they are already canon by virtue of their apostolic authority
- Structural Framework for Canon: Covenant
- Rational for Canon: Redemption
- Agents of Canon: Apostles
What is Kruger’s third standard?
Corporate reception of the Canon
What is important to know about textual transmission?
- We do not have access to the original autographs
- Way of transmission important know very few mistakes
- God superintends the preservation of His word
What about variants in textual transmission?
- No cardinal doctrine ever effected
- Think added for clarity not subtraction
- Something “subtracted” aligns with other areas of scripture
What is another name for Septuagint?
- LXX from supposed number of translators
- Greek translation of OT Jesus and disciples quoted (even they quoted a translation)
What are the aspects of biblical interpretation?
- Hermeneutics: the art and science of biblical interpretation
Sensus Plenior: “fuller meaning”
– revelation is progressive
– God superintends the process of revelation in such a way that the human author may not be aware of the fullness of what God is intending
– illumination: the way in which the Spirit works in us through God’s Word as we study it
What are the aspects of God’s decree?
- The triune God is eternal and needs nothing
- Creation is an eternal divine idea in the mind of God
- Divine ideas: that which is eternally in the mind of God
- God creates everything from nothing and does so from an eternal decree
- God’s council is an eternal Trinitarian council for which we account for time because time did not yet exist–God is outside of and not bound by time
- God’s decree is that which is ad intra an eternity and ad extra in economy
What are the aspects of Creation Ex Nihilo?
- Ex Nihilo: out of nothing
- Webster’s theology: The study of God and all things related to Him - always make creator/creation distinction
- Creation Ex Nihilo is also Trinitarian: though there are personal appropriations, the Triune God creates inseparably
What is the creation order?
- First: time - in the beginning
- Second: the universe - and God created the heavens and the earth
- Third: forms and fills - and the earth was formless and void
How does faith relate to creation?
Because no one can account for origins, we take this truth by faith (Heb 11:3)
What are the aspects of creation and beauty?
- God is beautiful and the fountain of beauty
- God calls His creation good and then very good
- We need to be attuned to the beauty of creation
- We should pause and consider our relation to creation and the way in which is directs us to the beauty of God and worship of Him
Creation Ex Nihilo: How does God’s transcendence and immanence relate to His creation?
- Transcendence: God is over His creation in
– His creation power and
– providential care - Immanence: Due to His providential care, He is also near
What is the orthodox view of how God relates to His creation?
God created the world and is providentially involved (pure act) with His creation (opera ad extra)
What is the materialism view of how God relates to His creation?
Only what is physical is real