Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the major take away of Theo 1?
The telos of mankind is the beatific vision
- the blessed vision of God
- at least seeing the glory of God in the image of Christ
What is 1 Timothy 3:14-16 discussing?
- The church is the pillar/buttress: supporting structures
- we confess: incarnation, life/death/resurrection, preincarnate/incarnation/resurrection/glory, gospel goes forth concerning Christ, taken up into glory
- theology is systematic - a confession, a statement of faith
What is the theological task according to Anselm?
“Faith seeking understanding”
How do we come up with theology?
- the theological task is to bring things together (systematic theology)
- NOT developing something new
- BUT clarification because we are imperfect
- USES: extrabiblical terms to present what is in the scriptures (ie trinity)
What are the aspects of revelation?
Natural: God reveals Himself through what He has made (Psa 19:1-6, Rom 1:18-20)
- man can know God apart from the Scriptures because of creation, we are without excuse
Special: God reveals Himself through what His word (spoken) (Psa 19:7-11, 2 Timothy 3:16)
- recognize that we bring theological presuppositions to God’s word (perceptions, understanding, culture, nature)
What is the idea of theology according to Webster?
Biblical Reasoning
What about simple faith?
- NOT: just Jesus, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit
- Because: how do we know who Jesus is (Jehovah Witnesses say they believe Jesus, Col 1:18)
- MUST: add knowledge to our faith 2 Peter 1:5-8
- ANSWER: who or what is our faith in? Studying God and things relative to Him–maintain Creator/Creature distinction
How does revelation inform interpretation and exegesis?
(The study of scripture)
- it should confirm and challenge our presuppositions
- our theological mindset is preconditioned by former churches, parents, the Bible minor
- Recognized the word is God breathed: uniquely authoritative
- theological knowledge (ie trinity, God & Mosaic authorship) informs how we read the whole book
What is the Canonical lens?
The study of Scripture as a whole
(1 superintending author (God) over all other authors)
- Canon is from God
- Interpret it as one big story
What is historical interpretation? The current problem?
the study of what the church has said throughout history
- Problem: modern hyperindividualism (Me, Jesus, Holy Spirit)
- Answer: Eph 4:11-14, 2:18-20 foundation of Apostles and prophets now & PAST evangelists, teachers, pastors: Should go back to past wisdom (creeds & confessions)
What is Biblicism?
It is a danger to historical interpretation claiming only the Bible and the Holy Spirit is important, it is allergic to tradition
- True: Bible is final authority
- But: if only need Bible, why go to church to hear its interpretation
- Bereans (Acts 17:10-15) together, in community considered Paul’s words
(Ahistorical mindset, irresponsible proof texting, anti-metaphysics, univocal predication, restrictive revelation, overemphasis on the human author)
What about Sola/Solo scriptura?
Scripture alone, not Bible alone without history of interpretation (Solo)
What is level zero of tradition?
Radicals & rationalists: traditions are worthless and wicked because the apostles and the church are lost so we must reinvent traditions. Only the Bible is authoritative and is the source of theology
- fosters skepticism and opens the door for cultural adaptation of truth. Arrogant and fool hearty (think not bring any tradition)
What is level one of tradition?
Protestant reformers: church is not lost, but needs reform. Tradition helps to interpret the Bible properly and carries authority in church, however, Scripture is the final (not only) authority.
What is level two of tradition?
Roman Catholics: tradition is the second source of infallible revelation on par or even above Scripture.
What is theological humility?
Recognizing that there are old things that are new to me
- cannot say someone is not a Christian just because they hold a different secondary or tertiary issue
- Creator/Creature distinction
- Incomprehensibility
- Accommodation
What is the Creator/Creature distinction?
God is completely other than us.
- All powerful and His power is completely other
- All knowing
What is incomprehensibility?
God cannot ultimately be known by us
- our understanding is limited, but God has chosen to reveal some to us
What is accommodation?
God reveals Himself in ways to help familiarize His otherness to us
- Analogies, Fatherhood, Marriage, Incarnation
Why study theology?
- Romans 12:1-2 transforms our mind, discern God’s will, conformed to the Bible
- Everyone is a theologian (thoughts about God & His Divine attributes are clear)
- God is worthy: all glory and praise so not abstracted but know according to what He has given us
- God is knowable (though incomprehensible)
- Romans 11:33-36, No one knows God’s mind or can counsel Him because of the Creator/Creature distinction–everything is from, through, and to Him
- Nothing and no one greater to contemplate than God and how all things relate to Him
- Goal of life, study, and worship is God culminating in the Beatific Vision
– Have the end in mind (God’s end is to glorify Himself)
What are the different types of theology?
Biblical, historical, philosophical, and systematic theology
What is Biblical theology?
The trajectory of scripture. Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation (everything toward a known end)
- recognize we come with presuppositions ie it is God’s word and the final authority for faith and practice
What is historical theology?
Theological survey through history
- what the church historically believed about something (firstborn in Col 1:15 means heir)
What is philosophical theology?
The questions: how do we think about things, what do we think about the world, what is real?, What are the underpinnings of reality?
*Way of viewing reality and truth (all exists and find being in God)
- Recognizing everyone has philosophical presuppositions.
- Acts 17:26 discusses time & place which are very philosophical concepts
What is systematic theology?
The synthesis of Biblical, historical, and philosophical theology which helps to organize reasoning (and the reasoning of others)
- systematized and categorized properly to be understood as a whole
What does univocal mean?
To comparatively say the same thing about God and creation
- gets most tripped up ie cannot say human and divine parenting are equal
What does equivocal mean?
To have more than one possible meaning
- (Bat) not helpful because not work out
What does analogical mean?
Comparatively state something that is not equal but helps bring understanding
- Danger: going bottom up - cannot do this because we are imperfect
What does ectype mean?
Shadow (ie Adam, see Romans 5:12-14)
What does archetype mean?
Substance (ie Christ, see Rom 5:12-14)
What is anthropomorphic?
Humanlike features attributed to God in order to accommodate our understanding
(wings, strong arm, throne)
What is anthropathic?
Humanlike emotions that accommodate our understanding (wrath)
What is anthroprochonic?
Humanlike experience with time that accommodates our understanding
What is the location of theology?
- In the church (community & history)
- With the church (of the past) - we are not separated or smarter than the church before
- For the church (not personal accolades)
- Individualism is not Biblical (saved individually, then into Christ’s body)
all things relating to God and Salvation
What is primary theology?
Theological matters of first importance. Anything outside of these bounds are grounds to declare a church or someone not (a) Christian - 1 Cor 15:1-5 - Gospel, trinity
What is secondary theology?
Theological matters of secondary importance. Causes denominations - ecclesial matters: baptism, church polity