Exam 2 Flashcards
Why are C3-C5 injuries the most severe?
damage to phrenic nerve which is associated with the diaphragm
What injuries are most common?
cervical and lumbar
What area of the body is affected during a C4 injury?
below neck
What area of the body is affected during a C6 injury?
below shoulders
What area of the body is affected during a T6 injury?
below chest
What area of the body is affected during a L1 injury?
below waist
What are the primary mechanism of injury? (6)
Flexion & extension
Axial loading/vertical compression
Excessive rotation
Penetrating trauma
Hyperflexion direction?
Hyperextension direction?
Flexion & Extension injury?
What are secondary mechanisms of injury?
worsens the primary injury; may be reversible within the 1st 4-6hrs w/ early intervention
What are the causes of secondary injury? (5)
Impaired tissue perfusion
Local edema
What is the emergency management of someone who has a suspected c-spine injury?
immobilize head and neck in neutral position w/ C-collar and hard backboard
What are our priorities when caring for a trauma pt?
- Stop uncontrolled bleeding
- Immobilize C-spine
- ABCs
- resp function/perfusion/cardiac assessments
- GCS score
- sensory/mobility/neuro assessments
- pain assessment
- GI/GU assessment
What GCS score means intubation is indicated?
Circulation and Control bleeding
Expose & Environmental control
Full set VS, Facilitate adjuncts, Family
Get monitoring devices, Give comfort
History and Head-to-Toe assessment
Inspect posterior surface
What diagnostic studies can you anticipate for a client with a suspected SCI?
CT scan: complete or incomplete injury
Cervical XR: hard to see C7 & T1
MRI: soft tissue
Comprehensive neurologic exam: q1hr
CT angiogram: vertebral artery damage
What is spinal shock?
Complete but temporary loss of motor, sensory, reflex, and autonomic function
What manifestations are associated with spinal shock?
Low CO
No sweating below level of injury
Flaccid paralysis
Loss of sensation
Bowl and bladder dysfunction
Warm, dry extremities
How long does spinal shock last?
48hrs but can last for weeks
What is the onset of spinal shock?
occurs w/in 30-60min of injury
How do we treat spinal shock?
Keep MAP >85 using vasoconstrictors (levophed, sudophed)
Steriods: antiinflammatory
Keep normothermia
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
Exaggerated autonomic response to stimuli
What manifestations are associated with AD?
HTN (can cause stroke)
Severe headache
Profuse sweating above level of injury
Flushing of skin/goosebumps
Blurred vision/spots in visual field
How is AD caused?
Distended bladder (most common)
Distended bowel
Skin stimulation
How do we treat and prioritize interventions for a client with AD?
- raise HOB
- find cause
- treat cause
- notify provider
- monitor and treat BP (vasodilators)
What is neurogenic shock?
hemodynamic changes resulting from sudden loss of autonomic tone
How is neurogenic different from spinal shock?
neurogenic is circulatory in nature
When does neurogenic shock occur?
24hrs following injury
What are manifestations of neurogenic shock?
Low CO
Wide pulse pressure
Warm, flushed skin
Labored breathing
What kind of injury is Anterior Cord Syndrome?
flexion and compression injury
What damage is done during Anterior Cord Syndrome?
damage to anterior spinal artery
Manifestations of Anterior Cord Syndrome?
motor paralysis and loss of pain and temp sensation below level of injury
What kind of injury is Brown-Sequard Syndrome?
penetrating injury
What damage is done in Brown-Sequard Syndrome?
damage to 1/2 of cord
Manifestations of Brown-Sequard Syndrome?
Ipsilateral loss of motor function
Contralateral loss of pain and temp sensation
What kind of injury is Central Cord Syndrome?
Manifestations of Central Cord Syndrome?
burning pain in upper extremities
How do TED hose and abdominal binders help orthostatic hypotension?
maintain blood volume
What meds prevent stress ulcers?
H2 receptor blockers (Famotidine, Cimetidine)
PPIs (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole)
What happens to the vagina during pregnancy?
becomes more acidic, therefore, more prone to yeast infections
What blood components increase during pregnancy?
WBC and fibrinogens
What happens to the respiratory status during pregnancy?
respiratory alkalosis
What happens to insulin levels during pregnancy?
What meds can pregnant ladies take to help with common discomforts?
tylenol & tums
What is the intervention for supine hypotension?
lay pregnant lady on left lateral side
Recommended wt gain during pregnancy for normal BMI?
Recommended wt gain during pregnancy for underweight?
Recommended wt gain during pregnancy for overweight?
Recommended wt gain during pregnancy for obese?
1st trimester length
1-13 weeks
How often are prenatal visits during the 1st trimester?
How much wt are you supposed to gain during 1st trimester?
What happens in the first prenatal visit?
- EDB (estimate due date)
- Health assessment
- pelvic exam/pap smear
- med reconciliation
- safety topics
- labs
What kind of labs do they order during the initial prenatal visit?
Blood typing
Rubella viral antigen screen
Hepatitis panel
What ed is provided during 1st trimester?
basics of what to expect during pregnancy
required nutrition
possible complications
fetal growth/development
2nd trimester length
14-26 weeks
In what trimester do you measure fundal height?
2nd trimester
How do you evaluate fundal height measurements?
weeks gestation should = measurement of fundal height
What measured difference in fundal height identifies a problem?
> 2cm< difference
What is leopold’s maneuvers?
palpating position of baby
What are the 1st signs of supine hypotension syndrome?
sweaty, dizzy
Which labs are assessed during the 2nd trimester?
Gestational DM screening
Rh(D) factor screening
When is gestational DM screening performed?
1hr glucose tolerance test details?
don’t need to fast
50g oral glucose load
130-140 could indicate DM
3hr glucose tolerance test details?
need to fast
100g oral glucose load
1,2,3hr checks
2 of 4 elevated BS samples = diagnosis
What fasting glucose level indicates gestational diabetes?
> 95
After 1hr what BS level indicates gestational diabetes?
> 180
After 2hr what BS level indicates gestational diabetes?
> 155
After 3hr what BS level indicates gestational diabetes?
> 140
When is Rh(D) factor screening performed?
28 weeks
What Rh(D) factor screening result indicates a need for Rhogam prophylactically?
negative blood type
Why is Rhogam important to administer?
worried about viability of 2nd pregnancy
What ed is included during the 2nd trimester?
benefits of breastfeeding
seat belt safety
fetal movement
childbirth classes
develop birth plan
How many cal should pregnant lady consume during 2nd trimester?
350 calories?
How much wt should pregnant lady gain during 2nd & 3rd trimester?
1-2lbs per week
3rd trimester length?
27-40 weeks
How often are prenatal visits after 28 weeks?
every 2 weeks
How often are prenatal visits after 36 weeks?
How many fetal movements (kicks) should mom feel in an hour?
3 kicks
What labs are performed during 3rd trimester?
Hct & Hgb (H&H)
Group B strep screening
When is Group B strep screening performed?
35-37 weeks
If a pregnant lady is + for Group B strep what are the interventions?
antibiotics during labor 2-3 does
What ed is included during the 3rd trimester?
childbirth classes
coping methods
pain management
signs of labor
infant care
postpartum care
kick counts
How many calories is pregnant lady supposed to consume during 3rd trimester?
450 calories
When is the NST performed?
3rd trimester
Nursing considerations for NST?
Instruct pt to press the button on the event marker each time they feel a fetal movement
What NST finding is good?
Normal FHR?
accelerates at least 15bpmx15sec
occurs 2 or more times during 20min period
What assess fetal well-being measuring 5 variables with score of 0 or 2 (in 30min)?