EXAM 2 Flashcards
The serratus anterior causes which of the following actions? There may be multiple correct answers. A) Retraction B) Protraction C) Upward rotation D) Downward rotation
B, C
The dorsal scapular nerve innervates which of these muscles? There may be multiple correct answers. A) Deltoid B) Rhomboids C) Levator scapulae D) Trapezius E) Pectoralis minor
B, C
Which of these muscles inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus? There may be more than one correct answer. A) Deltoid B) Supraspinatus C) Infraspinatus D) Teres minor E) Subscapularis
B, C, D
True or False: The pectoralis minor ORIGINATES on ribs 3, 4 and 5.
What word best describes the relationship between the rhomboids and serratus anterior? A) Agonist B) Synergist C) Neutralizer D) Antagonist
The origin of this muscle is the most inferior of those listed? A) Teres major B) Teres minor C) Levator scapulae D) Deltoid E) Supraspinatus
True or False: All rotator cuff muscles are considered intrinsic glenohumeral muscles
The bicipital groove of the humerus serves as the insertion for which of these muscles? A) Pectoralis major B) Coracobrachialis C) Triceps brachii D) Biceps brachii
True or False: Both the lat. dorsi and the teres major will cause internal rotation at the glenohumeral joint
True or False: All heads of the triceps brachii will cause shoulder extension
This head of the biceps brachii has it’s origin at the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula A) Long head B) Short head C) Lateral head D) Medial head
Select all muscles that are part of the rotator cuff A) Teres major B) Teres minor C) Subscapularis D) Infraspinatus E) Supraspinatus
B, C, D, E
This muscle originates on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserts on the olecranon process of the ulna. A) Supinator B) Pronator teres C) Anconeus D) Pronator quadratus E) Extensor digitorum
Select the muscles that originate on the medial epicondyle of the humerus. There might be more than one correct answer. A) Palmaris longus B) Extensor carpi ulnaris C) Pronator teres D) Extensor carpi radialis longus E) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
A, C
Which of these muscles is innervated by the medial nerve? There may be more than one correct answer. A) Pronator teres B) Pronator quadratus C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) palmaris longus E) flexor carpi ulnaris
A, B, C, E
Match the muscle to the nerve! A. Brachialis B. Flexor digitorum profundus C. Anconeus D. Pronator teres
Ulnar Nerve
This muscle causes flexion of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of digits 2-5. A) Extensor digitorum B) Flexor digitorum profundus C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) Flexor digiti minimi
True or False: The annual ligament holds the head of the radius in the radial notch of the ulna
Which muscle has the most proximal origin? A) Pronator teres B) Pronator quadratus C) Extensor carpi radialis longus D) Extensor carpi ulnaris
How many bones are in all 5 fingers (not including the metacarpals)? A) 15 B) 14 C) 13 D) 12
Which bones are the two middle bones in the distal row of carpal bones? Some lovers try positions that They Can't handle. A) Capitate B) Trapezium C) Trapezoid D) Scaphoid E) Lunate F) Triquitrum G) Pisiform H) Hamate
A, C
Which two bones are the two most ulnar carpal bones in the proximal row? Some lovers Try Positions that they can't handle... A) Capitate B) Trapezium C) Trapezoid D) Scaphoid E) Lunate F) Triquitrum G) Pisiform H) Hamate
F, G
The wrist joint is mainly between the carpal bones and this bone? A) Humerus B) Ulna C) Radius D) Scapula
True or False: The range of motion for ulnar deviation is larger than the range of motion for radial deviation
The flexor pollicis longus muscles can effect what motion at the wrist? A) Supination B) Radial deviation C) Ulnar deviation D) Pronation
Which of these muscles is not a hypothenar muscle? A) Extensor digiti minimi B) Abductor digiti minimi C) Flexor digiti minimi brevis D) Opponens digiti minimi
Which of these muscles is not a thenar muscle? A) Opponens pollicis B) Abductor pollicis brevis C) Flexor pollicis brevis D) Abductor pollicis longus
The biceps brachii is the agonist for supination when the elbow joint is performing which action? A) radial deviation B) Flexion C) Extension D) Pronation
The palmar interossei adduct the fingers while the dorsal interossei abduct the fingers. What word best describes the relationship between these muscles? A) Synergist B) Neutralizer C) Agonist D) Antagonist
True or False: The extensor pollicis longus originates on the radius.
In anatomic position this muscle will have the most superior origin point. A) Brachioradialis B) Biceps brachii C) Brachialis D) Deltoid
Damage to the thoracodorsal nerve will affect which exercise the most? A) Bench Press B) Dumbbell overhead press C) Bicep curl D) Lat. Pulldown
Range of motion for shoulder internal rotation is A) 180 degrees B) 130 degrees C) 90 degrees D) 45 degrees
Most people use fingers 2 and 3 while operating a computer mouse. Which nerve would be responsible for innervating the muscle(s) that cause finger flexion at the DIP in these fingers? A) Ulnar B) Median C) Radial D) Humeral
During seated rowing what action occurs at the elbow? A) Flexion B) Extension C) Supination D) Pronation
Calculate mechanical advantage given the following information. Force arm = 2 meters, resistance arm = 4 meters. A) MA=8 B) MA=2 C) MA=1 D) MA=0.5
The teres minor has what action at the shoulder? A) Flexion B) Horizontal abduction C) Horizontal adduction D) Retraction
Match the lever type to the configuration of axis, force and resistance.
A. Class II
B. Class I
C. Class III
The styloid process of the radius serves as the insertion for this muscle A) Pronator quadratus B) Pronator teres C) Supinator D) Brachialis E) Brachioradialis F) Biceps Brachii