exam 2 Flashcards
Consider the image below. We extracted 5 sequential cycles from a wave and lined them up on top of each other so they all start at time 0. Each is displayed in a different color. The difference between each cycle reflects an acoustic measure. What acoustic measure does this figure depict? (many lines far apart)
Consider the following four images. Each displays a power spectrum. Which one shows the sound with the highest harmonic-to-noise ratio?
smallest one
Consider the image below. We extracted 5 sequential cycles from a wave and lined them up on top of each other so they all start at time 0. Each is displayed in a different color. The difference between each cycle reflects an acoustic measure. What acoustic measure does this figure depict? (lines very close together)
Why is the value of dynamic range usually lower than conversational intensity?
because of how they’re calculated: dynamic range is a difference, conversational intensity is an average
it is very common for people to end their utterances in vocal fry, a very low frequency phonation with sort of a “popping” sound to it. This is an example of which register?
pulse register
Why would it be a bad idea to use maximum phonation frequency range to measure jitter?
the frequency changes during the glides
Due to a recent neck injury, your client’s left vocal fold is dislocated and stuck in the abducted (open) position. You complete a voice quality assessment on her voice after her injury. Make some hypotheses regarding how her vocal quality assessments might change.
all diminished
Why do we report Maximum Phonation Frequency Range (MPFR) as semitones or octaves and not Hz?
The perceptual difference between adjacent frequencies decreases as frequency increases (adjacent frequencies begin to sound more similar as frequency increases)
Select the measure that fundamental frequency is most closely related to.
the duration of one vibratory cycle during conversational speech
Resting expiratory end level can be best described by which of the following:
recoil forces of the chest wall equal recoil forces of the lungs
What mechanism is primarily responsible for expiration at the beginning of an utterance?
inspiratory muscles
what is the best definition of vital capacity?
Starting at resting expiratory end level, breathing in as much air as possible then breathing out as much air as possible
You conduct electroglottography on a person with a strained vocal quality. Even before you see the wave, what are you expecting to see?
wide peaks: more time is spent with the vocal folds closed
Consider the electroglotography signal in the image below. Which letter mostly closely corresponds with the part of the cycle where the vocal folds are moving from the adducted (closed) phase to the abducted (open) phase.
During loud phonation the intrinsic muscles of the larynx push the vocal folds together more tightly. This means the respiratory system must use more force to generate phonation. How will the phonation threshold pressure be for loud phonation be different than the phonation threshold pressure of quiet phonation?
PTP will be greater because of extra muscle effort
Compared to tidal breathing, what is different about the expiratory phase of speech breathing?
requires the use of inspiration muscles
If you analyzed the s/z ratio from two people: one person has a healthy voice whereas the other person has a breathy voice. Compared to the person with the healthy voice, what would you expect the s/z ratio be like in the person with the breathy voice?
it would be a lot bigger than 1, just like a healthy person’s
There are multiple sources of glottal inefficiency. The most common is probably changes to the make up of the vocal folds; like when we are sick our vocal folds may swell due to inflammation. Which of the following is another potential source of glottal inefficiency?
reduced respiratory capacity from typical (COPD)
While listening to your friend you notice her voice sounds breathy. Which acoustic feature do you suspect will be outside of normal limits, and in what direction?
HNR will be diminished
While completing a voice quality analysis for a transgender woman you measure her F0 to be 165 Hz. This is higher than the average for cisgender men but lower than the average for cisgender women. Jitter, shimmer, HNR in sustained phonation, HNR in connected speech and conversational intensity are all within normal limits. Is her voice disordered?
No, we can’t easily compare F0 norms for her, but given her other values we determine her voice is healthy
Below is a power spectrum of an original wave form. The original waveform was subjected to a high-pass filter. In the options below select power spectrum that corresponds with the filtered waveform.
the one with lines near the end
Below is a power spectrum. The fundamental frequency has been filtered out of this wave. But we can still determine the fundamental frequency. What is the fundamental frequency of the (original) wave?
117 Hz
While completing a voice quality analysis on a cisgender man you measure his F0 to be 165Hz. This is a higher frequency than the average range. What does this mean?
His vocal folds are smaller than the average cisgender man’s
what is the purpose of an acoustic filter?
To change the amplitude of some frequencies in the wave
Select the statement that best completes the following sentence:
A low pass filter _________
removes frequencies above a cutoff frequency
You complete a voice analysis for a teacher who has recently noticed a change in her voice. In the morning her voice sounds and feels fine. But as she talks throughout the day her voice loses intensity and begins to sound breathy
What is likely wrong with her voice?
Fatigue: as the day goes on she’s not able to fully adduct her vocal folds, so air begins to escape
Jeff and Keira both have 14cm long vocal tracts. Jeff’s fundamental frequency is lower than Keira’s. Which of the following statements is true
Jeff and Keira will have similar formant frequencies
A person has a 17cm long vocal tract, meaning the formants of their neutral vowel are:
F1: 500Hz
F2: 1500Hz
F3: 2500Hz
She moves her tongue forward in the mouth. Select the correct change
F2: 1700 Hz
According to the formant rules, if the frequency of the second formant increases in what way did the vocal tract change
blade of tongue moved forward
According to the Source Filter Theory, changing the fundamental frequency will change the frequencies of some formants
According to the Source Filter Theory, changing the shape of the vocal tract will change the frequency of some harmonics
According to the Source Filter Theory, changing the shape of the vocal tract will change the amplitude of some harmonics
As human’s grow from childhood to adulthood both their vocal tracts and vocal folds lengthen over time. What happens to the frequencies of the formants?
they lower because the vocal tract gets longer
What is a resonator?
a physical structure that will amplify specific frequencies
Consider the image below. This is a depiction of a vowel’s power spectrum. What are the blue arrows pointing to?
formats 1, 2 and 3
What is the purpose of an acoustic filter?
to change the amplitude of some frequencies in the wave
Select the best definition of the source filter theory.
- The configuration of the vocal tract determines which harmonics from the pressure wave generated by the vocal folds will be amplified or attenuated