Exam 2 Flashcards
experimental design
a type of study where an independent variable is manipulated AND an outcome is measured WHILE extraneous variables are controlled
nonexperimental design
an outcome is measured BUT lacks either/both:
- manipulation of an independent variable
- a dependent variable is measured (e.g. random assignment of participants to conditions or orders of conditions)
descriptive design
gathers information about a group of people
descriptive claims
- surveys/polls
- behavioral observations
limitations of behavioral observations
- observer effects (observer can change participants’ behavior to match their expectations)
- reactivity (some people change their behavior when they know they are being watched)
how can we counteract limitations of observer effects/reactivity
observer effects:
1. trained observers
2. masked design/blind design (observers do not know to which conditions the participants have been assigned, they are not aware of what the study is about)
1. blend in
2. wait
3. measure the behavior’s results instead of the actual behavior
how well does the data represent the way things actually are?
construct validity
how well a construct is operationalized- does the operational and conceptual definition match? (e.g. mental health and mental health tally)
statistical validity
the extent to which the author’s interpretations of the data are reasonable and accurate
internal validity
the accuracy of the relationship between variables
external validity
generalizability, how well the results of a study represent the population
association design
aims to see if there is a statistical relationship between two variables
correlation claims