Exam 2 Flashcards
bacterial nutritional categories are based on
how cells get energy, electrons, and carbon
use reduced, pre-formed organic molecules as their carbon source
ex: us many bacteria
use CO2 as their carbon source
most autotrophs are
photosynthetic organisms
what are typical problems with carbon dioxide as a carbon source
- lacks hydrogen
- most oxidized form of carbon
- cannot be used as a source of protons, electrons, or energy
chemical energy
organic e- source
organic carbon source
chemical energy source
organic electron source
inorganic carbon source
chemical energy source
inorganic electron source
organic carbon source
chemical energy source
inorganic electron source
inorganic carbon source
light energy source
organic electron source
inorganic carbon source
light energy source
organic electron source
organic carbon source
light energy source
inorganic electron source
organic carbon source
light energy source
inorganic electron source
inorganic carbon source
- required in relatively large amounts
- C, O, H, N, S, and P (carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids)
- ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and chloride ions
macronutrients / macroelements
roles of ionic macroelements
enzyme cofactors, osmotic balance, ATP synthesis, etc
- required in very small amounts
- act as enzyme cofactors
- Mn2+, Zn2+ Co2+, Mo2+, Ni2+, Cu2+
micronutrients / trace elements
we need electrons for
biosynthesis and metabolic pathways
organotrophs get their electrons from
reduced organic molecules (e.g. glucose)
lithotrophs get their electrons from
- water, reduced inorganic molecules (sulfur, iron, nitrogen-based molecules, ferrous iron, ammonia, hyddrogen sulfide)
- “rock eaters”
capture energy from oxidation or organic or inorganic compounds/chemicals
capture light energy to produce ATP
- occurs when pre-formed bacterial toxins are ingested
- pathogen doesn’t grow in host, symptoms occur quickly
foodborne intoxication
- natural reservoir in soil
- home-canned foods, baked potatoes in foil
- inhibits synaptic vesicle fusion in motor neurons by targeting SNARE proteins in motor neurons
- paralysis and respiratory failure
Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
- main reservoir is nasal cavities
- high protein foods: meat and dairy
- extracellular enterotoxins
- nausea, vomiting, cramps
Staphylococcus aureus
how does C. botulinum impact SNARE proteins in motor neurons
- if the SNARE protein is not synthesized or turned on, acetylcholine is not secreted, and therefore no muscle contraction occurs
- can lead to flaccid paralysis –> death
- found in raw oysters
- 10^8 ingested cells for illness
- marine organism
- incubation time 6-96h
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- from under or uncooked poultry (half of sold poultry)
- < 10 ingested cells can cause illness
- symptoms arise in 2-5 days
Campylobacter jejuni
- very common
- disease lasts 1-2 days, includes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
- infection rates highest under crowded conditions
- incubation time: 12-48h
occur via ingestion of pathogen followed by growth in intestines
food-borne infections
- most pathogens
- organic carbon source (C, O, H), energy source, and e-
- cyanobacteria, sulfur bacteria
- more flexible in metabolism
- CO2 as carbon, light energy source, inorganic e- source (H2O)
- comprised of catabolism and anabolism
- all of the chemical reactions in an organism
breaking down large molecules into smaller molecules and releasing energy
building biomolecules from precursors using energy
aspects of metabolism are common to all organisms
- life obeys the laws of thermodynamics
- energy cells obtain from their environment is often conserved as ATP
- redox rxns play a critical role in energy conservation
- chemical rxns that occur in cells are organized into pathway
- each rxn of a pathway is catalyzed by an enzyme
- functioning of biochemical pathways is regulated
why is the catalysis of each reaction of a pathway by an enzyme so important
critical for survival because enzymes decrease activation energy
laws of thermodynamics
energy is only transformed not created or destroyed
living organisms need energy to build
bacterial growth biomass depends on
energy change of catabolic rxns
dG (Gibbs free energy) depends on
the enthalpy and entropy changes associated with the rxn
- acquired thru meat, fruits, veggies
- ~500 cells ingested can cause illness
- 3-4 day incubation pd
- vomiting, diarrhea, and/or fever
E. coli 0157:H7 (acquired Shiga toxin)
how does the Shiga toxin work?
- cleaves rRNA, blocking protein synthesis
- binds receptors on kidney and blood vessel cells causing bloody diarrhea and kidney failure
- acquired thru meat, poultry, eggs
- > 10^5 ingested cells for illness
- incubation time as short as 8 hours, often longer (12-72h)
- typhoidal or nontyphoidal
- g- and bacillus shaped
Salmonella enterica
how do we prevent food spoilage
- reduction of water activity
- acidity
- chemical preservatives
- controling temp
- irradiation
- modified atmosphere packaging
removes oxygen or floods packaging w/ CO2
modified atmosphere packaging
UV, gamma, or X-rays used to kill microbes damaging DNA
how do we control temperature to prevent food spoilage
pasteurization + refrigeration, freezing
intrinsic factors that impact the likelihood of food spoilage
- water availability
- osmolarity
- nutrient content
- pH and buffering capacity
- antimicrobial constituents
- biological structures such as rinds or shells
extrinsic factors that impact food spoilage
- temperature
- humidity
- presence and concentration of gases
steps to milk spoilage
- acid production by Lactobacillus fermentation
- yeasts and molds degrade the lactic acid
- protein-digesting bacteria (cadaverine, putrescine putrefy the milk)
refers to microbial changes that render a product unpalatable for consumption
acid fermentation products produce what taste
alkaline fermentation products produce a what taste
oxidation of fats promotes
decomposition of proteins promotes
- pathogenic bacteria typically
- you cannot tell if it will make you sick
consists of visible microbial growth, gross
- amino acids, certain ions that increase osmolarity inside cell to prevent water loss
- help microbes survive high salt environments
compatible solutes
- adapted to salty (3.5%), low water environments
- ocean, skin surface
more than 30% salt, use compatible solutes to survive
extreme halophiles
a measure of the number of solutes in a solution and is inversely related to water activity
more solute =
less water activity
more water activity =
less solute
- requires high pressure to grow, though they die at still higher temperatures
- pressure adapted internal structures, unsaturated membrane lipids
- greater than 380 atm
organisms die as pressure increases
- organisms grow to a certain pressure, but die at higher pressure
- 10-500 atm
- cannot eliminate ROS
- die in presence of oxygen, cannot use or be near
- (-) SOD, - Catalase, - Peroxidase
ex: Clostridium
strict anaerobe
- grow oxygen using anaerobic metabolism
- can’t use oxygen but don’t care, aren’t harmed by oxygen but don’t use it
- (+) SOD, + Catalase or Peroxidase
ex: Lactobacillus
aerotolerant aerobes
- can live without oxygen
- can use oxygen or not, grow best in oxygen but can grow anaerobically
- (+) SOD, + Catalase, + Peroxidase
ex: E. coli
facultative anaerobe
- grow only at low O2 concentrations
- use oxygen, grow best when there is 2-10% oxygen
- (+) SOD (low levels), + Catalase, - Peroxidase
ex: Streptococcus
- can only grow oxygen is available, absolute requirement
- grow in atmospheric oxygen (20%)
- (+) SOD, + Catalase, + Peroxidase
Ex: Pseudomonas
obligate aerobes
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) often begins w/
FAD moving an electron to oxygen
generate ROS
- superoxide radical union
- hydrogen peroxide
- peroxide radical