Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the major effect of all NSAID’s?
Decrease synthesis of prostaglandins by inhibiting cycle oxygenate
What do Prostaglandins do in the body?
1) Enhance inflammatory process
2) Increase renal blood flow
3) protects the GI mucosa
MOA of COX-1
Gastroprotective effects
MOA of COX-2
Produces proinflammatory mediators
Problems associated with acute toxicity:
1) GIT symptoms = MC (Dyspepsia)
2) Renal effects = 2nd MC
Treatment for acute overdose:
1) Secure airway
2) Activated Charcoal
3) Transport
MOA of Salicylate Toxicity:
1) Inc. metabolic rate
2) inc. O2 consumption
3) inc. CO2 formation
4) inc. heat production
5) inc. glucose use
6) depletion of hepatic glycogen
Clinical features of salicylate toxicity
- nausea/vomiting
- tachypnea
- tinnitus
- metabolic acidosis
Why is Acetomenophen toxicity worse in alcoholics?
Due to introduction of Hepatic Microsomal Enzyme Systems
Vitamin A Acute Toxicity clinical features:
- Pseudotumor Cerebri
- Tired/Irritable
- Hair Loss
- Hepatomegaly
Chronic Vitamin A toxicity clinical features
- bone pain
- visual disturbances
- fatigue, but difficulty sleeping
- dry skin/hair loss
- elevated Alk Phos
- Periosteal calcification
Vitamin D toxicity clinical features
- Hypercalcemia
- Weakness
- Headache/Fatigue
- ST Calcificaton
- Polyuria/Polydipsia
- nephrocalcinosis
Vitamin C toxicityClinical features:
- Urinary calculi
- elevated Estradiol (when taking birth control)
- Inc. iron absorption
- Diarrhea, Nausea, Craming
When is increased iron absorption dangerous?
In patients with Hemochromatosis
Functions of Histamine
1) Mediates all Allergic responses
2) Regulates Gastric acid secretion
3) CNS neurotransmitter
Function of H1 Antihistamine
1) constricts bronchioles
2) Dilates peripheral vasculature
3) inc. vascular permeability
Function of H2 Antihistamine
1) Regulates Gastric acid secretion
In the CNS, H1 & H2…
1) Arousal
2) Thermoregulation
3) Neuroendocrine functions
Function of H3 Antihistamine
1) Presynaptic regulator of histamine synthesis and release
What are H1 receptor blockers?
1) Reversible & Competitive
2) Inhibit H1 receptors
3) Competitive inhibitors of Muscanaric receptors
4) Block sodium channels disrupting cortical neurotransmission
Antihistamine Toxicity clinical features
1) Sedation
2) Headache
3) Dry Mouth
4) Nausea
5) Menstrual Pain (Allegra)
What are H2 receptor blockers used to treat?
Clinical indications to use an H2 receptor blocker
1) Brady/tachycardia
2) confusion
3) agitation
4) delirium
5) Seizures
Examples of H2 receptor blockers
1) Tagamet
2) Zantac
3) Pepcid
4) Axid
Example of H1 receptor blockers
1) Benadryl
2) Unisom
3) Chlor Trimeton
4) Atarax
5) Claritin
6) Allegra
7) Zyrtec
Macrolides Antibiotic toxicity effect:
Gastric Irritation
Chloramphenicol Antibiotic toxicity effect:
Aplastic anemia
Tetracyclines Antibiotic toxicity effect:
1) Photosensitivity
2) Renal Tubular Necrosis
Fluroquinolones Antibiotic toxicity effect:
Disrupt Cartilage synthesis
Low dose caffeine toxicity clinical features:
1) Nervousness
2) Insomnia
3) Abdominal pain
High dose caffeine toxicity clinical features:
1) Vomitting
2) Myoclonus
3) Myocardial irritability
4) Seizures
Clinical features of chronic caffeine toxicity
1) Irritability
2) Insomnia
3) Anxiety
4) Chronic abdominal pain
5) CVD
6) Fibrocycstic disease
FDA regulation of herbal medicines
Little to none…
In many herbal products the active ingredient __________.
“Is not known”
Definition of Infusion
Herbs steeped in water (like tea)
Definition of Decoction
Plant soaked then boiled in water (extracts more)
Definition of Tincture
Herb extract prepared by steeping in 25% mix of alcohol & water
Definition of Syrup
Herb extract prepared in honey or sugar
Definition of Compress
Cloth pad soaked in hot herbal extract and applied to painful area
Definition of Poultice
Similar to compress, but entire herb is applied to area
Definition of Emmenagogue
Herb that induces or increases menstrual flow
Definition of Carminative
Herb that reduces or prevents flatulence
MC use f herbal medicine is…
Herbal teas
What is “Folk” medicine?
Unrefined products derived from local plants, animals or minerals as a treatment for disease.
Use for Aloe:
1) Laxative
2) Cathartic effects
3) Psoriasis/Seborrhea
4) Skin Burns
Use for Bilberry (Huckleberry, Blueberry):
1) Atherosclerosis
2) PVD
3) lipid-lowering
4) anti-inflammatory
5) night vision/visual acuity
Use for Black Cohosh
1) alternative to Hormone Therapy
2) Menopausal/Dysmenorrhea/Prementrual
Use for Chamomile
1) Sleep
2) anti-peptic/pyretic
3) antibacterial/fungal
4) antispasmodic
Contraindication for using Chamomile
Allergy to Ragweed (contact dermatitis)
Use for Cascara Sagrada (Fletcher’s Castoria)
1) Constipation
2) Gallstones
3) Liver problems
Use for Cheyenne Pepper
1) Topically for anti-inflammatory for arthritis
Use for Chinese parsley, Coriander, Cilantro
1) cooking
2) Chelating agent
3) Inc. Hg, Pb & Al excretion from the body
Use for cranberry fruit
1) prevent & treat UTI/Kidney stones
2) Diuretic
3) antiseptic
Use for Echinacea
1) Upper respiratory viral infections
2) immune stimulant
3) promote healing
What can Echinacea interfere with?
Immunosuppressive therapy
Use of Feverfew Leaf
Prophylactic prevention of…
1) migraine/headaches
2) fever
3) arthritis
4) mentrual problems
Use of Ginger
1) prevent & treat motion sickness
2) appetite stimulant
3) arthritis
4) cold symtoms
No not use Ginger in patients with…
Health benefits of Ginger Tea List: (11)
1) Motion sickness/STOMACH DISCOMFORT
2) dec. inflammation
3) asthma
4) circulation
5) mentrual discomfort/fertility
6) immunity
7) relieve stress
8) cough & cold
9) cancer
10) Alzheimer’s
11) Weight loss
Use for Ginkgo root:
1) Vasodilator
2) Cerebral insufficiency
3) dementia/memory enhancement
4) sexual dysfunction due to antidepressant use
Use of Asian Ginseng (Panay ginseng)
1) respiratory, digestive & CNS stimulant
2) Fatigue
3) Ulcers
4) Lowers cholesterol
5) immunostimulatory agent
6) cope with stress
Use of Goldenseal root
1) Common cold & URI
2) bacteria & inflammation
3) immune stimulant
4) infectious diarrhea
Use of hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)
1) Cardiac function (HR & blood flow to heart) (dec. BP)
Use of Kava Root
1) anxiety
2) insomnia
3) promote relaxation
Why is Kava root no longer available in the U.S.?
Live issues