Exam Flashcards
What does mahatma mean?
Great soul
What does monsoon mean?
Seasonal wind that brings rain to the Indian subcontinent during parts of the year.
What does nirvana mean?
A state of blissful peace without desire or suffering.
What does missionary mean?
Someone who tries to convert others to a particular religion.
What does meditate mean?
Calm or clear the mind, often by focusing on a single object.
What does dharma mean?
A person’s duty or what is right for him or her.
What does caste mean?
Fixed social class into which a person is born.
What does subcontinent mean?
A large landmass that is set apart from the rest of the continent.
What does ashram mean?
Experimental village with multi-races and religions living together in a classless commune. Hindi for community or the world.
What does karma mean?
In Hinduism, the effect of a person’s actions in this and in previous lives.
Result of Aryan and Indian cultural blending.
In what way is Hinduism different than most religions?
They believe in reincarnation.
The effect that India’s mountains and waterways had on it’s development.
They were separated from other countries.
Why is Asoka thought of as one of India’s greatest rulers?
He had become one of India’s greatest ruler because he had created one of the best armies India has ever seen and then gave up war after the war at kalinga.
According to Hinduism, what happens to faithful followers when they die?
The will reborn in a higher class.
Why are monsoons important to India?
It brought rain to India.
An important result of the Ayran invasion of India.
The Caste system
What did Chadragupta have in common with the Egyptian pharaohs.
He had absolute rule.
The source of the Indus and the Ganges rivers.
Himalayan mountains
According to Buddha, what is the cure for human suffering?
Following the eightfold path.
Method of resistance that Gandhi used against the British empire.
Non cooperation
Conditional result of Indian independence.
What does civil service mean?
The people who work for a government.
What does loess mean?
Yellow brown soil
What does warlord mean?
military ruler
What does currency mean?
The type of money used by a group or a nation.
What does silk mean?
A valuable cloth, originally made only in China from threads spun by caterpillars called silkworms.
What does philosophy mean?
A system of beliefs and values.
What does dike mean?
A protective wall that holds back water.
What does extended family mean?
Closely related people of several generations.
What was the center of Chinese society?
How did Shi Huangdi attempt to control Chinese thought?
Banning Confucius.
According to Confucian philosophy, government jobs could be held by…
A legible man who’s literate.
China’s geographic influence on its civilization.
It is separated from other countries.
Confucian belief about authority figures.
Set an example for other people.
China, Mesopotamia, and Egypt all developed around this geographic feature.
Why was the Silk Road important?
It was a trade route for products and ideas.
Wudi’s main goal for China.
Why did the influence of Confucianism grow during the Han dynasty?
Because they wanted to restore old traditions.
One of shin Huangdi’s greatest achievements
Great Wall of China.
An important invention during the Han dynasty.
Country that borders China to the north.