exam Flashcards
DNA is a large molecule made up of a long chain of ______
sub-units called nucleotides
what is each nucleotide made up of?
deoxiribose sugar
phosphate group
organic/nitrogen base
a sugar, like glucose, but with only five carbon atoms in its molecule.
is almost the same but lacks one oxygen atom.
what are the organic bases of DNA?
paired strands are coiled into a spiral
double helix
who discovered the chemical structure of DNA
watson and crick
proteins that perform a function
whats the difference between DNA and RNA?
DNA contains deoxirobose sugar, RNA contains ribose, DNA contains thymine base, RNA contains uracil base
enzyme that breaks the weak bonds holding the 2 strands of DNA molecules together during replication
what type of bond forms between the deoxiribose sugar and the nitrogenous base
enzyme that relaxes DNA molecule exposing the origin of the replication sites for DNA replication
DNA gyrase
how many primers are required on the leading strand during DNA replication?
what enzyme is responsible for adding the RNA primers during DNA replication
RNA primase
what enzyme seals the gap along the newly replicated strands during DNA replication
DNA polymerase 1
replication of DNA results in…
2 new strands, each identical in nucleotide sequence
during protein syntesis this enzyme is responsible for all the nuclear activites
RNA polymerase
this type of DNA is an engineered combination of DNA from 2 diff sources
recombient DNA
to produce DNA fragments, DNA must be cut into smaller pieces by
restriction enzymes
whats the difference between nonsense and a missense mutation
missense change one codon leading to a diff amino acid. Nonsense get rid of or add a codon leading to a “stop” codon or adding another
what is 1 advantage CRISPR technologies have over older restriction enzyme techniques
the cuts with CRISPR technologies are more precise than the cuts with older restriction enzyme techniques
carries protein info from the DNA in cells nucleus to the cells cytoplasm
brings amino acids to the ribosome for protein production
responsible for reading the order of amino acids and linking amino acids together
another term used to describe cell body
what are the types of photoreceptors found in the human eye
rods and cones
lobe of brain responsible for processing visual info
what type of neurons are found in the central nervous system
part of brain that controls autonomic functioning such as heart rate
medulla oblongata
the 3 parts that make up the brainstem
pons, medulla oblongata, midbrain
what part of brain is responsible for long term memory formation
what are the 3 types of neurons
sensory, inter-neurons, and moter neurons
These neurons are attached to stimulus receptors and carry messages to the processing centers of the nervous system.
Sensory Neurons (Afferent Neurons)
These neurons make up the processing centers of the nervous system.
These neurons carry a response message back to either a muscle or a gland.
motor neurons
2 mutagens
radiation and chemicals
2 qualites scientists attempted to engineer into agricultural plants
health benifits and aesthic appeal
what was the goal of the human genome project
to identify the sequence of base pairs that make up human DNA
made up of all nerves (neurons) lying outside of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It functions to maintain homeostasis in the body and is divided into two units: Somatic and Autonomic
peripheral nervous system
consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
central nervous system
controls voluntary (conscious) responses by activating skeletal muscles. It is comprised of two units: sensory and motor neurons
This system prepares the body for stressful situations as it sets off the “fight or flight” reaction.
controls the smooth muscle of the internal organs and glands – the parts of the body outside of conscious control. This division of the nervous system consists of motor neurons only and is made up of two units: sympathetic and parasympathetic system
This system allows the body to restore itself back to its normal resting state after coping with stress.
Parasympathetic System
The largest and most highly developed part of the brain.
It is divided into two large hemispheres (left and right).
controls movement of voluntary muscles which includes walking and speech. It is also linked to intellectual activities and learning.
frontal lobe
associated with hearing, although it also has links with vision, memory and sensory information interpretation.
The temporal lobe
associated with touch and temperature awareness, but it is also linked with emotions and interpreting speech.
parietal lobe
responsible for coordinating messages from the cerebrum. controls the subconscious, skeletal muscle contractions required for movement, balance, posture and muscle coordination.
responsible for coordinating and interpreting sensory information associated with touch, pain, heat and cold.