EXAM Flashcards
* table with factors and disease
* 2 tests and 4 samples to take for clostridium infection
* how are pigs involved in avian flu transmission to humans and what are the effects on human health?
* two pictures (cyanosis of wattles and comb, and enteritis??)- three ddx
* transmission of ORT (describe)
* connect steps of cleaning/disinfection with the description
* symptoms and postmortem lesions of classical Marek (2 for each)
* table to connect postmortem or clinical signs with the disease
Avian influenza virus strains are divided into virus strains
- velogenic and mesogenic
LPAI strains cause … symptoms and a decrease in egg production, while HPAI strains cause… symptoms and high mortality
- low and highly pathogenic
vaccination against avian influenza is in the European Union
- prohibited
people usually get the infection
- from domestic birds
based on clinical signs, it is not possible to distinguish avian influenza from
- Newcastle disease
THE virus can be detected in the organism
- from respiratory tract secretions
-clinical sign:
> neurological signs; extended neck, uncontrollable legs, paralysis
>Avian influenza
>New Castle disease (ND)