exam Flashcards
to not fail
dilation of cervix in order for active labour to occur
an organ that transfers nutrients from mother to baby
umbilical cord
the flexible cord that contains blood vessels and connects the baby to the placenta
the major hormone of breastmilk synthesis and breast feeding
reduces stress and conserves energy, reproductive hormone
pain killer; stress hormone released under pain
waxy white substance; a protective coating that forms on baby’s skin in utero
fine hair, especially that which covers the body and limbs of a human fetus or newborn
what is the ideal temperature of sperm?
3 degrees cooler than body temperature
where is sperm made?
where is sperm stored?
vas deferens
how long does it take for sperm to mature?
70 days
soft spot in the back of a babys head
when the babys head descends into the mothers pelvis
the show
when the mucus plug comes out
6 reasons for cesarian section
- labour is too long and difficult
- baby’s or mother’s health is in danger
- baby is in “breech” position
- problem with umbilical cord or placenta
- baby gets stuck (pelvis is too small)
- mother has STI (baby can contract in birth canal)
what is the average length of a fertility cycle?
28 days
what happens on day 12 of fertility?
estrogen increases
how much of our anatomical structure develops in utero
when is the embryo considered a fetus
week 8
which term refers to the fetus’s position, bum first?
how long do contractions last when they begin
last for 30s
what reaction is part of the rooting reflex when somebody strokes the babys face
move their head in the direction of the touch
how far apart are contractions
10 mins
why are hiccups important
helps the baby develop breathing
true about biological development (growth)
development occurs in an organized, sequential order for everyone
the fundamental principle of maturational development
as we mature, our movements become more precise
reflex: the babys head is turned to one side with one arm stretched out and the other arm bent at the elbow
tonic neck reflex
when a baby is startled by a loud sound
moro reflex
this reflex helps the baby find the breast or bottle to start feeding
rooting reflex
when you stroke a babys palm
palmar grasp
reflex: when the baby takes steps when they are held upright on a hard surface
standing reflex
reflex definition
involuntary movement
Reflex: what is also called the fencing position?
tonic neck reflex
reflex: makes the baby throw back head, extends arms and legs, cries and retracts
moro/startle reflex
what grasp is activated when a baby can pick up an object with an index finger and thumb?
pincer grasp
what concept is active when a child knows that the volume of an object does not change and the shape does?
what is the grasp when a baby holds an object in his or her fists?
palmer grasp
when a kid knows that an object exists even though they cant see it
object permanence
separation anxiety
Unease or discomfort an infant shows when left by their caregiver
head-tail sequence
centre outwards
simple to complex
physical changes we can measure
baby can hold head up when it walks
lines to circles
baby can push up with arms raising head from floor
baby can raise arm before making a fist
orthogenetic or proximodistal
how old is the kid when he or she can lift head and/or chest when lying on tummy
3 months
when they can pull himself up to a standing position
how old is a baby when they can roll over
3-6 months
how old is a baby when they can pull them self up to side of crib
3-6 months
how old is the baby when they
start crawling
6-9 months
how old is the baby when they transfer 1 object from one hand the other
6-9 months
how old is the baby when they start sitting without support
12 months
how old is the baby when they
start rolling a ball
9-12 months
how old is the baby when they can see 8-12 inches away
3 months
how old is the baby when they follow a moving object
3-6 months
how old is the baby when they pick up objects with finger and thumb
9-12 months
which hormone causes contractions
what term refers to the natural termination of pregnancy
what are more than half of all misscarriages caused by
chromosomal abnormailities
what are the three things that keep a fetus warm
lanugo, vernix, mothers body temp
which hormone is involved in breast feeding
what three hormones are active in labour and delivery
endorphins, prolactin, oxytocin