EXAM 1- XENOPHON Flashcards
In what ways does Xenophon admire Cyrus?
Cyrus was very giving, and Xenophon said he was most like a king and the most deserving of an empire. Cyrus wanted the best for his friends, and would help them in any kind of hardship.
What is the main goal of the Greek mercenaries in the story?
To help Cyrus the Younger overthrow his brother Artaxerxes II and become King of Persia.
Who is the leader of the Greek mercenaries?
What is the Historical context of the story?
The events leading to the Battle of Cunaxa in 401 BC, where Cyrus the Younger tried to overthrow his brother Artaxerxes II with the help of Greek Mercenaries
What themes or ideas does the story explore?
Leadership, courage, loyalty, and the motivations of Greek mercenaries.
Who is Clearchus
A friend of Cyrus’, an exiled spartan.
How does Clearchus convince the soldiers to continue working for Cyrus?
By telling his soldiers they should decide carefully what to do next. One of his soldiers suggested they ask Cyrus questions regarding his plans on the war, if they don’t like it they can ask if they can leave in peace.
Why do the Greek soldiers become suspicious of why they are working for Cyrus?
They suspect they are marching against the King. They told Cyrus the Younger that it wasn’t the job which they had been engaged.
Who is Tissaphernes?
A friend of Cyrus’ he played the role of devil’s advocate because he was the sole cause of Cyrus’ plotting against Artaxerxes.
What happend at the battle of Cunaxa?
After Cyrus killed Artagerses, he spotted Artaxerxes. He charged at him and struck him on the breast. As he did this, someone stabbed him under the eye with a javelin. Cyrus was killed.
Who were the 5 generals of the Greek forces in Cyrus’ army?
Agias the Arcadian, Clearchus, Socrates the Achaean, Menon the Thessalian, Proxenus the Boeotian
Queen, wife of King of Cilicians, who gives Cyrus money that he uses to pay his soldiers
Cyrus’ second in command. A Persian. A friend of Xenophon, Cyrus and advises to go by a route that is longer.
Euphrates River
Longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western Asia
What city did Cyrus begin his expedition?
After the Greeks hear the terms from the Persians how does Xenophon characterize Clearchus as a leader?
Someone who disciplines his soldiers.
What happens during the meeting with Tissaphernes? What does the King say?
Tissaphernes tells the Greeks he feels he should guide them to their own country. The king tells Tissaphernes he would consider his request, and told Tissaphernes to ask what the Greek’s purpose is in marching against him. Later, Tissaphernes does guide the Greeks back.
How do the Greeks and Persian soldiers view each other?
They are each suspicious of each other.
How does Clearchus hope to ease the tension and put rumors to rest?
By personal contact; the Leaders are captured and the Captains are killed.
What happens at the dinner?
The Greeks who arrived at Tissaphernes’ tent were massacred, the Persians broke the truce and Ariaeus broke the oath.
How did Xenophon join the army?
He received a letter from Proxenus, saying he could make Xenophon a friend of Cyrus if he went on an expedition against the Pisidians. The expedition was actually against the king.
Who is chosen as the new leader?
Name one reason how the Persians and Greeks are different
The persians would give their loyalty to whoever wins the contest for the crown, the Greeks would give their allegiance to the man whose reason, not his blood, proves his fittest to lead.
After the Greeks hear the terms fromt he Persians how does Xenophon characterize Clearhchus as a leader?
Someone who disciplines his soldiers. Would lend a hand into doing something so his soldiers were ashamed to not be working hard with him.
How did Xenophon join the army?
Xenophon received a letter from Proxenus, an old friend of Cyrus’ saying he could make Xenophon a friend of cyrus too if he went on an expedition. He joined on a false impression, that they were going against the Pisidians.
What does Xenophon say about the gods and treaty-breaking Persians?
He says that the greeks kept their oath to the Gods, while the enemy broke theirs and transgressed the truce. The Gods would be against the Persians and fight with the Greeks
Why is Xenophon confident the Greeks will be saved?
Because of their loyalty to their word to the gods and truce to the Persians
Explain the omen during Xenophon’s speech and how the soldiers interpreted the omen
Someone sneezed during the portion of Xenophon’s speech when they were discussing safety. The Greeks thought it was Zeus that sneezed, and they felt it was a good sign.
What vow did the Greeks make if they were spared
The Greeks agreed to give thank-offerings to the god Zeus for their safety in the place where they first reach friendly soil. They also vowed to offer sacrifices to the other gods to the best of their abilities.
What do you think of Xenophon’s presentation of himself?
I think his presentation of himself is like Cyrus and Clearchus in that he is open to his soldiers about what he thinks is best for them. He treats his soldiers like friends, similar to how Cyrus treated the soldiers. He also tells them they should be more disciplined on each other, so they can be more like Clearchus. Obviously he admired Cyrus and Clearchus or he wouldn’t have taken their leadership skills into account of his own teaching.
What happens with the Persian Mithridates? How are the Persians presented?
They pretend to be friends with Xenophon’s army. They try getting closer to the Greeks and once they do, they attack them with their arrows. They are presented as desperate.
Who has an easier time on their march out of Persia, the Greeks or Persians, and why?
The Greeks, because they did not have to worry about constantly feeding and watering as many horses as Tissaphernes since he had a lot more than them. TIssaphernes also had a lot more men to feed, pay, and shelter, as well.
What helps the Greeks gain some advantage? (CH 3)
Their slings. The Rhodians could sling further than the Persians lingers, and even further than most of their archers. They also planned a new square formation where their baggage and valuables were in the middle.
How does Chirisophus interpret the actions of Tissaphernes and the other Persians setting fire to the villages?
He agrees with Xenophon, who interpets it as Tissaphernes and his army burning the villages as a proof that the land which they stand on is theirs, since the Persians said there would be no burning of the King’s land, and they are burning it as though it wasn’t his.
Why do the Greeks choose to go over the mountains and not cross the river? WHat is the first tribe they encounter in the mountain?
They choose to go over the mountain, because if they crossed the river, there were great numbers of cavalry on the further bank to stop them getting over, and they would have stopped the first people across from doing their jobs. The mountains would allow them to get past the Carduchi then be able to march wherever they please.
ONce they cross the river describe th eTerrain
After they cross the river and reached Armenia, the land was flat with gently s loping hills
With whom do the Greeks make a treaty in this new land?
Tiribazus, who was a personal friend of the King.
What kind of weather do the Greeks start to experience? What trouble does this weather cause?
A lot of snow; It causes the soldiers to get bulimia, and make their journey harder because of frostbite, and having to bring the baggage animals with them.
What warning do the Greeks receive from the Persian prisoner about Tiribazus?
That his plan was to attack the Greeks as they crossed the mountain, in a narrow pass through which went their only possible road.
What made the Greek soldiers refuse to march any longer? How are they convinced to go on?
The cold from thje snow had been causing snow-blindness and frostbite. The soldiers were tired of dragging through the snow.; THey were convinced by Xenophon because of the enemy coming closer.