EXAM 1: Wound Etiologies Pt 1 Flashcards
Etiology of artificial insufficiency
- trauma
- acute embolism
- DM, RA
Thromboangiitis Buerger’s disease
1 cause of arterial insufficiency
- thickening / hardening of arteries
- systemic narrowing of arteries
Explain how arterial insufficiency to becomes an ulcer
arterial insufficiency > intermittent claudication > ischemic rest pain > ulcer
Gangrene & types
when oxygen supply does NOT equal demand, you have cell death
WET: surgery needed
DRY: stable “okay”
Indications for performing an ABI
- decreased or absent pulse
- signs or symptoms of AI
- history of PVD
ABI Result Interpretation (CHART)
- normal
- mild/mod AI
- vessel calcification
- severe AI
- Normal: .9-1.1 okay to debride
- Mild/Mod AI: .7-.9 (VI Ulcer apply compression!)
- Vessel calcification: 1.1-1.3
- Severe AI: <.5 (AI Ulcer NO compression)
Trendelenburg test * not hip drop
- to identify vein incompetence and differentiate between which veins
- supine, leg elevation 45 degrees for 1 min
- note venous distension
- tourniquet to distal thigh
- stand upright and note time for superficial venous distension
- repeat process without tourniquet
tourneqet on : <20 sec = deep perforator vein incompetence
off: <10 sec= superficial vein incompetence
Vein Surgery Terms:
- Ligation
- Stripping
- Sclerotherapy
- Ligation: tying off perforating veins to decrease venous hypertension in superficial veins
- Stripping: surgical resection of superficial varicosities
- Sclerotherapy: injecting agent to close dysfunctional veins
Venous Ulcer Healing Time PROGNOSIS
- 8 weeks
- small ulcers 5-7
- large ulcers 10-16 weeks
(wounds w/o signs of healing in 4 wks should be referred)
target muscle groups and exercises for VI?
ankle PF and DF
Gastroc & soleus stretching
- gait training = + influence on respiratory pumps
Compression Methods
- paste bandage
- short stretch compression wrap
- long stretch compression wrap
- paste bandage : gauze impregnated with zinc oxide, calamine, glycerine and gelatin that hardens to a semi rigid support
- short stretch compression wrap : for up and moving pts
- long stretch compression wrap: for paralyzed patients
Laplace’s Law
Bandage Compression = (tensionlayers appliedconstant) / (limb girth*bandage width)
Explain the function of each layer of compression
inner layer: absorbs excess drainage & provides padding without tension
middle layer: absorbs drainage with tension
outer 1-2: increases pressure with tension
Tubular Compression
Compression Garments
light compression off the shelf
knee highs
LE Compression Standards (classes)
20-30mmHg Class 1 : mild venous insufficiency
30-40mmHg Class 2: mod venous insufficiency
>40mmHg Class 3-4: severe venous insufficiency
Pressure Injury Definition
localized area of tissue necrosis that develops when soft tissue is compressed between a firm surface and underlying body prominence
Classification for pressure injuries
NPUAP Injury Classification
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Pannel Scale