Exam 1 (weeks 1-4) Flashcards
8 dimensions of wellness
- emotional
- spiritual
- intellectual
- physical
- environmental
- financial
- occupational
- social
coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships
expanding our sense of meaning and purpose in life
recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
recognizing the need for physical activity, diet, sleep, and nutrition
good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
satisfaction with current and future financial situations
personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one’s work
developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
life course theory
- health trajectory: how healthy we are can alter our life course
- resiliency: how we respond to our experiences can alter our life course
Richard Lerner Dynamic Systems Theory
5 Cs
- confidence
- character
- connection
- competence
- contribution
- caring
allows for an adaptive sense of self that promotes meaningful success in the future
theory of object relations
- analysis of symbols
- id, ego, superego
- dreams
developmental theory
- 8 psychosocial stages
- development occurs in fixed sequences
behavior theory
- behavior is learned through reinforcement
- shaping
- chaining
- desensitization
cognitive behavioral theory
- what we think determines how we behavior
- thoughts lead to feelings lead to behaviors
- attribution
client-centered therapy
- unconditional positive regard
- client-centered
- humans possess the potential for directing their own growth and development
- reflecting/ open invitation to talk
psychiatric rehabilitation
- atheoretical
neuroscience theory
- how the nervous system is organized, what it looks like, how it operates
- medications
- ACLs
- sensory processing/ integration
- deep brain stimulation
slowed movements, rigidity, impaired balance, fine motor tremors
significant increase in tone in face, neck, jaw… extremely painful
restlessness and inability to sit still
side effects of antipsychotic medications
- bp changes
- sedation
- sexual side effects
- metabolic syndrome and weight gain
- decreased speed of cognitive processing
6 OT practice models
- development of adaptive skills
- role acquisition
- psychoeducation
- sensory integration
- cognitive disabilities
development of adaptive skills
- skills are developed stage by stage
role acquisition
gaining specific skills needed for specific roles
- productivity
- focuses on here and now behaviors
educational approach
- less focus on cognition and more on the development of skills
- goal setting
sensory integration
smooth working together of all the sensory systems
cognitive disabilities
cognitive disability can be subjective
humans have a drive to explore and learn amongst their environment
- volition, habituation, performance
- client centered
- adaptation is the achievement of a good fit between a person and his or her environment
person factors of function (6)
- cognition
- sensation
- communication
- coping
- motivation
- pain
components of environment
- cultural
- physical
- social