EXAM 1 VOCAB Flashcards
What is a prehensile tail?
A tail with the ability to grasp, acts like a 5th limb
What is an opposable thumb?
Thumb movement can operate independently
What is anthropology?
The study of humanity, human behavior
What is anthropological primatology?
study of nonhuman primates, sub field of Anthro.
What are considered captive studies? and what are their advantages/disadvantages?
zoo and laboratories, Advantages: high generalizability (what we find in one area, we can generalize about the other), more typical behavior.Disadvantages: low observability, observer presence, logistical issues (visas, permits), etc.
What is binocular vision?
3D vision
Stereoscopic vision
depth perception caused by overlapping fields of vision.
Neocortex vision
also known as the cerebral cortex; memory, thought, interpretation. 50-80% of brain volume is dedicated to the neocortex. Other mammals have the same size as their brian stem.
Dichromatic vision
Sees green and blue
Trichromatic vision
Sees green, blue, and red (humans)
What are opsins?
Light detectors,color receptors in the cone of the eyes, most mammals only have two types
the action or capacity of smelling; the sense of smell
What is Tapetum lucidum?
Eye shine (associated with those who can see in the night)
Pregnancy duration
Postorbital bar
Bony ring around eye
Postorbital septum
bony plate of the back of the eye orbit
means of ordering biological diversity via a series of commonly accepted names or organisms
Carolus Linnaeus
developed “Binomial nomenclature” translate “genus & species level” traditional system
Analyzes evolutionary relationships using homologous traits that show shared ancestry. Modern Taxonomy system.
What is a derived trait?
Traits that were not passed down from a common ancestor
Homologous traits
Traits that occur in species b/c they reflect shared ancestry
Analogous traits
similar look/ function, but NOT due shared ancestry, instead= evolved independently
What does it mean to be diurnal?
To be active during the day
What does it mean to be nocturnal?
To be active at night
Primarily locomoting on the ground.
Primarily spending time in and locomoting through trees
irregular activity pattern
wet nose
Dental comb
a dental structure found in some mammals (Strepsirrhine primates and tarsiers)
What is the nocturnal monkey?
The owl monkey,
Ischial callosities
Buttpads, used to make sitting on tree branches more comfortable and more easily balanced
Sacculated stomachs
Microbial action → break down plant material, 2nd digestive tract in the gut
Shoulder blades