exam 1 textbook terms Flashcards
endocrine system
the system of the body that produces, circulates, and regulates hormones
highly specialized substances secreted by one or more endocrine glands
organs that stimulate particular parts of the body to respond in specific ways to particular hormones
GnRH neurons
specialized neurons that are activated by certain pubertal hormones
set point
a physiological level or setting that the body attempts to maintain through a self-regulating system
feedback loop
a cycle through which two or more bodily functions respond to and regulate each other, such as that formed by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the gonads
pituitary gland
one of the chief glands responsible for regulating levels of hormones in the body
a part of the brain that controls the functioning of the pituitary gland
the glands that secrete sex hormons, in males the testes in females the ovaries
a class of sex hormones secreted by the gonads, found in both sexes, but in higher levels among males than females following puberty
a class of sex hormones secreted by the gonads, found in both sexes, but in higher levels among females than males following puberty
HPG axis
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal - the neurophysical pathway that involves the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the gonads
the maturation of the adrenal glands that takes place during adolescence
a hormone produced when a person is exposed to stress
a brain chemical believed to trigger the onset of puberty
a protein produced by the fat cells that may play a role in the onset of puberty through its impact on kisspeptin
a hormone secreted by the brain that contributes to sleepiness and that triggers the onset of puberty through its impact on kisspeptin
adolescent growth spurt
the dramatic increase in height and weight that occurs during pubety
peak height velocity
the point at which the adolescent is growing most rapidly
the closing of the ends of the bones, which terminates growth after adolescent growth spurt has been completed
secondary sex characteristics
the manifestations of sexual maturity at puberty, including the development of breasts, the growth of facial and body hair, and changes in the voice
tanner stages
a widely used system that describes the five stages of pubertal development
the time of first menstruation, one of the most important changes to occur among females during puberty
a class of chemicals secreted by animals that stimulate certain behaviors in other members of the species
secular trend
the tendency, over the past two centuries, for individuals to be larger in status and to reach puberty earlier, primarily because of improvements in health and nutrition
cross-sectional study
a study that compares two or more groups of individuals at one point in time
longitudinal study
a study that follows the same group of individuals over time
delayed phase preference
a pattern of sleep charcterized by later sleep and wake times, which usually emerges during puberty
basal metabolism rate
the minimal amount of energy used by the body during the resting stage
body mass index (BMI)
a measure of an individuals body fat, the ratio of weight to height; used to gauge over-weight and obesity
disordered eating
mild, moderate, or severe disturbance in eating habits and attitudes
anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder found chiefly among young women, characterized by dramatic and severe self-induced weight loss
an eating disorder found primarily among young women, characterized by a pattern of binge eating and extreme weight loss measures, including self-induced vomiting
binge eating disorder
an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating that is not accompanied by drastic attempts to lose weight
adolescent health care
a field of study and health care devoted to understanding the health care needs of individuals during the second decade of life
graduated driver licensing
a licensing system in which full adult driving privileges are not granted all at once to teen drivers, but phased over time
deductive reasoning
a type of logical reasoning in which one draws logically necessary conclusions from a general set of premises or givens
the process of thinking about thinking itself
imaginary audience
the belief, often brought on by the heightened self consciousness of early adolescence, that everyone is watching and evaluating ones behavior
personal fable
an adolescents belief that he or she is unique and therefore not subject to the rules that govern other peoples behavior