Exam 1 Study Guide Flashcards
What type of study uses measures that include: counts, proportions, rates, survival
Descriptive Study
What type of study describes or characterizes the distribution of a disease in a specified population during a defined time period?
Descriptive Study
The following strengths are characteristic of what kind of study:
- describes frequency and pattern of health related states or events
- provides critical information for research, prevention and policy
Descriptive Study
The following challenges are characteristic of what type of study?
- impossible to monitor everything ( cost, time)
Descriptive Study
What type of study relates two or more population based measures to examine possible correlates between exposure and disease occurrence?
Ecological Study
What type of study measures exposure and disease independently at the population level. ( not in the same individual). Correlation does not prove causation.
Ecological Studies
The following strengths are characteristic of what type of study?
- describes potentially useful correlations that may warrant further study (hypothesis generating)
Ecological Study
The following challenges are characteristic of what type of study?
- information not at the level of the individual
- ecological fallacy
- cannot demonstrate cause and effect
Ecological Study
What type of study:
- surveys a defined population, usually within a short period of time
- study sample is usually identified without consideration of the distribution of exposure or outcome of interest
- examines distribution of disease and exposure as ascertained in the cross sectional survey
Cross Sectional Study
The following strengths are characteristic of what type of study?
- can stimulate prevalence of disease and/or exposure as well as cross classifications. Estimate can be useful in healthcare planning and delivery
- can be suggestive of risk factors for disease that may warrant further study
Cross Sectional Study
The following challenges are characteristic of what kind of study?
- temporal relation between exposure and outcome is not known, thus can not demonstrate cause and effect
Cross Sectional Study
What type of study is characteristic of the following?
- experimental design: intervention is under the control of the investigator
- participants randomized to receive experimental intervention vs standard intervention (or placebo)
- monitor out come of interest over time
Randomized Controlled Trials
What type of study is characteristic of the following?
- experimental design similar to randomized clinical trial
- subjects are often non-diseased members of a target population and the intervention is often aimed at disease prevention
- unit of randomization is the community/group level (school,hospital,sports team) rather than individual level
Community Trials
What type of study is well suited for studying rare diseases?
Case Control Study
In what type of study are participants selected on the basis of thier disease status?
Case Control Study
What type of study is often used to identify factors that may contribute to a medical condition by comparing subjects who have that condition/disease (the “cases”) with patients who do not have the condition/disease but are otherwise similar (the “controls”).
Case Control Study