Exam 1 ?'s Flashcards
Bone is also the repository for what additional ions?
Sodium Strontium Radium Magnesium Fluoride Lead
What three responses of “living” bone were stressed in class?
It has the ability to heal, to remodel under stressors such as anxiety, tension or pressure and to age
Which bone of the appendicular skeleton is formed by both endochondral and intramembranous ossification?
The clavicle
Difference in the number or morphology of vertebrae within the population on male and female variation is identified as which type of variation?
Sexual dimorphism or gender variation
Differences in the number or morphology of vertebrae within the population based on age or developmental variation is identified as which type of variation?
Ontogenetic variation
Differences in the number or morphology of vertebrae within he population based on ethnicities or locational variation is identified as which type of variation?
Geographic variation or population based variation
Differences in the number or morphology of vertebrae within the population based on the uniqueness between individuals is identified as which type of variation?
Idiosyncratic variation
What is the name given to bone formed from existing bone?
Accessory bone
What is the name given to bone formed in a non-bone location?
Heterotopic bone
What is the name given to an optimum which does not completely penetrate through a region of bone but appears as a blind-ended passageway?
How many bones form the typical adult appendicular skeleton?
How many bones form the typical adult axial skeleton?
How many boners form the typical adult neurocranium?
How many bones form the facial skeleton (splanchnocranium or visceral skeleton)?
14 bones
What is the number of vertebrae in the typical adult?
26 segments
What is the number of vertebrae in the typical spine?
24 segments
What is the length of atypical male spinal column?
About 70 cm or 28”
What is length of a typical female spinal column?
60 cm or 25”
What is the length of the male lumbar region (both measurements)?
About 18 cm or 7”
What organ(s) is (are) specifically associated wit the horizontal axis of the skill?
The eye and the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear
Migration of sclerotomes to surround the notochord forms what developmental feature?
The perichordal blastema
What is the name of the artery located between adjacent perichordal blastema?
Intersegmental artery
Cell proliferation within the perichordal blastema will result in what feature?
A loose cranial sclerotomite and a dense caudal sclerotomite
What forms between the sclerotomite of a perichordal blastema?
The intrasclerotomal fissure (fissure of Von Ebner)
What are the names of the primary centers of ossification for a typical vertebra?
Centrum centers and neural arch centers
What is the classification of the joint forming between secondary centers of ossification and the rest of the typical vertebra?
Cartilage synchondrosis/ ampiarthrosis synchondrosis
What are the names of the sunchondoses forming between secondary centers of ossification and the rest of the typical veterbra?
Tip of the transverse process synchondrosis
Tip of the spinous process synchondrosis
Epiphyseal ring synchondrosis
What will cause the transverse process/ transverse apophysis to alter its intitial direction in the cervical region?
Cervical spinal nerves are pulled forward and downward to form the cervical and brachial nerve plexuses thus remodeling the transverse process to accommodate their new position
What will cause the transverse/ transverse apophysis to alter its initial direction in the thoracic region?
The growth of the lungs remodel the shape of the ribs which in turn push the transverse processes backwards
In the vertebral couple, the part of the vertebra which lies anterior to the zygapophysis is called the _______?
In the vertebra couple, the part of the vertebra which lies posterior to the zygapophysis is called the ____?`
What will form the posterior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
The inferior articular process/ post-zygapophysis, the superior articular process/ pre-zygapophysis, the capsular ligament, and the ligamentum flavum
What will formthe superior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
The inferior vertebral notch or inferior vertebral incisure
What will form the inferior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
The superior vertebral notch or superior vertebral incisure
What will form the anterior boundary of a typical intervertebral foramen?
The vertebral body of the segment above, the vertebral body of the segment below, the intervertebral disc, and the posterior longitudinal ligament
Which of the contents of the epidural space are more likely located near or around the posterior longitudinal ligament?
Anterior spinal canal artery & plexus
Posterior internal vertebral venous plexus
Ligamentum flavum
Recurrent meningeal/sin-vertebral/ sinus vertebral nerve
Hofmann/ anterior dural/ meningovertebral ligaments
What contents of the subarachnoid space are changed below the level C6?
The arterial vasa corona consits of 1 anterior spinal artery, 2 posterior spinal arteries and 3 communicating arteries
What is the name given to the lateral extension of pia mater along the spinal cord?
Dentate (denticulate) ligament
What are the spinal cord enlargement locations and the name given to each?
C3-T1, the cervical enlargement
T9-T12, the lumbar (lumbosacral) enlargements
What is the generic cord level of origin - vertebral level combination for the lumbar (lumbosacral) enlargement?
L1, L2 cord levels in T9 vertebra
L3,L4 cord levels in T10 vertebra
L5,S1 cord levels in T11 vertebra
S2,S3 cord levels in T12 vertebra
What is the caudal end of the spinal cord called?
Conus medullaris
What is the name given to the nerve roots below L1?
Cauda equina
What is the continuation of pia mater below the conus medullaris called?
Film terminate internum
What is the fate of the neural tissue identified along the filum termínale internum?
It joins peripheral nerve roots of spinal nerves as high as L3 and as low as S4
What is the name given to the condition in which the conus medullaris is located below L1 and the filum termínale is thickened?
Tethered cord syndrome
At the intervertebral foramen, what is the relationship between spinal nerve number and vertebral number along the cervical spine?
In the cervical spine, spinal roots exit above the segment they are numbered after (C8 is the exception to the rule)
ex C3 nerve exits above C3 or between C2/C3
What is the relationship between spinal nerve number, rib number and vertebral number in a thoracic intervertebral foramen?
The spinal nerve number relates to the upper segment number in the vertebral couple the rib number relates to the lower segment number in the vertebral couple
i.e. T3 nerve exits the intervertebral foramen formed by T3/T4 and Rib 4 joints with this vertebral couple
What superior surface modification of the posterior arch of C1 is present near the lateral mass?
Groove/ sulcus for the vertebral artery
What is the name given to the modification of the anterior tubercle of the C6 transverse process?
The carotid tubercle
Which vertebrae will have a spinous process angulation of up to 40 degrees?
Which vertebrae will have a spinous process angulation of up to 60 degrees?
What feature is very commonly observed on the lamina of T10?
Para-articular process
Which tubercle on T12 represents the transverse process?
The lateral tubercle
Which tubercle on T12 represents the mammillary process of the lumbar?
The superior tubercle
Which tubercle on T12 represents the accessory process of the lumbar?
The inferior tubercle
What forms the median sacral crest?
Fused spinous processes and their spinous tubercles
What forms the intermediate sacral crest?
Fused articular processes and their facets
What features may be identified along the intermediate sacral crest?
The mammillary process of S1 and the sacral Cornu of S5
What is the name of theinferior opening of the sacral Spinal canal?
The sacral hiatus
What forms the lateral sacral crest?
The fused transverse processes and trance reuse tubercles from S1 to S5
What is the homolog of the superior articular process and facet on Co1?
Coccygeal Cornu
What is present on the head of the first rib?
A single articular surface
What is lacking at the head of the first rib?
The interarticular crest
Is there a crest on the neck of the first rib?
Not a well-developed on elike on the typical rib
Which groove on the body (corpus or shaft) of the firs rib is close to the vertebral end?
The groove for the subclavian artery and the first thoracic nerve
Which groove on the body (corpus or shaft) of the first rib is close to the sternal end?
The groove for the subclavian vein
What are the primary parts of the vertebral end of rib 2
The head, neck and tubercle
What feature may be identified on the head of rib 2?
Two articular surfaces and the inter articular crest
What feature may be identified on the body (corpus or shaft) of rib 2?
The tuberosity for the serratus anterior, the costal angle and the costal groove
What is the appearance of thesternal end of the eleventh rib?
It is somewhat pointed
What helps to distinguish the vertebral end of the 12 rib from other ribs?
The head has a single articular surface, the crest of the neck is poorly developed, the tubercle is absent
What are the 3 histological classifications of joints?
Fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial fluid
Which mammals have more or less then 7 cervical vertebra?
**Less** 2 toed sloth Manatee **More** Ant beat 3 toed sloth
What are th names of the lateral modifications of the superior epiphyseal rim?
Uncinate process, uniform process, uncovertebral process, uncus or lateral lip
What is the joint classification for the uncinate process-lateral groove articulation?
Modified synovial saddle (diarthrosis sellar)
What is the name given to the uncinate process, right and left lateral groove?
Joint of lush ja or uncovertebral joint
The joint of luschka is formed form what surfaces?
The uncinate process and lateral groove