Exam 1 review Flashcards
Definition of “knot”
Fastening by looping length of suture material and tightening by hand or insturment
2 typs of stable knots?
- Square knot
2. Surgeons knot
2 types of unstable knot?
- Granny knot
2. Simple knot
Where can one see an “External knot”
outside body
Where is a “buried knot”?
Inside body
Ideal surgical knot?
No slip, not too much or too little tension, minimal context between tissue and suture material
What is “dishecense”?
Rupture along surgical incision
Breast cancer #1 risk factor?
Being female
Breast cancer #2 risk factor?
History of first-degree relatives with breast cancer
What is a physiological nodularity?
Uneven texture of breast. Granular, nodular, or lumpy.
Is physiological nodularity normal?
Where do breast lymphatics drain toward?
Which node can malignant breast cells spready directly to?
Infraclavicular nodes
Peau D’Orange?
One breast looks like orange peel. BAD!
Paget’s dz and breast ca?
Eczema on one breast concerning for malignancy
Is tenderness suggestive of breast malignancy?
Nope! Malignany masses most likely non-tender.
Clinical Breast Exam how often? Position?
q3y, 20-39 y/o. supine.
Breast Self Exam how often?
Every month after age 20. 5-7 days after menses begins.
Female breast extends from ____ down to ___
clavicle/2nd rib down to 6th rib
Muscles overlying breasts? Overlying inf margin?
Pectoralis major
Inferior margin=serratous anterior
Tail of breast aka?
Tail of Spence
Which breast nodes are most easily palpated?
Central nodes
What is the loose, wrinkled pouch in men?
How many compartments in scrotum?
2 compartments, one testis in each
Covering of scrotum?
Tunica vaginalis
Tunica vaginalis covers posterior scrotum?
Name of tissue covering posterolateral scrotum?
Shape of Epididymis?
Comma shape
What does Epididymis feel like? (hint: what it feels like)
Noduar, soft, cordlike
What is Epididymis site for?
REservoir for storage, maturation, and transport of sperm
How to view Epididymis
Lift up
What sort of test done to any palpable mass of scrotum?
Which 4 scrotal masses do not transilluminate?
- Inguinal hernia
- Varicocele
- Tumor
- Hematoma
Mass while standing which disappears while laying?
Mass while standing which stays while laying?
Listen to mass with stethoscope for bowel sounds (indirect inguinal hernia)
Red glow during scrotal transillumination is likely not what?
Not hernia
Two major types of hernias?
- Inguinal
2. Femoral
Inguinal Hernia when loops of bowel do what?
Force way through weak spots of inguinal canal
2 types of Inguinal Hernia?
- Indirect Inguinal Hernia
2. Direct inguinal hernia
Most common type of inguinal hernia?
Origin of indirect inguinal hernia?
Above inguinal ligament
Course of indirect inguinal hernia?
Into scrotum
What hear in scrotum with indirect inguinal hernia?
bowel sounds
Which hernia responds to “cough and bear down”
indirect inguinal hernia
Direct inguinal hernia rare in who?
Rarely in women
Direct inguinal hernia above what age?
> 40, men
Origin of Direct inguinal hernia?
Above inguinal ligament near public tubercle
What direction does Direct inguinal hernia bulge?
Where does Direct inguinal hernia push side of finger?
Femoral hernia is when bowel pushes through where?
Trough femoral canal weak spots
Origin of femoral hernia?
Below inguinal ligament
Least common hernia?
Femoral hernia
Who gets Femoral hernia more often?
First thing to do in BLS?
Scene safe, shout for help, activate emergency response system, get AED
When to start CPR?
No pulse, gasping w/snoring noises
CPR for adults ratio and rate?
30:2, 100-120 compressions per minute
How often to rotate for adult CPR?
What to do with AED and pacemaker?
Don’t put pads over pacemaker
Rescue breathing for opioid overdose rate?
1 breath every 5 seconds
What to do for opioid no pulse and no breathing?
One person start CPR, one person get AED and naloxone
Wheezing between cought is what degree of choking obstruction?
Can’t talk, cyanosis, high-pitch during inhale is what degree of choking?
Who can and can’t do abdominal thrusts on?
Can=people of average size
Can’t=preggers, obese, infants
Unstable defintion according to ACLS?
No pulse, no breathing, signs of shock, altered mental state, acute heart failure, VTach, VFib
Stable defintion according to ACLS?
Pulse, breathing, stable tachycardia, stable bradycardia
When to do synchronized cardioversion?
Persistent tachycardia with pulse and hypotension/AMS/Shock/Ischemic CP/Acute heart failure
Who to defibrillate? (Hint: only 2 rhythms)
- VFib
2. Pulseless VTach
Which antiarrythmics for tachycardia with wide QRS but otherwise stable?
Adenosine, Procainamide, Amiodarine, Sotolol
Antiarrythmic for refractory VFib and Pulseless VTach?
Can shock PEA and asystole?
Pulse ox for post-arrest care?
Maintain at 94%
Define BRUE
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event
Age of BRUE?
<12 y/o
Is there a clear explanation of symptoms in BRUE?
BRUE consists of resolved episodes of….?
Cyanosis/Pallor, absent/irregular/decreased brathing, hypo/hypertonia, altered LOC
High risk BRUE?
<60 days old, born <32wk gestation w/>42wk corrected, requiring CPR, >1 min event, not first event
Low risk BRUE?
> 60d old, >32wk gestation w/>42wk corrected, no CPR required, <1min event, first event
Tx for high risk BRUE?
Admit for observation, CBC, blood cx, LP, CMP, lytes, ABG, UA, urine CX, echo, ekg, eeg, etc etc
Tx for low risk BRUE?
No admit, pertussis testing, EKG, brief observation, educate family on CPR
Etiology of Nursemaid’s Elbow?
Radial head subluxation (partial dislocation)
Ages of Nursemaid’s Elbow?
Area of true tenderness in Nursemaid’s Elbow?
DX tests needed in Nursemaid’s Elbow?
PE of Nursemaid’s Elbow?
Arm held at side w/slight 130-150º elbow flexion “self splint”
Tx of Nursemaid’s Elbow?
Simple reduction. Palm up, touch hand to shoulder, rotate thumb
How long no lift/twist after Nursemaid’s Elbow reduction?
2-3 days
Fever up to 12 weeks?
Fever over 3 months?
Fever w/source, well-appearing, <28d?
Full work up. CBC w/diff, blood cx, urine cx, UA, LP, CXR
Fever w/source, well-appearing, 1mo-90d?
All but LP if had 2 mo immunizations
CBC w/diff, blood cx, urine cx, UA, CXR
Fever w/source, well-appearing, 3mo-1yr?
Tx source, consider CBC w/diff, blood cx, urine cx, UA.
CXR only w/cough
Fever w/source, well-appearing, >3yr?
No further work up
Fever without source, well-appearing, <28d?
Full w/u
CBC w/diff, blood cx, urine cx, UA, LP, CXR
Fever without source, well-appearing, 1-3 mo?
Full workup, +/-LP
CBC w/diff, blood cx, urine cx, UA, CXR
Fever without source, well-appearing, >3 mo?
CBC w/diff, UA, urine cx
Cough=Blood cx or CXR
Fever and ill appearing neonate?
Setic until proven otherwise
Worry for fever and ill appearing in 30-90d?
Yes, worry
WHat age are fontanelles fused by?
- “Almost entire size”
When to perform neuro exam for LP?
Before and after LP
Where is LP done? (Hint: 2 sites)
L3-L4 or L4-L5
Why is LP done where it’s done?
Below spinal cord, in cauda equina
What to do if his bone with LP needle?
Move caudally (down)
What to do if his bone with LP needle and already moved caudally?
Move cephaled (toward head)
Neutrophils in CSF means?
Bacterial infx
Lymphocytes in CSF means?
Viral aseptic meningitis
Normal RBC in CSF?
What causes increased RBC in CSF?
Traumatic tap, SAH
Xanthochromia is what?
Yellow/orange discoloration in CSF. Product of RBC lysis. Can mean SAH.
Normal glucose in CSF?
Low glucose in CSF means what? (hint: 4)
- Bacterial meningitis
- sarcoidosis
- syphillis
Glucose levels in CSF when viral?
Serum glucose and CSF glucose?
Serum hyperglycemia may mask depressed CSF glucose to always check serum CSF
Normal protein range in CSF?
Elevated protein range in CSF?
> 45
Percent of CSF gram stain being false negative?
Gram negative dipococci in CSF which bacteria?
N. Meningites
Gram negative bascilli in CSF which bacteria?
H. Flu
Gram positive cocci in CSF which bacteria? (hint: 2)
Strep or staph
CSF cultures take how long?
Normal opening pressure in lateral recumbant position?
CSF opening pressure >30 can mean? (hint: 2)
- Bacterial infx
2. Pseudotumor cerebri
How many tubes of CSF collected in LP?
How many mL collected in LP?
Tubes and traumatic LP tap?
If RBC in #4 > than in #1=traumatic tap
Cobalt Blue Filter used with what to check for eye problems?
Flourescein can help find what sorts of eye problems?
Abrasions, ulcers, superficial punctate, leratitis
Herpes Zoser Opthalmicus effects which nerve?
V1 nerve (Trigeminal)
What are seen on the V1 dermatome in Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus?
Dendritic epithelial lesions
What is Hitchinson’s Sign (part of Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus)?
Tip of nose has rash
Acute onset, red, discharge, stuck eye lip is which problem?
Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Pseudomembrane, subepithelial infiltrates is which eye condition?
Viral Keratoconjunctivitis
Excoriation and inflammation at base of penis is which condition?
Scabies of penis
Is Chancre painful of painless?
Chancre is a lesion of what?
Primary Syphilis
Chancre is a lesion of Primary Syphilis and which bacteria?
T. Palladium
T. Palladium incubation period?
Chanchroid painful or painless?
Painful, deep ulcer?
Chanchroid from which bacteria?
H Ducrey
H. Ducrey causes Chanchroid in what period post-exposure?
3-7 days
What is Hydrospadias?
Urethral opening in area other than tip of penis
Majority of breast masses detected by who?
Female herself
Quadrant where are a majority of breast masses found?
Upper outer quadrant
Where does the Tail of Spence point toward?
Which pattern is the most validated for breast exams?
Vertical strip pattern
What mental health question to ask post-preggers?
About depression
External genetalia, batrholinns gland, utrthra, skenes
What does the multiparous os look like?
Not around, more linear
Nulliparous os looks like?
Small and perfectly round
Speculum exam before or after bimanual exam?
Gyn exams in which position?
What does a normal prostate feel like?
Rubbery, non-tender
What if prostate feels firm?
Firm and bumpy prostate?
Think cancer
What sort of pain with hernia?
Referred pain (Esp in indirect hernia)
Descibe pain in indirect hernia? Swelling?
One-sided pain in testes, scrotal swelling
When to defer rectal exam in adults?
If Asx
Thunderclap, slap onset HA from what? “worst HA of life”
Subarrachnoid Hemorrhage
MA, nuchal rigifity, +kernig or brudzinski’s, petechial rash?
Kernig sign?
Pain with fip and knee flexion
Burdzinski’s sign?
Neck flexes and causes hips and knees to flex
What to use to guide LP in obese?
How to rule out headbleed before LP?
CT scan!
What sort of pain can occur to nerve root after LP?
Radicular pain
Name of intralaminar space where “pop” is heard in LP?
Ligamentum flavum