exam 1 random pbio Flashcards
Dry, short grassland found in places with too little water for forest.
Moving logs down a river, the only cheap way to move wood. Kept the forest clearance near rivers.
The indian culture of the Ohio River Valley. Cleared small plots near villages.
Broad arrow
The mark the Royal forest surveyors put on trees to identify them as Crown property. This was widely flaunted by opportunistic New Englanders.
Richard Coote, Earl of Belomont. The King’s agent assessing the effectiveness of forest protection in New England.
William Matlack
A poor settler in the Middle Atlantic states who was eventually successful in putting together a large farm.
Log jam
The logs get jammed up, and do not go down the river. One of the weaknesses of rivers for log transport
Hanging Rock
An iron-making region in southern Ohio. Required clearance of large areas of forest.
A primitive shelter used by settlers before they could build themselves a cabin. The first stage of forest clearance.
Center of French America. An imperial competitor who kept English colonists out of the center of the continent (for a while).