Exam 1 (Pain Management) Flashcards
Visceral Pain
Throbs, aches, and is generalized
Caused from cervical changes, distention of lower uterine segment, uterine ischemia
Primarily occurs in 1st stage of labor
Located over lower abdomen
Somatic Pain
Intense, sharp, burning, well localized pain
Resulting from stretching & distention of perineal tissues
Also from distention & traction on peritoneum & uterocervical supports/lacerations of soft tissues
2nd stage
Referred Pain
Pain from uterus radiates to abdominal wall, lumbosacral are, iliac crests, gluteal area, down the thighs.
Physical Consequences of Pain
Increased catecholemine levels Increased BP & heart rate Hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis) Pallor & diaphoresis Increased gastric acidity
Emotional Consequences of Pain
Fatigue Anxiety Lessened perceptual field Writhing Crying Groaning Gesturing Entire body muscular excitability
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Physiologic Factors)
Hx of Dysmenorrhea
Painful Period.
Increased pain in labor d/t increased prostaglandin level
Endogenous opioids secreted by pituitary gland – act on CNS & PNS to reduce pain
Factor Influencing Pain Response (Culture)
Based on cultural expectations
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Anxiety)
Increased levels of anxiety increase catecholamine secretion = more pain stimuli reaching the brain. Anxiety starts a pattern of ineffective laboring.
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Previous Experience)
Nulliparous - increased general sensory pain
Multiparous - greater sensory pain in 2nd stage
Gate-Control Theory
Pain messages to brain are impeded by other focused messages being sent. Only so many can travel at one time. Is a method of distraction to block pain stimuli signals from reaching brain.
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Comfort)
Most important to this is a good nurse and support person
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Support)
Continuous support during L&D will yield better outcome of mother & baby.
Ability to make decisions about labor influences pt experience.
Overall support helps relieve pain and improve outcomes.
Factors Influencing Pain Response (Environment)
Accommodate woman as much as possible with familiar home items
Nonpharmacologic Management of Discomfort
Childbirth Preparation
Lamaze, Dick-Read method & Bradley methods most common in the US.
Bradley methods
No medical attention
Allows women conserve energy for birth.
Uses attention focusing and distraction.
Bring a favorite object
Breathing is key
Focus on her “Happy Place”
Conscious Breathing
Support person tells woman when to breathe.
Begin with deep cleansing breath and end with final deep cleansing breath with paced breaths in between.
Signs of hyperventilation: light-headedness, dizziness, tingling of fingers, or circumoral numbness.
Paper bag
Rate no more than twice the normal respiratory rate.
Panting breaths - prevents pushing before cervix fully dilated.
Around the mouth numbness indicates?
Light abdominal stroking in rhythm with contractions.
Steady pressure applied to sacral area by support person with fist or heel of hand that assists in relieving back pain from OP fetal positions.
Relaxes patient reducing stress, anxiety, and perception of pain