Exam 1 Material Flashcards
What are the three major groups of implants?
1.Sub-periosteal 2.Transosteal 3.Endosteal (3a. Palate form 3b. Root form)
Who discovered osseointegration? What material did he use?
Titanium is resistant to corrosion and spontaneously forms a coating of ________, which is stable, biologically inert and promotes the deposition of a mineralized bone matrix on its surface.
titanium dioxide
Achieving osseointegration! Avoid: Over _________ of the site–gap between the bone and the surface of the implant is too large
Achieving osseointegration! Avoid: Overheating the site KEEP BELOW ___ DEGREES CELSIUS!
Achieving osseointegration! Avoid: Micro motion of the implant during the _______ phase
Achieving osseointegration! Avoid: _________ of the implant surface prior to placement
Achieving osseointegration! Avoid: this came up 1 million times today- AVOID LESS THAN __ mm of healthy bone on the buccal and lingual
1 mm
How long do you need to have an implant heal before restoration on the MAXILLA?
6 months
How long do you need to have an implant heal before restoration on the MANDIBLE?
4 months
After healing- signs of success…Fixture is clinically stable -NO _______
After healing- signs of success… No peri-implant _________
After healing- signs of success… No ____, infection or other pathology in the hard or soft tissue
After healing- signs of success…**Mean marginal bone loss is LESS THAN ___mm in total after ___ years OR vertical bone loss was LESS THAN ___mm annually following the implant 1st year of service.
Less than 1.5mm after 3 years…..0.2 mm
Success rate by location- Maxillary Posterior
90% (worst-1.less dense bone 2.higher forces from proximity to TMJ)
Success rate by location-mandibular posterior
Success rate by location-maxillary anterior
Success rate by location- mandibular anterior
Bone quantity- _____ implants have a higher failure rate
Bone quality-Poor quality bone type ___ has a higher failure rate
Type IV (least DENSE)
What type of bone is best to place an implant?
Type II (like half trabecular bone and half cortical bone)
Implants placed in the anterior mandible : excellent ________ because the cortical bone is thick and the trabecular bone is very dense
Implants placed in the ________ : less effective anchorage because the cortical bone is thin and the trabecular bone is not very dense.
posterior maxilla
Indications for implants: Inability to wear ______ or complete denture
Indications for implants: Need for long span ____ with questionable prognosis
Indications for implants: _______ tooth loss that will require preparation of minimally restored teeth for FPD
What is the largest contraindication to implant placement?
uncontrolled diabetes
How long should you wait post radiation therapy before placing an implant?
6 months
Bone loves a ______ surface and soft tissue loves a ______ surface.
bone=rough….soft tissue = smooth
Cool- some of the initial titanium ______ spray surfaces were excessively rough and giant cells and macrophages were seen phagocytizing portions of the surface.
MP-1 HA Coating is a type of implant coating containing highly ______ hydroxyapatite
What is the newest type of osseointegrating finish on the implant that Zimmer and Straumann use (and ASDOH uses)?
Trabecular metal
Trabecular Metal Material is made of _______, element number 73 in the periodic table. It is a highly biocompatible and corrosion- resistant metal
Most studies indicate that the bone appositional index (amount of bone contact with the surface of the implant) achieved is greater with ______ surfaces as compared to _______ surfaces
ROUGH vs machined
The bioreactive surface of HydroxylApatite Coatings leads to more rapid osseointegration. At _______ following placement the bone appositional index is close to 70% for HA coated implants compared to 30-50% for original titanium surfaces (machined and TPS)!!!
This analysis revealed that 95.2% of machined Ti threaded implants and 97.92% of HA-coated threaded implants were successful, while ____% of HA-coated cylindric implants experienced less than 2 mm of bone loss (P
99%!!!….5 years
****Avoid the use of implants less than ___ mm in length and ___mm in diameter when restoring POSTERIOR quadrants.
10mm in length…..4mm in diameter
With a narrow diameter implant what type of effect can wreak havoc on the success of your implant?
cantilever effect
Cantilever forces lead to ________ and overload the bone anchoring the implant.
screw loosening
We can eliminate the cantilever effect by using ______ diameter and ______ implants…
If small diameter implant (
AGAIN, We need at least ___mm of bone thickness on Buccal and lingual side of the implant
What type of titanium is the Branemark system? Which is WEAKER: Pure titanium or titanium alloy?
Pure Titanium……Pure titanium is WEAKER than titanium alloy!
What was the method used for making 3 consecutive implants stronger with pure titanium? (no longer used)
staggered pattern
What is more susceptible to failure: straight or angled?
Angled is more susceptible to failure
Several studies showed that ______ loading concentrated clinically significant stresses around the neck and at the tip of the implant
Another common theme: implants should be placed so that occlusal loads can be directed _______ in the POSTERIOR quadrants.
In the _____ region, anatomic necessity precludes implant placement perpendicular to the occlusal plane.
In the anterior, we don’t have to place the angle of the implant axial because forces to incise food are ____ the amount of the posterior.
implant overload is rarely seen in the ______ regions.
What are the 2 dimensions of cantilevers?
B/L and M/D
If the OCCLUSAL tables are too _____, B and L cantilever forces lead to these 3 things:
WIDE…..1.Prosthesis failure 2.Screw failures 3.Implant overload and bone loss
AVOID B and L cantilevers by ________ the occlusal table on the posterior teeth.
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): Place implants _________ to the occlusal plane
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): Place implants in proper tooth _______
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): When in doubt, always add the _______
third implant
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): AVOID the use of ________
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): Control the _______ factors (cusp angles, width of the occlusal table)
Strategies to avoid implant overload (posterior): Avoid use of _____ implants (less than ___ mm)
Rule of thumb:
Rule of thumb: > ___mm of bone - 2 implants to replace 3 teeth
> 13mm of bone
What is the main issue with external hex design?
abutment screw loosening
The internal hex connection virtually ELIMINATES rotational _______ and micro-movement
Posterior : splint in the posterior regions thanks to improved anti-________ features may make non- splinted posterior restorations more routine.
Can you connect a natural tooth to an implant? Why?
HELL NAW! “bening load” of the fixed tooth
What do we use to check occlusion with an implant prosthesis?
SHIM STOCK-we want a lighter contact. When pt bites down hard should hold the stock, when pt closes normally stock should drag out
Where do you place centric contacts over a implant prosthesis?
OVER the screw access hole
Is it ok to have working and balancing contacts on an implant crown?
NO, eliminate working and balancing contacts
What is a really bad contraindication that requires an occlusal guard?
fracturing of natural teeth! not good for implants!
For profile and lip support what type of denture is best?
an overdenture
***What type of restoration works best for 8-9mm of space from the crest for the ridge to the incised edge?
PFM or regular type crown
***What type of restoration works best for 15–20mm of space from the crest for the ridge to the incised edge?
A hybrid or fixed denture
What is more esthetically challenging? A high smile line or a low smile line?
high is more challenging
What is the ideal thickness of keratinized tissue over the implant area?
Can we work with unattached mucosa?
Yep, attached is preferable but we can work with unattached
Distance from crest of ridge to occlusal plane: _______: 8-10 mm
Fixed complete denture (hybrid prosthesis): ___-___ mm
15-20 mm
Posterior single crown or fixed partial denture: Minimum ___ mm
Anterior single crown: Space between opposing tooth & implant abutment should be adequate for the type of restoration being fabricated. Minimum ___ mm for metal ceramic crown or all ceramic crown.
A minimum of ___ MIO should be available for instrument access
**What is the MINIMUM implant to tooth distance?
1.5mm to 2mm
**What is the MINIMUM implant to implant distance?
*****What is the MINIMUM distance between and implant and the mental foramen?
For mandibular fixed detachable prosthesis (hybrid) the inter-foraminal distance should be adequate to place __-__ implants
4-5 implants
Usually not a problem as the average inter-foraminal distance is about ___ mm
47 mm
What yields better esthetics? flat, thick gingiva or scalloped gingiva?
flat, thick gingiva
For proper inter-dental papilla in the anterior- how much room do you need from crest of the bone to the contact point?
There should be at least ___mm space between the implant surface and adjacent tooth to maintain the inter-proximal bone.
Anterior implant: __mm lingual to the final facial surface for build up of porcelain and __-__mm placement of the implant apical to the CEJ of the final crown
QUIT SMOKING! ______ before and _____ after
1 week before….8 weeks after placement