Exam 1- Man & Sin Flashcards
Define the Imago Dei
Amazing Ability and Awesome Responsibility to Make Visible the Invisible Attributes of the Creator and Redeemer.
What are the 3 theories of Procreation and Origin of Immaterial Aspect
- Pre-existence
Spirits exist before incarnation - Creationist
God creates each soul immediately (directly) and places it in the body at conception - Traducian (Latin: carry over)
Humans are procreated as unitary beings
OT Soul
Soul (nepesh): The soul is the living individual, not in an indestructible spiritual substance, but in concrete, needy, physical life
OT Spirit
Spirit (ruach): It refers to the vital powers or strength of a person. It speaks of the human affinity for God.
OT Flesh
Flesh (basar): Flesh is the physical form of living and the proper medium of spiritual and personal life.
OT Heart
Heart (leb): The heart is the focus of the personal life, the reasoning, responding, deciding self. It is the deepest center of the person.
NT Body
Physical Whole of a Human or Animal
Organic Whole, Group Considered Collectively
Person Turned Outward in Action
NT Soul
Soul (psuche) describes the person as a
created being
living according one’s natural existence,
especially in reference to the inner life.
NT Spirit
Spirit refers to the whole person committed to God, moved and motivated by God, in fellowship with God.
NT Heart
Heart (kardia) The human person as emotional, intellectual, volitional, moral, religious, etc.
It is used to denote that which is central and vital in human nature.
NT Mind
Mind (nous) The human person as knowing, thinking, judging self-determining, responsible, etc.
In many contexts mind connotes one’s outlook on life, what is called “world-view” today.
Define Dichotomy – Trichotomy
Spirit = God-consciousness, spiritual capabilities
Soul = affections, desires, reason, emotions, will, self-consciousness
Body = World-consciousness, physical sensory capabilities: feel, taste, smell, hearing, vision
Gerry’s view of a person
1 Unity of Person
2 Duality of Essence that Interact Closely in Life
3 Complexity of Function and Relation (heart, mind, spirit, soul, bone, blood, etc.)
4. Humans are
Spiritual (related to God and spiritual beings)
Physical (actions)
Emotional (feelings, affections, passions)
Intellectual (beliefs, ideas, imagination, reason, perceptions, images, memories). Volitional (intentions, decisions, choices)
Vocational (calling, purpose)
Family (heritage, nuclear, extended) Social (friends, relationships, culture)
Define Work
Work is the gracious expression of YHWH’s creative energy in service of others to create Shalom.
What is the definition of a real man?
A real man accepts responsibility, leads courageously, rejects passivity, serves lovingly, honors authority, and expects the reward of God.