Exam 1 - Lecture 4 Flashcards
Durham-Humphrey Amendment info
- Establish criteria for distinguishing RX vs OTC drugs
- Legally established oral RX & Refills
- Didn’t contemplate Electronic RX but federal/state law permits
- Exempts pharmacy label on dispensed drugs from section 502
- Specifies min info that dispensed RX label must contain
- Expiration or BUD on RX label required pursuant to state laws
Label requirements that aren’t exempt from Section 502
- Label must not be misleading
- Drug dispensed must not be imitation drug
- Drug must not be sold under name of another drug
- Packaging and label must confirm to official compendium standards
- If drug subject to deterioration, must be packaged and labeled appropriately
- packaged in conformance with PPPA
Legend Drugs (RX only)
- Unsafe for use except under the supervision of a practitioner because of the toxicity, the method of use, or the collateral measures necessary to use the drug
- Subject to the new drug application (NDA) approval process
Mass Law for Prescription Labels
M.G.L. c 94 C Section 21
Patient Package Inserts basic info
- FDA approved prescription drug labeling
- developed by manufacture, approved by FDA
- some PPI is voluntarily submitted by manufacturer and approved by FDA, but distribution not mandated
Patient Package Insert - when given?
- required to be dispensed with specific products or classes of products
Medication Guides
- paper handout that come with many prescriptions
- contain FDA-approved info that can help patients avoid serious adverse events
- developed by manufacturer, approved by FDA and required to be given to consumers each time medication is dispensed
Medication guides required with certain prescribed drugs and biological products when FDA determines that….
- certain information is necessary to prevent serious adverse effects
- patient decision-making should be informed by information about a known serious side
- patient adherence to directions for the use of a product are essential to its effectiveness.
Off-label prescribing info
- prescribing and dispensing is legal under FD&C Act
- required professional eval of risk vs benefit
- courts generally regard labeling as evidence toward the standard of care but bot as prima facie established the standard of care
Examples of unapproved uses of approved drugs?
- The drug used is for a disease or medical condition that it is not approved to treat, such as when a chemotherapy is approved to treat one type of cancer, but healthcare providers use it to treat a different type of cancer
- The drug used is given in a different way, such as when a drug is approved as a capsule, but it is given instead in an oral solution,
- The drug used is given in a different dose, such as when a drug is approved at a dose of one tablet every day, but a patient is told by their healthcare provider to take two tablets every day.
Standards for Prescription Format and Security
105 CMR 721
- Updates partial fill requirements for Schedule II prescriptions, consistent with federal opioid legislation (The SUPPORT Act)
- Requires all prescriptions for controlled substances (few exceptions) and devices to be generated and transmitted through federally compliant electronic prescribing systems.
Exceptions to Standards for Prescription Format and Security
- Excludes all Schedule VI medications for Schedule VI-only prescribers;
- Prescriptions issued in response to a declared public health emergency, diseases dangerous to public health, or other urgent public health matter.
Required Elements of a Prescription
- Reg number of practitioner
- Date of issuance of RX
- Name, Dosage, strength per dose unit and quantity of dose units
- name/address of patient
- Directions for use, inc cautionary statements
- statement indicating number of refills
- if Schedule 2, not saying pt can fill amount less than full quantity
Exceptions to Name/Address requirement of prescription
except in a veterinary prescription or a prescription for expedited partner therapy issued in accordance with 105 CMR 700.003(J), in which case the patient, and the address may be left blank;
or in the case of a prescription for naloxone the person taking delivery of the naloxone may be used in place of the name of the patient, and the address may be left blank;
Valid signature requirement
- An electronic signature that meets the requirements of 105 CMR 721.031 shall have the full force and effect of a handwritten signature on a paper-based written prescription.
- A paper-based written prescription must be written and signed by the practitioner in accordance with M.G.L. c. 94C, § 23 and 105 CMR 721.000.
- 2018 Amendments- Fail Over- allows Schedule VI computer-generated fax prescriptions to be valid oral prescriptions (excludes those determined by the Commissioner to carry a bona fide potential for abuse (currently, this determination applies to gabapentin only).
Electronic prescriptions must be validated and authenticated
- Federal law leaves it up to the states to determine who may prescribe independently or in collaborative practice.
- Scope of authority as determined by the state for prescribers who are not MDs or DOs is important for pharmacists to know.
Prescriptive Authority issues
- Federal law leaves it up to the states to determine who may prescribe independently or in collaborative practice.
- Scope of authority as determined by the state for prescribers who are not MDs or DOs is important for pharmacists to know.
M.G.L c94C Section 19.
Prescription for a controlled substance to be valid shall be issued for a legit medical purpose by a practitioner acting in usual course of professional practice.
Responsibility for proper prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances shall be upon the prescribing practitioner but a corresponding responsibility shall rest with the pharmacist who fills the prescription.
Prescriptive Authority is…
ability to issue written or oral prescriptions or medication orders
Advanced Practice RNs (APRNs)
- certified nurse practitioner (CNP),
- certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA),
- psychiatric clinical nurse specialist (PCNS);
- certified nurse-midwives (CNM)
- Clinical nurse specialists are not authorized to register for prescriptive practice *
Do NP still need supervising in mass to prescribe?
Which APRNs need to be in written guidelines with a supervising physician?
Certified nurse practitioners
Psychiatric clinical nurse specialists
certified registered nurse anesthetists
Special info certified nurse midwives?
must practice within healthcare system and be in a clinical relationship with an OB-GYN
How many states don’t requires NPs to practice independently?
CDTM requirements
- written agreement
- authorized pharmacist
- permitted practice settings
Written agreement for CDTM
written and signed agreement between pharmacist with training and experience relevant to the scope of the collaborative practice and supervision physician that defines the collaborative practice.
review and renewal on a biennial basis
Requirements to be authorized pharmacist CDTM
- Hold current license
- Have $1m in liability insurance
- PharmD or 5 yrs experience
- Complete 5hrs of CE dressing areas of practice related to collab practice additional to other CE req
- Apply to participate in medical assistance program admin
Permitted practice settings and exceptions for CDTM
- Hospitals
- Long-term care
- Inpatient/outpatient hospice
- Ambulatory care
- Collaborating pharmacist in a retail drug business
• Limited to patients that are 18+
• Extension by 30 days of current drug therapy
• Asthma, COPD, diabetes, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, CHF, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis & Comorbidities
• C6 substances only
Limitations for CDTM in retail?
- Limited to patients that are 18+
- Extension by 30 days of current drug therapy
- Asthma, COPD, diabetes, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, CHF, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis & Comorbidities
- C6 substances only
Authority to Dispense Prescription Drugs
- FD&C Act does not specify who may or may not dispense prescription drugs
- Rest with the States
- Massachusetts – M.G.L. c 94C §9 (b) administering and dispensing of controlled substances in course of professional practice