Exam 1 Flash cards
means by which we explore and learn from the world
Summary of Piaget
Psychologist from switzerland who summarized that his scientific study of general revelation unites science and truth
Schemata or Schemes
patterns of actions or mold into which we pour our experiences (mentally)
Organized ways of making sense of experiences
How do chemes change with age
First schemes: sensorimotor action patterns
Later: deliberate and creative
What learning?
Learning is active, not passive
What are two processes of Scheme evolution?
Assimilation and Accommodation
What is well-adapted intelligence?
Equilibration-Equal balance of the two (Assimilation and Accommodation)
How does adaptation build schemes?
Through direct interaction with the environment
How does assimilation build schemes?
By using current schemes to interpret the external world
How does accommodation build schemes?
Adjusting old schemes and creating new ones to better fit the environment
When and what is the sensorimotor stage?
Birth to 2 years and it is building schemes through sensory and motor exploration
What is included in infant/ toddler cognitive development?
Reflexes and growth of intentional actions, development of imitation, and achieving object permanence
What sensorimotor substage happens between birth and 1 month?
Reflexive schemes
What sensorimotor substage happens between 1 -4 months?
Primary circular reactions
What sensorimotor substage happens between 4-8 months?
Secondary circular reactions
What sensorimotor substage happens between 8-12 months?
Coordination of secondary circular reactions
What sensorimotor substage happens between 12-18 months?
Tertiary circular reaction
What sensorimotor substage happens between 18 months- 2 years?
Mental representation
Challenges for Piaget’s Theory?
Intentional actions, imitation, intentional learning, and object permeance
What is object permanence?
Understanding objects continues to exist when out of sight
How is object permanence revealed?
By retrieval of hidden objects and by tasks involving invisible displacement
How can one identify if awareness is not yet complete for object permeance?
A-not-B search error
What is the violation-of-expectation method?
Renee Baillargeon, Habituation followed by expected event vs. unexpected event
How is longer looking at unexpected interpreted?
As a violation of expectation suggesting some form of object permeance
What are the internal depictions of mental representation?
Images and Concepts
What does mental representation permit?
Advanced object permeance, deferred imitation, and make-believe play
What is the work of imitation with Andy Meltzoff?
Newborn imitation of facial gestures
What is the deferred imitation for 6 weeks?
imitates facial expressions
What is the deferred imitation for 6-9 months?
copies novel actions with objects
What is the deferred imitation for 12-14 months?
imitates rationally
What is the deferred imitation for 14-18 months?
imitates actions that are intended but not completed
What are the capacities that developed earlier than Piaget suggested?
Object permanence, deferred imitation, and problem-solving by analogy
What are the capacities that developed when Piaget suggested?
Object search, A-not-B , and make-believe play
What is the core knowledge perspective?
Babies are born with a set of core domains of thought:
innate, special purpose knowledge systems, permit a quick grasp of related information, and support early rapid development
What are the suggested core domains of thought for babies?
Physical. lingustic, Psychological, and numerical
What is the mind as the information processor model?
Development is continuous not stage-like, and more descriptive than theoretical
What is the computer analogy model?
Attention-encoding, and memory and categorization-storage and retrieval
What is the sensory register for information processing
Sights and sounds are represented directly, stored briefly
What is the short-term memory store?
attended-to information is retained briefly and “worked” on
What is working memory?
number of items that can be briefly held in mind while engaging in some effort to manipulate them
What is a long-term memory?
Permanent knowledge base
What improvements are made in the cognitive System?
Increase in basic capacity of memory stores and increase in speed with which information is worked on.
What cognitive gains happen with attention?
improved efficiency, ability to shift focus, less attraction to novelty, and improved sustained attention
What cognitive gains happen with memory?
Longer retention intervals, and development of recall by after 6 months
What cognitive gains happen with categorization?
the gradual shift from perceptual to conceptual categorization in toddlerhood
What is perceptual?
first categories are based on physical properties and by 6 months, babies categorize on basis of two correlated features
What is conceptual?
Shift to categories based on common function or behavior and cultural differences in the development of categories (language)
What is Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory?
-Social influence affects mental strategies
-complex mental activities develop through joint activities with more mature members of the child’s society
What are environmental issues that impact cognition?
Quality of home life and daycare
What is the zone of proximal development?
tasks too difficult for a child to do alone but possible with help of more skilled partners
How are features of a high-quality home life tested?
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME)
What is the Empiricist theory of language development?
Environment determines language through trial and error and reward and punishment
What is the Nativist theory of language development?
Innate Language Acquisition Device (LAD) contains universal grammar and infants biologically prepared to learn language
What is the Interactionist theory of language development?
Interaction between inner capacities and environmental influences
What is the social-interactionist view?
Emphasizes social skills and language experiences
What are the components of language?
Grammar which contains phonology, morphology, semantics, and syntax
What are the structural units of language?
Phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences
What are the universal stages of production?
Crying and cooing, Babbling, and patterned speech
What does comprehension proceed?
How can you support early language learning with infants?
Respond, establish joint affection, play social games, teach sign language, infant-directed speech
How can you support early language learning with toddlers?
Engage in joint make-believe and frequent conversations, read often, and talk about books