Exam 1 Deck Flashcards
Health Benefits of Physical Activity
Lower Risk of:
Reduction of:
Lower Risk of:
Dying Prematurely
coronary artery disease
type 2 diabetes
high blood pressure
Reduction of:
abdominal obesity
feelings of depression and anxiety
Helps in:
weight loss, weight maintence, prevent weight gain
Improve immune function
Improve quality of sleep
Improve cognitive function
Moderate intensity examples:
Vigorous intensity examples:
Moderate intensity examples:
Water Aerobics
Tennis (doubles)
Vigorous intensity examples:
Race walking or jogging
Tennis (Singles)
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors are
Age: Men >45 Women > 55
Family History: Heart disease, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before 55
Cigarette smoking
Blood Pressure - Systolic BP>130
Diastolic >80
Lipids - LDL >130
HDL - <40 men or <50 women
Blood Glucose - >100
Body Mass Index - > 30
waist circumference - >102 for men and >88 for women
Physcial Inactivity - Not attaining 500 - 1000MET
High HDL - >60
ACSM Physcial Activity Reccommendations
Aerobic Activities
Healthy Adults -
Duration - Intensity - Freqeuncy
Older Adults -
Duration - Intensity - Freqeuncy
Healthy Adults -
Duration - Intensity - Freqeuncy
30 min - Moderate 3.0- 6.0 METS - Min 5 days
20 min - Vigorous > 6.0 - Min 3 days
Duration - Intensity - Freqeuncy
30 min - Moderate 5 or 6 on a 10pt - Min 5 days
20 min - Vigorous 7 or 8 on 10pt - Min 3 days
ACSM Physcial Activity Reccommendations
Muscle Strengthening Activities
Healthy Adults - Intensity - Frequency in days
Healthy Adults - Intensity 8RM- 12RM 8-10 exercises
Frequency in days - >more than 2 days
BP Calculations
Normal - <120 / <80
Elevated - 120-129 / <80
Stage 1 Hypertension 103-139 / 80-89
Stage 2 Hypertension - >140 / >90
Reference Measures of Physical Components
Cardiorespiratory endurance - Direct measurement of VO2 max
Muscular strength - Maximal force or torque
Body Composition - Kg or percent body fat
Bone Strength - Bone mineral content and bone density
Flexibility - ROM at joint (degrees)
Balance - NONE
Types of training to improve fitness with these components
Cardiorespiratory Endurance -
Muscular Strength and Endurance -
Bone Strength -
Body Composition -
Flexibility -
Balance -
Cardiorespiratory Endurance - Aerobic Exercise
Muscular Strength and Endurance - Resistance Exercise
Bone Strength - Weight bearing high impact aerobic exercise and resistance exercise
Body Composition - Aerobic and resistance exercise
Flexibility - Stretching Exercise
Balance - Balance Training
Physical Activity
Intentional, voluntary movement
directed toward achieving an
identifiable goal.
a form of PA that is planned, structured, repetitive, and
performed with the goal of improving health or fitness
General Adaptation Syndrome
Adaptation to a stressor (stimulus)
* Beneficial
* Not (maladaptation)
Metabolic Equivalents (METs) and RPE for
Moderate-intensity aerobic activity =
Vigorous intensity activity =
Ratio of the person’s working (exercising) metabolic rate to the resting metabolic rate
Moderate- intensity aerobic activity = 3.0-6.0 METs
5 or 6 on 10 point RPE scale
Vigorous intensity activity = >6.0 METs
7 or 8 on 10 point RPE scale
Which statement best defines moderate-intensity aerobic activity?
a. an effort that is 3 to 6 METs
b. an effort that is more than 6 METs
c. an effort that is more than 85% of maximum heart rate
d. an effort that causes very rapid breathing and profuse sweating
a. an effort that is 3 to 6 METs
Dose-Response Relationship
Benefits depend on VOLUME of physical activity:
Preliminary Health Evaluation
Detect presence of or suggestion of disease
Assess likelihood of unexpected cardiovascular event
related to exercise or PA
Use questionnaires and data from clinical tests
1. Questionnaire information
2. Clinical test data
CV disease – Hypertension
CV disease – Hypercholesterol & Dyslipidemia
Diabetes Mellitus
Obesity & Overweight
Metabolic Syndrome
Musculoskeletal disease & disorders
Aging & Cognitive performance
Which of the following is the first phase in the general adaptation syndrome?
Exhaustion Phase
Alarm Phase
Resistance Phase
None of the above
Alarm phase
A high level of which classes of lipoproteins is desirable and though to be protective against coronary heart disease?
a. Chylomicrons
b. hdl
c. ldl
d. Very low density protens
a and c
HDL - good cholesteral
ACSM Requirements Preparticipation Health Screening 3
Person must be cleared by a doctor before starting physical activity
1) Identify persons current level of physical activity
2) Presence signs or symptoms
3) Desired exercise intensity
Medical History Questionnaire is to find out…….
Understand personal and family medical
Identify previous diagnoses and
symptoms of diseases within the past
Determine need for medical clearance
Identify contraindications to exercise
Absolute vs. Relative Contradictions to start exercise
Absolute - no nothing can happen until clearance
Ex: Acute myocardial infraction
Relative - with some clearance we could all them to exercise
Ex: Known Obstructive left main coronary artery stenosis
Cuffless Blood Pressure Assessment
As of 2021
There was not standard validation procedures for these apps
Heart Rate - What is tested?
Electrocardiogram - What is tested or watched?
Ventricles depolarize and repolarize
Physical Fitness
the ability to perform, without undue fatigue
Components of Physical Fitness
- Cardiorespiratory endurance (4, 5)
- Musculoskeletal fitness (6, 7)
- Body weight and composition (8, 9)
- Flexibility (10, 11)
- Balance (12)
Purpose of Testing 4 Steps
Assess each fitness component
- DEVELOP physical fitness profile
- IDENTIFY strengths and weaknesses
- SET realistic and attainable goals
Track progress
Readjust as needed - Use specific test data for precise exercise prescription
Testing Order
Muscular fitness
Resting BP and HR
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Body composition and balance
- Resting BP and HR
- Body composition and balance
- Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Muscular fitness
- Flexibility
Test Validity
Select assessment method that is accurate
Validity coefficient should be ≥ .80
Small SEE
Good sensitivity and specificity
Test Reliability
reproducible, repeatable with similar results
High reliability coefficient: ≥ .90
Poor reliability = poor validity
Good reliability ≠ good validity
Test Objectivity
similarly trained technicians get similar results when
assessing the same client
High objectivity coefficient: ≥ .90
direct measurement of VO2max is the best measure for determining
aerobic fitness or cardiorespiratory endurance.
direct measurement of maximal force and torque is the best measure for determining
Muscular Strength
direct measurement of FFM or %BF is the best measure for determining
Body Composition
direct measurement of bone density is the best measure for determining
Bone Strength
direct measurement of ROM at joint is the best measure for determining
Prediction Equation Evaluation
Reference measure used?
Sample size?
Ratio of sample size to predictor variables?
Multiple regression coefficient (Rmc) and SEE?
When administering a test a client must be informed to?
Timely pretest instructions for client
Food and beverage
Refrain from strenuous PA prior to test
Rest the night before
Test administration: be well practiced
Following testing…
Interpretation is IMPORTANT
7 Basic Principles of Program Design
Specificity of training
Initial values
Interindividual variability
Diminishing returns
Examples of Interindividual variability
Gender and age
Example of Diminishing returns
When what use to work to make you lose weight doesn’t work anymore
Example of Initial values -
person less fit will have more gains
3 Exercise Program Adherence
Learn what motivates your client
Implement strategies to avoid attrition
Help Client adopt behavior modification techniques
Stages of Program Progression
Initial Conditioning - 1-6 weeks
Improvement - Last 4 - 8 months
Maintenance - Add variety and activities of interest to the client
The three volumes of training is
Common Models of Behavior Change
Behavior Modification Model
Health belief model
Self determination theory
Behavior Change: Commonalities of Models
Actively involve
Use of technology to promote physical activity will
decrease sendentary time at work
Absolute VO2
Not relative to body mass (L/min)
Relative VO2
Relative to body mass (mL/Kg/min)
If given 45 mL/Kg/min and want VO2 max you should
divide 45/3.5METS to get the correct number
1Liter is how many mL
1000 mL
If I have my Gross Relative VO2 and I want my Gross absolute VO2 what do I do
take the gross relative answer and convert from mL/Kg/min to L/min
Speed is measured in
not mph
its measured in m/min so always convert
3 Testing Procedures at a doctor are
Blood Pressure
1.) <60bpm
2.) 60-100 = normal
3.) >100 bpm = tachycardia
Heart rate
Types of Questionnaire’s and Screening
PAR - Q+
Informed consent
Medical History
5 Days a week
30 min a day
How many METS per week?
6 x 5 x 30 = 900 METS/WEEK
Continuous training
Is continuous like bicycling or swimming